
Writing and Publishing Resources:

Why Academics Stink at Writing
by Steven Pinker, Chronicle of Higher Education, September 2014

Advice on Structuring an Article for Publication
by Christine Bose

Carving Articles from Big Research Projects
by Lisa Brush

Ten Tips on How to Write Less Badly
by Michael Munger, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2010

Responding to an R&R
by Lisa Brush

Reviewing a Manuscript
by Lisa Brush

Tips for Reviewing
by Patricia Yancey Martin,  ASA 2010

An Essay on the Art of Reviewing
by Myra Marx Ferree

Reviewing Articles for Writers and Journals Outside the US
by Bandana Purkayastha

From Sociology Dissertation to Book
Professional Workshop, ASA 2009

From Dissertation to Book
Chronicle of Higher Education, April 2011

The Path to Writing Your First Book
Stanford University Press Blog, 2015

Proposal and Grant Writing Resources:

Workshop on Scientific Foundations of Qualitative Research
by Charles Ragin, Joane Nagel, and Patricia White, (NSF 2004)

Workshop on Interdisciplinary Standards for Systematic Qualitative Research
by Michèle Lamont and Patricia White, (NSF 2009) 

How to Find Out How to do Qualitative Research
by Howard S. Becker, 2009

How Do We Talk to Each Other? Writing Qualitative Research for Quantitative Readers
by Inda Liska Belgrave, Diane Zablotsky and Mary Ann Guadagno
Qualitative Health Research 12; 1427, 2002

Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, National Institutes of Health

The Art of Writing Proposals
Social Science Research Council

Demystifying the Dissertation Proposal
Chronicle of Higher Education

NOTES from Feb 16, 2012 Workshop on Writing Dissertation Proposals
presentation by Myra Marx Ferree, notes courtesy of Kellea Miller

September 9, 2010 (Myra Marx Ferree)

EXAMPLES of a Successful Research Proposals

Grant Databases:


Grants Information Collection at UW

Professional Resources:

Making a Difference in Academe, Eric Grollman (1/2016)

Advice on Surviving Academic Conferences, by Wendy Christenson (8/2014)

Advice for People Starting New Jobs (Pam Oliver)

The Non-Academic Job Market (Megan Shoji)

Sociologists for Women in Society

ASA Sex and Gender Section

Carework Network

Feminist/Activism Resources:

Feminist Blogs

Graduate School Admissions/Applicant Resources:

Useful commentary on the graduate school admissions process (gleaned from faculty commentary and gathered by a Sociology professor who has served on a number of admissions committees)