Meeting Schedule

September 25, 2024
  • Race & Ethnicity Workshop. Elizabeth Wrigley-Field. "Three Ways of Looking at Black/White Mortality Disparities in the United States"

    September 25, 2024 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
    8108 Sewell Social Sciences Building UW Madison

     Elizabeth Wrigley-Field. "Three Ways of Looking at Black/White MortalityDisparities in the United States". Note: Presenter will be on Zoom. You may attend on Zoom or in person in #8108. Elizabeth tells us that she is seeking comments on the paper and/or presentation.


    Everyone agrees that U.S. Black deaths happen sooner thanwhite deaths on average, but it is surprisingly challenging to find the bestways to summarize, quantify, and compare this gap. This talk argues that thereare three main strategies for doing so, only one of which is what mostquantitative social scientists would readily recognize as a measurementstrategy. Distributional approaches quantify population death rates orlifespans, and there is a proliferation of new, creative methods for doing so.Action-based approaches benchmark Black excess deaths against other deathsthat, often, are a greater social priority to prevent; they carry normativeforce but also implicitly take eradicating disparities as the primary goal,which sometimes distorts judgments. Meaning-based approaches attempt to measurelosses—to decedents, their survivors, and the world—that follow from excessBlack deaths. These losses range from lost votes and cultural production totraumatic proximity to death to lost chances for reconciliation. I show howeach approach offers new empirical and theoretical opportunities to betterunderstand unequal lifespans; meaning-based approaches, in particular, canoffer new perspectives on longstanding disparities.

    A copy of the paper has been circulated to the workshop email list. You may contact or to obtain a copy of the paper if you are not on the workshop email list.  Elizabeth is looking for comments on the paper but will also make an oral presentation so she can receive comments from people who have not had time to read the paper. 

    We are meeting in person in room 8108 Sewell Social Sciences every two weeks on Wednesday at 10:30 to 12. You are also welcome to attend by Zoom. Contact or if you would like to make a presentation at this workshop or gain more information. 

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 939 3684 2532
    Passcode: 505036

    Workshop website:

    See more details

October 9, 2024
October 23, 2024
November 6, 2024
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