Collections: The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives on States and Social Movements

  • Burstein, P., R. L. Einwohner, et al. (1995). The Success of Political Movements: A Bargaining Perspective. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 275-295.
  • Aminzade, R. (1995). Between Movement and Party: The Transformation of Mid-Nineteenth-Century French Republicanism. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 39-62.
  • Dalton, R. J. (1995). Strategies of Partisan Influence: West European Environmental Groups. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 296-323. 69 groups in 10 countries, compare relations to parties.
  • DellaPorta, D. and D. Rucht (1995). Left-Libertarian Movements in Context: A Comparison of Italy and West Germany, 1965-1990. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 229-272. international influences, relations to parties, declining radicalism as they gain influence.
  • Jenkins, J. C. (1995). Social Movements, Political Representation, and the State: An Agenda and Comparative Framework. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 14-35. general theory, conception of state central to social movements.
  • Jenkins, J. C. and B. Klandermans (1995). The Politics of Social Protest. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 3-13. opening essay.
  • Kriesi, H. (1995). The Political Opportunity Structure of New Social Movements: Its Impact on Their Mobilization. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 167-198. discussion of different characteristics of states which help or hinder movements; western Europe.
  • Opp, K. D., S. E. Finkel, et al. (1995). Left-Right Ideology and Collective Political Action: A Comparative Analysis of Germany, Israel, and Peru. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 63-95. Quantitative analysis of political orientation and protest.
  • Misztal, B. and J. C. Jenkins (1995). Starting from Scratch Is Not Always the Same: The Politics of Protest and the Postcommunist Transitions in Poland and Hungary. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 324-340. Different conditions affect relation between political reform and economic reform; spread of movement from weaker to stronger regimes.
  • Maguire, D. (1995). Opposition Movements and Opposition Parties: Equal Partners or Dependent Relations in the Struggle for Power and Reform? The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 199-228. discusses why movements & parties need each other and what the dangers are.
  • Nollert, M. (1995). Neocorporatism and Political Protest in the Western Democracies: A Cross-National Analysis. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 138-164. Comparisons. Argues that neocorporatist states not only meet needs, but repress protest.
  • Wallace, M. and J. C. Jenkins (1995). The New Class, Postindustrialism, and Neocorporatism: Three Images of Social Protest in the Western Democracies. The Politics of Social Protest: Comparative Perspectives On States and Social Movements. J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN, U of Minnesota Press: 96-137. Analysis of who supports protest; postindustrialism mostly.