WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Phone: Selected Child

If the respondent had any children who were alive, were biological 
or adopted, and were 18 years or older; then one of these eligible 
children was randomly chosen as the "selected" child.  

  sj001sk          Selected child's marital status.
  sj002sk,sj003sk  Highest grade or year of regular school that
                   selected child ever attended. Was this grade
  sj004sk          Did the selected child attend a regular school
                   during the past twelve months?
  sj005sk,sj006sk  Selected child's residence while attending school
                   (during past 12 months).

See XKROS (variables sd003sk-sd016sk) for background characteristics of 
this selected child.

sj001sk: Selected child's marital status.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1993-94      Mode: phone
Source variables: skn, 131, RD009SK

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2113 1861 3974
-3 REFUSED 33 25 58
-2 587 456 1043
-1 DON'T KNOW 7 1 8
1 CURRENTLY MARRIED 727 932 1659
2 SEPARATED 9 12 21
3 DIVORCED 77 139 216
4 WIDOWED 6 4 10
5 NEVER MARRIED 878 911 1789

sj002sk: Highest grade or year of regular school that selected child ever attended. Regular school is grades 1-12 or post-high school education in a college, junior college, community college, or university that provides credit towards a college degree.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1993-94      Mode: phone
Source variables: 136, b136x, RD010SK

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2113 1861 3974
-2 587 456 1043
-1 DON'T KNOW 14 8 22
1 1 year of school 4 4 8
2 2 years of school 1 0 1
3 3 years of school 0 1 1
4 4 years of school 2 0 2
5 5 years of school 1 0 1
6 6 years of school 0 1 1
8 8 years of school 1 3 4
9 9 years of school 10 4 14
10 10 years of school 13 20 33
11 11 years of school 31 40 71
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 587 715 1302
13 1 year of college 157 179 336
14 2 years of college 205 247 452
15 3 years of college 118 121 239
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 407 438 845
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 50 54 104
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 59 84 143
19 7 years college, 3 years grad or prof school 15 12 27
20 8 years college, 4 years grad or prof school 8 19 27
21 9 years college, 5 years grad or prof school 2 5 7
22 10 years college, 6 years grad or prof school 0 8 8
23 11 years college, 7 years grad or prof school 1 1 2
24 12 years college, 8 years grad or prof school 4 3 7
32 High School Equivalency - GED 7 24 31
35 Attended or attends special school 5 6 11
96 Other 3 3 6

sj003sk: Did the selected child complete highest grade of school that he/she attended?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1993-94      Mode: phone
Source variables: 136f, RD011SK

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2113 1861 3974
-2 594 480 1074
-1 DON'T KNOW 10 9 19
1 YES 1335 1596 2931
2 NO 328 352 680

sj004sk: Did the selected child attend a regular school during the past twelve months? Regular school is grades 1-12 or post-high school education in a college, junior college, community college, or university that provides credit towards a college degree.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1993-94      Mode: phone
Source variables: 136m, RD012SK

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2113 1861 3974
-2 587 456 1043
-1 DON'T KNOW 31 5 36
1 YES 562 551 1113
2 NO 1111 1443 2554

sj005sk: Does the selected child live with the respondent when school is in session? Asked about those children who attended school during the past 12 months.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1993-94      Mode: phone
Source variables: 138, RD013SK

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2113 1861 3974
-2 1762 1929 3691
1 YES 131 150 281
2 NO 431 401 832

sj006sk: Does the selected child live with the respondent when school is not in session? Asked about those children who attended school during the past 12 months.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1993-94      Mode: phone
Source variables: 138a, RD013SK

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2113 1861 3974
-2 1893 2078 3971
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 144 129 273
2 NO 285 272 557
