Multiple quizzes in one page

Some text…he dynamic graph shows values of (ANN~FACTOR) plotted against the reduction factor (RED) and age, where for plotting purposes we use a common age (x=y).
[WpProQuiz 1]
More text… dynamic graph shows values of (ANN~FACTOR) plotted against the reduction factor (RED) and age, where for plotting purposes we use a common age (x=y).
[WpProQuiz 2]
More text

[WpProQuiz 3]

Try a likelihood problem

Poisson Likelihood 156
You are given:
(i) The number of claims follows a Poisson distribution with mean ( lambda ).
(ii) Observations other than 0 and 1 have been deleted from the data.
(iii) The data contain an equal number of observations of 0 and 1.
Calculate the maximum likelihood estimate of ( lambda ).
[WpProQuiz 53]

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