Economics 330: Money and Banking

This site provides resources for students in Economics 330 at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for Fall 2006 Semester

Figure 1: Ten year-three month spread, in percentage points, monthly average of daily data (blue line), and spread as of 10/20 (red square). Recessions shaded in gray.
Source: St. Louis FRED II, NBER, and author's calculations.

Syllabus | Important Dates | Downloadable Course Materials and Information Sources | Department of Economics Robert M. LaFollette School of Public Affairs |

LECTURE: MW 4-5:15, 5206 Social Sciences Building

Section 301: R 3:30, 4322 Social Sciences, TA C. Baba
Section 302: R 2:25, 6232 Social Sciences, TA C. Baba
Section 303: R 9:55, changed to 122 Ingraham from 330 Education, TA C. Baba
Section 304: R 11:00, changed to 6310 Social Science from 1263 Comp S&ST, TA C. Baba
Section 305: F 9:55, 490 Van Hise, TA D. Nam
Section 306: F 11:00, 4308 Social Sciences, D. Nam
Section 307: F 8:50, 4322 Social Sciences, D. Nam
Section 308: F 1:20, 6112 Social Sciences, D. Nam

Professor Menzie Chinn
Office Hours: MW 2:30-3:30
Office: 7418 Social Sciences Bldg.
Phone: (608) 262-7397
Home Page

Teaching Assistants
Chikako Baba
Office Hours: Tu 10-12
Office: 7222 Social Sciences Bldg.
Phone: (608) 262-1983
email: cbaba at wisc dot edu

Deokwoo Nam
Office Hours: F 12:10-01:10; 02:10-03:10
Office: 6473 Social Sciences Bldg.
Phone: (608) 262-1003
email: dnam at wisc dot edu

Course Syllabus

Econ 330 Syllabus in PDF file .

Economics 330 is a course in money and banking. The course will focus upon the theoretical and empirical aspects of the role of monetary policy in macroeconomic stabilization and economic growth. The determination of short and long term interest rates and exchange rates will be examined at length. The institutional structure of central banking and of bank financial intermediation in the U.S. will also be discussed. Prerequisites: Economics 101 and 102 or 111. Economics 302 is recommended.

The textbook is Frederic Mishkin, The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets 8th Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2006) available at the University Bookstore. Additional readings from the WWW will be assigned during the quarter.

Important Dates

Course Materials and Sources of Economic Information

Downloadable Course Materials

Additional Assigned Readings

News Reports (optional)

News Sources

Weblogs and Perspectives

Economics and Economic Policy Links

International Organizations

U.S. Government Agencies

Current and Historical Data

Economics 330 Money and Banking / UW Madison / / 27 December 2006