Joint Life and Last-Survivor Annuities and Insurances – Discrete

Start with a generic time until failure (T) that may be a function of one or more lives.

Define the curtate time until failure (K = [T]), where ([cdot]) denotes the greatest integer function. Then,
Pr(K=k) = Pr( k le T < k+1) = F_T(k+1) - F_T(k). end{eqnarray*} Special Case. Joint Life Status. In this case (T=T(xy)), and so (K) may be denoted as (K(xy) = [T(xy)]). We may also think of the curtate random variable as (K(xy) = min(K(x), K(y))). This has probability mass function begin{eqnarray*} Pr(K=k) &=& ~_{k+1} q_{xy} - ~ _k q_{xy} = ~ _k p_{xy} - ~_{k+1} p_{xy} & =& ~ _k p_{xy} q_{x+k:y+k} equiv ~_{k|} q_{xy} . end{eqnarray*} For insurances, we have the first-to-die insurance begin{eqnarray*} A_{xy} = mathrm{E~} v^{K(xy)+1} = sum_{k=0}^{infty} v^{k+1} ~_{k|} q_{xy} . end{eqnarray*} This is the EPV for a payment of 1 at the end of the year of the first death among (x) and (y). For annuities, we have begin{eqnarray*} ddot{a}_{xy} = mathrm{E~} ddot{a}_{overline{K(xy)+1}|} = sum_{k=0}^{infty} v^k ~ _k p_{xy} . end{eqnarray*} This is the EPV for a payment of 1 at the beginning of each year while both (x) and (y) are alive. [previous][next]

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