Random Responses


Selected e-mails received about my website

Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.  Build a peculiar webpage, and some people will randomly run across it and e-mail you, which is always fun.  This page is reserved for some of the e-mails I have received from people previously unknown about various parts of my website.


-----Original Message-----
From: [deleted]
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 2:27 PM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu
Subject: TOTALLY NUTS????

i really really really, liked the "totally nuts" icecream, it was mine and
my husbands favorite one, if you still have it out there, please let us know
where we can get it at. We live in Missoula MT, If you don't make it
anymore ,,,,,WHY???????? it was the nuttiest.

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank [mailto:deleted]
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:36 PM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu


I would do almost anything for a karaoke version of in these shoes. I’ve heard of an instrumental demo version from England, but it’s impossible to find. Is there anything I could do to obtain a copy of yours?


-----Original Message-----

From: [deleted]
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 1:05 PM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu
Subject: Advertising Inquiry


My name is [deleted] and I'm writing to you from AllPosters.com - The World's Largest Poster and Print Store. I noticed that you are linking to other websites and I thought that you might be interested in joining our Affiliates Program. You can earn up to 25% commission on all sales from your website; plus you can choose from over 100,000 images to add to your site for free.

Below are some examples of our posters.

[additional material deleted]

-----Original Message-----
From: [deleted]
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 5:30 PM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu
Subject: sugar free flavors??

I have enjoyed many flavors of your luscious ice creams and yogurt since our local super markets have been selling them. However, now I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes..so I can never again each your products. Is there any chance that you might be working on a "sugar-free" ice cream? I believe that either Breyers or Dreyers already have sugar-free flavors. I am anxiously awaiting your reply.

-----Original Message-----
From: [deleted]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 12:08 PM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu
Subject: Question for you ...

Hi there! I stumbled upon your website by accident
... nearly illiterate internet user that I am. I have
enjoyed it!

I have a question for you - I heard this question on
the radio while driving around town but didn't hear
the answer. I thought you might know what it would

Q: What English word has two synonyms that are
antonyms to each other?

I hope to hear from you, even if it's to tell me you
don't have time to find the answer (that wouldn't
offend me at all).

Have a great day,

-----Original Message-----
From: [deleted]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 2:42 PM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu
Subject: ideal karaoke songs

Hey! My name is Leah and I've been searching for Kristy Maccoll's In These
karaoke music forever! If you have it it would be amazing if you could
send it to me because I'd like to sing it for a talent show at my school...so
please get back to me as soon as you can!! Thank you soooo much!!!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Gates [mailto:BillGates@worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:40 AM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu
Subject: Web Site

I was checking out your web site ,and was trying to set one up myself.....you did a great job...

[JF: you would think that Bill Gates could just pay me to do it.  While I don't come that cheap, you would still think he could afford it.]

-----Original Message-----
From: [deleted]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 9:10 PM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu
Subject: (no subject)

I so love your web page. Unbelievable!

You know what though?, I have been looking for one word that encompasses this

When someone makes a word up that is not found in the dictionary, what is
that called. I already know what malapropos means and that's not the word
I'm looking for.

Please Help!
Thanks so much.

-----Original Message-----
From: [deleted]
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 3:43 PM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu
Subject: Welcome to Mayberry.

Love your hometown pride pages. Manson? Madison? What's the difference?

Just one little quibble: I, too, grew up in Manson. Doug & Faye [JF: my eldest siblings] were classmates & I played a lot in your house & yard. The middle of nowhere? If so, I'd rather be nowhere than a host of other places. Hope to meet you someday.

-----Original Message-----
From: [deleted]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 6:31 PM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu
Subject: your list

Hi Jfreese,
I came across your site while looking for applications of nonscientific
usages of the term macaque for a translation I am doing. Although it is
a common scientific term, it was also used pejoratively in the French
colonies in Africa (sort of to mean "baboon" or "ape" in reference to
the Africans). I don't know whether that means that the word would be
verboten in certain contexts, I guess it would unless one were talking
strictly scientifically.

[JF: I never knew this!  Having no desire to offend someone, I deleted "macaque" from my list of favorite words.]

-----Original Message-----
From: [deleted]
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 4:25 AM
To: jfreese@ssc.wisc.edu
Subject: Ben & Jerry's Marketing Data Needed!

Hello Jeremy Freese,

My name is [deleted]. I am an MBA student at Wayne
State University in Detroit. I am currently doing a
group project for my marketing strategy course, and we
have chosen to analyze Ben & Jerry's marketing
strategy. In my numerous internet searches, I came
across your website

I found it very entertaining, by the way, and "Elmer
Fudge" sounds sooo gooood. Anyway, I was wondering if
you had any marketing data on B&J that you could share
with me and my group members.

You can e-mail me any data that you have in an
electronic format, or you can fax the information to
my fax at work

Anything that you can send will be appreciated!
Thank you very much!

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Whatever is original is copyright © 2003 by Jeremy Freese.
All rights reserved. All wrongs reversed.

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