12 Default Directories in Statamarkdown

12.1 R working directory

By default, the working directory for a document is the folder where it is located.

[1] "Z:/R/Statamarkdown_docs"

12.2 Stata working directory

This is where Stata will look for arbitrary files (including data files) if no path is given. In addition to the working directory, Stata also searches it’s system directories for files.

sysdir list

   STATA:  C:\PROGRA~1\Stata18\
    BASE:  C:\PROGRA~1\Stata18\ado\base\
    SITE:  C:\PROGRA~1\Stata18\ado\site\
    PLUS:  u:\ado\plus\
PERSONAL:  u:\ado\personal\
OLDPLACE:  c:\ado\

(This page was written using Statamarkdown version 0.9.2.)