Special Case 1. Cause-Specific Death Model

In this special case, we might let

  • 0 means alive
  • 1 means Ischaemic heart disease (12.6%)
  • 2 means Cerebrovascular disease (9.7%)
  • 3 means Lower respiratory infections (6.8%)
  • 4 means HIV/AIDS (4.9%)
  • 5 means Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (4.8%)
  • 6 means Diarrhoeal diseases (3.2%)
  • 7 means Tuberculosis (2.7%)
  • 8 means Trachea/bronchus/lung cancers (2.2%)
  • 9 means Malaria (2.2%)
  • 10 means Road traffic accidents (2.1%)
  • 11 means Death to other causes

To give you a sense of their relative importance, the numbers in the parens ((cdot)) represent the percentage of deaths according to the World Health Organization in 2002. (Source: Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortality_rate.)

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