


Below is the e-mail that I sent to persons whom had requested a copy of my dissertation, which includes the link to the file.

If you are getting this e-mail, it means that at one time or another I have received an inquiry from you regarding obtaining a copy of my dissertation. I have been dilatory about assembling a .pdf file that contains the whole thing, but I do now have this together. It's about 1.5MB, which is why I don't send it along as an attachment. My procrastination also probably reflects some misgivings that I readily admit about the final product, especially that the ultimate critical-to-constructive ratio was substantially higher than I had both intended earlier in the project and than I would produce in a subsequent book I might attempt to write based on it (a prospect about which I waver). And, my thoughts on some matters have also changed a bit in the year since I finished writing this. But, anyway, it is what it is, and if you want to check it out, here's the link: [click here for the pdf file].


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