######################################################################### ## ## IVTAR.R ## ## for questions, contact ## ## Bruce E. Hansen ## Department of Economics ## Social Science Building ## University of Wisconsin ## Madison, WI 53706-1393 ## behansen@wisc.edu ## http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~bhansen/ ## ## ## This is a R procedure. It computes estimates and confidence ## intervals for threshold models with endogenous regressors. ## ## It computes the estimator described in ## "Instrumental Variable Estimation of a Threshold Model" ## written by Mehmet Caner and Bruce E. Hansen ## ## Be sure to have the Gauss graphics library active. ## ## If you run this program, it is currently set up to generate some simulated data ## and estimate the model on this data. ## For your own application, you can substitute your own data. ## ######################################################################### # Functions # ##************************************************************ ## REGRESS ## ## Computes a linear regression. Uses generalized inverse if X'X is singular ## ## Format ## beta <- regress(y,x) ## ## Inputs ## y nxm dependent variable(s) ## x nxk independent variables (should include constant) ## ## Output ## beta kxm Regression slope estimates ## ##************************************************************ regress <- function(y,x){ if (qr(x)$rank==ncol(x)) beta <- qr.solve(x,y) if (qr(x)$rank 1){ eta1 <- 1 eta2 <- 1 }else{ r1 <- (x%*%(beta1-beta2))^2 r2 <- r1*(e^2) qx <- cbind(q^0,q^1,q^2) qh <- cbind(qhat^0,qhat^1,qhat^2) m1 <- qr.solve(qx,r1) m2 <- qr.solve(qx,r2) g1 <- qh%*%m1 g2 <- qh%*%m2 eta1 <- as.vector((g2/g1)/sig2) sigq <- sqrt(mean((q-mean(q))^2)) hband <- 2.344*sigq/(n^(.2)) u <- (qhat-q)/hband u2 <- u^2 f <- mean((1-u2)*(u2<=1))*(.75/hband) df <- -mean(-u*(u2<=1))*(1.5/(hband^2)) eps <- r1 - qx%*%m1 sige <- (t(eps)%*%eps)/(n-3) hband <- as.vector(sige/(4*f*((m1[3]+(m1[2]+2*m1[3]*qhat)*df/f)^2))) u2 <- ((qhat-q)/hband)^2 kh <- ((1-u2)*.75/hband)*(u2<=1) g1 <- mean(kh*r1) g2 <- mean(kh*r2) eta2 <- as.vector((g2/g1)/sig2) } c1 <- -2*log(1-sqrt(conf)) lr0 <- (lr >= c1) lr1 <- (lr >= (c1*eta1)) lr2 <- (lr >= (c1*eta2)) if (max(lr0)==1){ qcf_0 <- cbind(qs[which.min(lr0)],qs[qn+1-which.min(rev(lr0))]) }else{ qcf_0 <- cbind(qs[1],qs[qn]) } if (max(lr1)==1){ qcf_h1 <- cbind(qs[which.min(lr1)],qs[qn+1-which.min(rev(lr1))]) }else{ qcf_h1 <- cbind(qs[1],qs[qn]) } if (max(lr2)==1){ qcf_h2 <- cbind(qs[which.min(lr2)],qs[qn+1-which.min(rev(lr2))]) }else{ qcf_h2 <- cbind(qs[1],qs[qn]) } if (graph==1){ x11() mtit <- "Confidence Interval Construction for Threshold" ytit <- "Likelihood Ratio Sequence in gamma" xtit <- "Threshold Variable" clr <- matrix(1,qn,1)*c1 if (ncol(y) == 1) clr <- cbind(clr,(clr*eta1),(clr*eta2)) plot(qs,lr,lty=1,col=1,type="l",ann=0) lines(qs,clr[,1],lty=2,col=2) if (ncol(y) == 1){ lines(qs,clr[,2],lty=3,col=3) lines(qs,clr[,3],lty=4,col=4) } title(main=mtit,ylab=ytit,xlab=xtit) tit1 <- "LRn(gamma)" tit2 <- "90% Critical" tit3 <- "Hetero Corrected - 1" tit4 <- "Hetero Corrected - 2" if (ncol(y) != 1) legend("topleft",c(tit1,tit2),lty=c(1,2),col=c(1,2)) if (ncol(y) == 1) legend("topleft",c(tit1,tit2,tit3,tit4),lty=c(1,2,3,4),col=c(1,2,3,4)) } list(yhat=yhat,qhat=qhat,qcf_0=qcf_0,qcf_h1=qcf_h1,qcf_h2=qcf_h2) } ##************************************************************ ## GMM_LINEAR ## ## Computes the GMM estimator of a linear model ## ## Format ## output <- gmm_linear(y,z,x) ## beta <- output$beta ## ## Inputs ## y nx1 dependent variable ## z nxk rhs variables ## x nxl instruments variables (should include constant and exogenous parts of z), l>=k ## ## Outputs ## beta kx1 Regression slope estimates ## se kx1 standard errors ## jstat 1x1 J Statistic ## ##************************************************************ gmm_linear <- function(y,z,x){ pihat <- regress(z,x) xz <- t(x)%*%z xy <- t(x)%*%y beta <- qr.solve((t(pihat)%*%xz),(t(pihat)%*%xy)) e <- y-z%*%beta xe <- x*(e%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(x))) g <- solve(t(xe)%*%xe) v <- solve(t(xz)%*%g%*%xz) beta <- v%*%(t(xz)%*%g%*%xy) se <- as.matrix(sqrt(diag(v))) m <- t(x)%*%(y-z%*%beta) jstat <- t(m)%*%g%*%m list(beta=beta,se=se,jstat=jstat) } ##************************************************************ ## GMM_THRESH ## ## Computes threshold model with endogenous variables ## ## Format ## ## qhat <- gmm_thresh(y,z1,z2,x,q,conf,conf1,conf2,reduced) ## ## Inputs ## y nx1 dependent variable ## z1 nxk1 endogenous rhs variables ## z2 nxk2 exogenous rhs variables ## x nxm instrumental variables not included in z2, m>=k1 ## q nx1 threshold variable ## conf 1x1 level for confidence interval for threshold, e.g. conf=.9 ## conf1 1x1 confidence level for threshold interval used as input to slope intervals, e.g. conf2=.8 ## conf2 1x1 interval dummy - to determine method for threshold interval used as input to slope intervals ## set to 0 for uncorrected (homoskedastic) interval ## set to 1 for heteroskedastic correction by quadratic ## set to 2 for heteroskedastic correction by nonparametric kernel ## reduced 1x1 reduced form dummy ## set to 0 if reduced form is linear (no threshold) ## set to 1 if reduced form is a linear threshold model ## ## Output ## qhat 1x1 threshold estimate ## ## Most of the output is written to the screen. ## ##************************************************************ gmm_thresh <- function(y,z1,z2,x,q,conf,conf1,conf2,reduced){ xx <- cbind(x,z2) if (reduced==0) z1hat <- t(xx)%*%regress(z1,xx) if (reduced==1){ out <- joint_thresh(z1,xx,q) z1hat <- out$yhat rhohat <- out$qhat } zhat <- cbind(z1hat,z2) out <- joint_thresh_ci(y,zhat,q,conf,1) yhat <- out$yhat qhat <- out$qhat qcf0 <- out$qcf_0 qcf1 <- out$qcf_h1 qcf2 <- out$qcf_h1 z <- cbind(z1,z2) da <- (q<=qhat) db <- 1-da ya <- y[da%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(y))>0] ya <- matrix(ya,length(ya)/ncol(y),ncol(y)) xa <- xx[da%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(xx))>0] xa <- matrix(xa,length(xa)/ncol(xx),ncol(xx)) za <- z[da%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(z))>0] za <- matrix(za,length(za)/ncol(z),ncol(z)) yb <- y[db%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(y))>0] yb <- matrix(yb,length(yb)/ncol(y),ncol(y)) xb <- xx[db%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(xx))>0] xb <- matrix(xb,length(xb)/ncol(xx),ncol(xx)) zb <- z[db%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(z))>0] zb <- matrix(zb,length(zb)/ncol(z),ncol(z)) out1 <- gmm_linear(ya,za,xa) out2 <- gmm_linear(yb,zb,xb) beta1 <- out1$beta se1 <- out1$se jstat1 <- out1$jstat beta2 <- out2$beta se2 <- out2$se jstat2 <- out2$jstat beta1l <- beta1-se1*1.96 beta1u <- beta1+se1*1.96 beta2l <- beta2-se2*1.96 beta2u <- beta2+se2*1.96 out <- joint_thresh_ci(y,zhat,q,conf1,0) yhat <- out$yhat qhat <- out$qhat qcf0i <- out$qcf_0 qcf1i <- out$qcf_h1 qcf2i <- out$qcf_h1 if (conf2==0) qcf <- qcf0i if (conf2==1) qcf <- qcf1i if (conf2==2) qcf <- qcf2i qq <- unique(q) qq <- as.matrix(sort(qq)) qq <- qq[qq<=qcf[2]] qq <- as.matrix(qq[qq>=qcf[1]]) for (i in 1:nrow(qq)){ qi <- qq[i] dai <- (q<=qi) dbi <- 1-dai ya <- y[dai%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(y))>0] ya <- matrix(ya,length(ya)/ncol(y),ncol(y)) xa <- xx[dai%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(xx))>0] xa <- matrix(xa,length(xa)/ncol(xx),ncol(xx)) za <- z[dai%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(z))>0] za <- matrix(za,length(za)/ncol(z),ncol(z)) yb <- y[dbi%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(y))>0] yb <- matrix(yb,length(yb)/ncol(y),ncol(y)) xb <- xx[dbi%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(xx))>0] xb <- matrix(xb,length(xb)/ncol(xx),ncol(xx)) zb <- z[dbi%*%matrix(1,1,ncol(z))>0] zb <- matrix(zb,length(zb)/ncol(z),ncol(z)) out1 <- gmm_linear(ya,za,xa) out2 <- gmm_linear(yb,zb,xb) beta1i <- out1$beta se1i <- out1$se jstat1i <- out1$jstat beta2i <- out2$beta se2i <- out2$se jstat2i <- out2$jstat beta1l <- apply(t(cbind((beta1i-se1i*1.96),beta1l)),2,min) beta1u <- apply(t(cbind((beta1i+se1i*1.96),beta1u)),2,max) beta2l <- apply(t(cbind((beta2i-se2i*1.96),beta2l)),2,min) beta2u <- apply(t(cbind((beta2i+se2i*1.96),beta2u)),2,max) } cat ("\n") cat ("\n") cat ("Threshold Estimate ", qhat, "\n") cat ("Confidence Interval - Uncorrected ", qcf0, "\n") cat ("Confidence Interval - Het Corrected Quad ", qcf1, "\n") cat ("Confidence Interval - Het Corrected NP ", qcf2, "\n") cat ("\n") cat ("\n") cat ("Regime 1 : Threshold variable less than ", qhat, "\n") cat ("Number of observations ", sum(da),"\n") cat ("\n") cat ("Estimates S.E. Lower Upper", "\n") for (i in 1:nrow(beta1)) cat (beta1[i]," ",se1[i]," ",beta1l[i]," ",beta1u[i],"\n") cat ("\n") cat ("Regime 2 : Threshold variable greater than", qhat, "\n") cat ("Number of observations ", sum(db),"\n") cat ("\n") cat ("Estimates S.E. Lower Upper", "\n") for (i in 1:nrow(beta2)) cat (beta2[i]," ",se2[i]," ",beta2l[i]," ",beta2u[i],"\n") cat ("\n") qhat } #************************************************************# # Example using Simulated Data # n <- 100 kx <- 4 sig <- matrix(c(1,0.5,0.5,1),2,2) e <- matrix(rnorm(n*2),n,2)%*%chol(sig) q <- matrix(rnorm(n),n,1) x <- matrix(rnorm(n*kx),n,kx) z2 <- cbind(matrix(1,n,1),q) z1 <- x%*%matrix(1,kx,1)*3+e[,2] zz <- (z1+z2%*%matrix(1,2,1))*.1 y <- zz*(q<0)-zz*(q>=0)+e[,1] qhat <- gmm_thresh(y,z1,z2,x,q,.9,.8,1,1)