quietly log using example-markdoc, replace /*** An Example File =============== Some preliminary text. Some unevaluated code: ~~~ regress mpg weight ~~~ Some code, evaluted: ***/ sysuse auto regress mpg weight * Comment 1 /* Comment 2 */ summarize mpg weight /*** ## Some Notes - Requires two more Stata packages (Weaver and Statax) - Requires pandoc and may require pandoc's location - Using backticks as code fences for unevaluated code is problematic, although the issue is reported as fixed? - log commands should be prefixed "quietly", or they will appear in you document, and `quietly log close` appears unless it is specified "qui log c". - The document text is written in comment blocks, rather than the dynamic content appearing in code blocks, as in other dynamic markdown implementations. - Ordinary comments disappear from your document. - You could actually build a document interactively, piece by piece. ***/ *quietly log close qui log c /* note, does not run with ``` code fences*/ markdoc example-markdoc, export(html) replace pandoc("C:\Program Files\RStudio\bin\pandoc\pandoc.exe")