*! version 1.2 *! Doug Hemken *! 3 April 2018 // pass arguments to dyndoc capture program drop stmd2html program define stmd2html, rclass syntax anything(name=infile) /// input file name [, /// SAVing(string) REPLace /// name of HTML file noREMove /// hardwrap /// nomsg /// nostop /// ] *display `"`infile'"' * infile checks local infile = ustrtrim(usubinstr(`"`infile'"', `"""', "", .)) confirm file `"`infile'"' * outfile checks if ("`saving'" == "" ) { mata:(void)pathchangesuffix("`infile'", "html", "saving", 0) } mata: (void)pathresolve("`c(pwd)'", `"`saving'"', "saving") local issame = 0 mata: (void)filesarethesame("`infile'", "`saving'", "issame") if ("`issame'" == "1") { display in error "target file can not be the same as the source file" exit 602 } if ("`replace'"=="") { confirm new file "`saving'" } * intermediate dyndoc file tempfile dyn * process stmd2dyn `infile', saving(`dyn') `replace' dyndoc `dyn', saving(`saving') `replace' `remove' `hardwrap' `msg' `stop' end