proc freq; /* typical use */ tables origin type; run; data cars; set; run; proc freq; /* the minimum proc freq, a LOT of output */ run; * Default data: _LAST_ default variables: _ALL_ ; proc freq data=cars; /* one-way */ tables type; run; proc freq data=cars; /* two-way; aka crosstab */ tables type*origin; /* row * column */ run; /* multiple requests */ proc freq data=cars; tables origin origin*type; run; /* multiple table statements */ /* suppress some default output, and request additional statistics */ proc freq data=cars; tables origin / nocum; tables origin*type / nopercent nocol chisq; run; /* the data in summary or "table" form */ * from Delwiche & Slaughter, "Little SAS Book," 3e; data coffee2; input loc $ type $ count; datalines; drive-up cappuccino 2 window cappuccino 4 drive-up espresso 6 window espresso 2 drive-up iced 2 window iced 2 drive-up kona 2 window kona 9 ; proc print; run; /* look at data values in output */ proc freq; /* weighted data */ tables type*loc / nopercent norow chisq; weight count; /* many procs have a "freq" statement */ run; proc freq; /* save a crosstab as summary data */ tables loc * type / out=coffeetable; /* name a data set for the output*/ weight count; run; proc print; run;