Freese's Pieces


Miscellaneous materials on this website that may seem unrelated to its manifest mission

  1. Page devoted to my rural Iowa roots.
  2. Page devoted to my efforts to invent a new Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor.
  3. Contest to explain a magnet that utterly baffles me.
  4. Ever-growing list of the quotations I've used in my signature file since starting my job here at UW.
  5. I've now put my dissertation online as being available for one to download (page link to 1.5 MB file).
  6. Exciting photographs of my office (for remote friends who clamor to know what it is like)
  7. Page of photographs of my family and me, etc..
  8. List of my favorite words to say or hear
  9. Page of some selected e-mails I've received from strangers about my webpage. 
  10. Annotated version of the homily that I delivered at the wedding of Rob Clark and Amy Kroska.  My answer to the question, "What do you do when you are asked to be the speaker at a completely secular wedding ceremony between two close friends who are also sociologists?"
  11. My dramatic reading of "Summer Is," a poem tacked to the bulletin board of the laundry room of my apartment complex, Summer 2000.  (1.2MB wav file).  Or my dramatic reading of "Understand", a poem by 14-year old prodigy Danny Watson that won a Parade magazine contest.  My reading of this poem moved my pal Barb "Donut" Halpenny to tears (652 KB wav file).
  12. Palindrome party invitation from my graduate school days (especially timely to post in 2002).  Also, the invitations for what will likely be my lone stints hosting a  bridal shower and hosting a virtual baby shower.


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Whatever is original is copyright © 2003 by Jeremy Freese.
All rights reserved. All wrongs reversed.

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