Paragraph examples

A paragraph is a basic block element. It is composed of consecutive non-blank lines that are not headers, blockquotes, code blocks, or lists.

A paragraph begins where a header, or code block ends, or after a blank line.

Header text

After a header.

generate x = y

After a code block.

After lists or blockquotes requires an intervening blank line.

- item 1

After a list item.

After a list item.

> Quoted text.

After a blockquote requires a blank line.

Quoted text.

After a blockquote requires a blank line.

A paragraph within a blockquote.

> First this.

> Then that.

First this.

Then that.

A paragraph within a list item.

1. item 1

    second paragraph
2. item 2
  1. item 1

    second paragraph

  2. item 2

A paragraph may begin with up to three spaces in the first line. Subsequent lines may have any number of spaces


   Begin a

Rendered as:

Begin a paragraph.

Too many leading spaces renders as code:

     Too many

Renders as:

 Too many