The NSFH was designed to provide a broad range of information on family life to serve as a resource for research across disciplinary perspectives. A considerable amount of life-history information was collected, including: the respondent's family living arrangements in childhood, departures and returns to the parental home, and histories of marriage, cohabitation, education, fertility, and employment. The design permits the detailed description of past and current living arrangements and other characteristics and experiences, as well as the analysis of the consequences of earlier patterns on current states, marital and parenting relationships, kin contact, and economic and psychological well-being. Interviews were conducted in 1987-88, 1992-94, and 2001-2003.

Sample Design

Introductory Files

Web-Accessible Data (variables, frequencies distribution, extraction and simple tabulation facility)

Content Outlines Wave 1 Wave 3
Codebooks and Data Access Wave 1 Wave 3




Working Papers

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National Survey of Families and Households
Center for Demography
University of Wisconsin
1180 Observatory Drive, Rm 4412
Madison, WI 53706-1393
Phone: (608) 262-1537
Fax: (608) 262-8400


Last modified on June 15th, 2005