Soc 626 Organizations

Arguments about what is the best form of movement organization, competition between organizations, professionalization.

  • * GJ pp165-168 overview of organizations; box defines key terms.
  • Lecture Notes on main points of these readings (and others)
  • * GJ15 John McCarthy and Mayer Zald. Social Movement Organizations. (From “Resource Mobilization and Social Movements.” American Journal of Sociology 82 (May, 1977): 1212-1242.) This selection emphasizes organizational concepts and summarizes the resource mobilization perspective.
  • *GJ16, . Elisabeth S. Clemens. Organizational Repertoires (From Organizational Repertoires And Institutional Change: Women’s Groups And The Transformation Of U.S. Politics, 1890-1920) This selection emphasizes organizational choices and how they evolve through political action.
  • *GJ17. Transnational Environmental Activism (From Politics Beyond The State: Environmental Activism And World Civic Politics): Paul Wapner.
  • *GJ18. Affinity Groups And The Movement Against Corporate Globalization (From After Seattle): William Finnegan. Affinity groups and decentralized organizations are a growing phenomenon.
  • P. Bert Klandermans. 1990. “Linking the ‘Old’ and the ‘New’ Movement Networks in the Netherlands. In Russell J. Dalton and Manfred Kuechler, eds., Challenging the Political Order, pages 122-136. Alliance and conflict systems in multi-organizational fields.
  • Suzanne Staggenborg. 1988. “The Consequences of Professionalization and Formalization in the Pro-Choice Movement.” American Sociological Review 53 (Aug): 585-606. Professionals and entrepreneurs are different roles. Entrepreneurs found movement organizations, professionals stabilize them. Comparative study of many organizations.