PA 974, Section 001: Monetary and Financial Policy in the Wake of the Financial Crisis

This site provides resources for students in PA 974 at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for Fall 2012 Semester

Source: Adrian and Ashcroft, "Shadow Banking: A Review of the Literature," FRB NY Staff Reports No. 580 (Oct. 2012).

Syllabus | Important Dates | Downloadable Course Materials and Information Sources | Robert M. LaFollette School of Public Affairs | Department of Economics

LECTURE: STERLING 1313, Thursdays 10:55 AM - 12:50 PM

Professor Menzie Chinn
Office Hours: T 2:30-3:30, R 3-4. Office: 7418 Social Sciences Bldg.
Phone: (608) 262-7397
email: mchinn at

Course Syllabus

PA974 Syllabus in PDF file.

This course will cover the basics of monetary policy, finance and financial regulation in the context of the post-Financial Crisis economic environment. Specific topics including how the money supply is controlled, the role of the banking system, and the implications for analyzing macroeconomic fluctuations. The course will also address the basics of asset pricing. A portion of the course will address the analysis and implications of financial regulation. Some discussion of how monetary policy and financial regulation is conducted in emerging market and developing economies will be included. Prerequisites: PubAffr 854, Econ 302, or equivalent.

Important Dates

Course Materials and Sources of Economic Information

Downloadable Course Materials

Required Readings

News Reports

Additional Optional Readings

Tracking the Crisis and Recession

News Sources


Economics and Economic Policy Links

International Organizations

U.S. Government Agencies

Current and Historical Data


PA 974-001 Monetary and Financial Policy in the Wake of the Financial Crisis / UW Madison / / 12 December 2012