TITLE: Structural model single group, one DV FEMALE ONLY (male eq 1) DATA: FILE IS 'B:\intext\diss81012c.raw'; type is individual; format is F8.2, 67F8.4; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE V1 V3 V4 V5 V7 GRADE PARED CIGLIFE CIG30 ALCLIFE ALCYEAR ALC30 BINGE MARLIFE MARYEAR MAR30 MALE RACE RELIG1 RELIG2 GPA NIGHTOUT PARINV1 PARINV2 PARINV3 PARINV4 RISK1 RISK2 V8505 V8514 EXT1 EXT2 EXT3 EXT4 EXT5 EXT6 EXT7 astrat aclust1 aclust2 NEWID BLACK WHITE HISPANIC OTHRACE INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 V6358 V6367 GFUC1810 GFUC2810 GFUA810 GFUM810 GFUC112 GFUC212 GFUA12 GFUM12 fathered Mothered PAREDJM paredcat numclus2 cohort wbho wbh wb; USEVARIABLES ARE EXT1 EXT2 EXT3 EXT4 INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 ALC30; USEOBSERVATIONS ARE (male eq 2); MISSING IS .; WEIGHT IS V5; ANALYSIS: ESTIMATOR IS MLR; type= random; ALGORITHM = integration; iterations=100000; h1iterations=100000; miterations=100000; MODEL: ! measurement; alc by ALC30@1; extern by EXT1 EXT2 EXT3 EXT4; intern by INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4; intXext | intern XWITH extern; ! residual covariances; INT1 with INT3 ; INT2 with INT4 ; EXT3 with EXT4 ; ! paths; alc on intern ; alc on extern ; alc on intxext ; !factor variances alc ; intern ; extern ; OUTPUT: SAMPSTAT TECH1;