Jeremy's Natural Habitat


Jeremy's Natural Habitat (i.e., my office)

Okay, so various friends have not gotten around to visiting Madison but wonder what kind of office I have fashioned for myself here.  So, upon the spur of the moment (the moment being that of figuring out how to get my spifftacular new digital camera to work), I took these photographs.  I thought about sprucing the place up a bit, but was able to rationalize off this chore with the idea that the pictures would capture what my office truly tends to look like in the middle of the week in mid-semester (taken 11/28/2001, around 1:10pm).  I took the photographs by standing as far back as I could in each corner.  Hopefully I will come up with more adornments for the office in the future, so maybe I'll turn this into something dynamic where you can watch the burgeoning aesthetic of my office evolve.


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Whatever is original is copyright © 2003 by Jeremy Freese.
All rights reserved. All wrongs reversed.

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