* Encoding: windows-1252. GET FILE='Z:\public_web\SPSSworkshops\data\Employee data.sav'. *Frequencies and Crosstabs. frequencies. /* ERROR */ frequencies variables=gender minority. frequencies variables=gender minority /barchart. frequencies variables=gender minority /barchart=percent(100) /order=variable. frequencies variables=all /format=dfreq limit(7) /barchart=max(7) /* Warnings */ /order=variable. crosstabs tables=gender by minority. crosstabs tables=gender by minority /cells=count row /statistics=chisq. *Simple Descriptives. descriptives variables=salary salbegin. examine variables=salary salbegin /*less common version*/ /plot=histogram. summarize variables=salary salbegin. *Descriptives by Group. examine variables salary salbegin by gender /plot=none. * You can't actually use by with the descriptives command. summarize variables=salary salbegin by gender. means variables=salary salbegin by gender. *Correlations . correlations /variables=educ prevexp salbegin. *Hypothesis Tests. means variables=salary salbegin by gender /statistics=anova. t-test groups=gender("f", "m") / variables=salary salbegin. anova variables=salary salbegin by gender. anova variables=salary salbegin by minority(0,1). unianova salary by gender. unianova salbegin by gender.