--- title: "Looking for Invariance in CFA models" author: "Doug Hemken" date: "October 2015" --- ```{r setup, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE} source("../StataMDsetup.r") ``` # Comparing Measurement Models Using the MPlus example data: ```{r congeneric, collectcode=TRUE} * Data for a two factor measurement model infile x1-x6 using "Z:\PUBLIC_WEB\MPlus\Basics\CFA and MIMIC\ex5.1.dat" // The congeneric model, where everything varies sem (L1 -> x1-x3) estimates store congeneric ``` And some example output: ```{r taueq} // Tau-equivalent, all loadings equal // a unit change on one measure is equal to that on another sem (L1@a -> x1-x3) // also written (L1 -> x1@a x2@a x3@a), or as three separate paths estimates store tauequivalent lrtest tauequivalent congeneric ``` ```{r, engine='R', echo=FALSE, message=FALSE} unlink("profile.do") ```