WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Phone: Job History (1975-1992/93) Summary

rf001js             Pattern of job spells from 1975 to 1992/93.

rf002js             Current (1992/93) employment status.

rf003jsc-rf004jsc   Flags for work between 1957-1992/93.

rf005jsc-rf009jsd   Number of employer spells, jobs held, total
                    years worked and other summary variables.

rf010jsc-rf012jsf   Ever had a pension plan, health insurance, or
                    left a job for health reasons.

rf001js: Indicates the pattern of job spells from 1975 to 1993 for each respondent.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: cc10, dd10, ee10, gg10, hh10, ii10
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
1 000000 (NO WORK BETWEEN 1975-1992/93) 19 338 357
2 000001 2 6 8
3 010000 165 754 919
4 010001 1 16 17
5 011000 92 452 544
6 011001 2 12 14
7 011010 40 251 291
8 011011 4 18 22
9 011100 R error - should have been 7 2 2 4
10 011101 R error - should have been 8 2 1 3
11 011110 48 198 246
12 011111 4 17 21
13 100000 1833 857 2690
14 100001 25 13 38
15 110000 852 695 1547
16 110001 19 20 39
17 110010 421 416 837
18 110011 18 24 42
19 110100 R error - should have been 17 0 1 1
20 110110 409 397 806
21 110111 22 25 47
Note: We do not have complete job histories but we have collected fairly
complete histories in a complex fashion. It is important to read
COR553 before using any variables in the job history section.

Pattern codes 9, 10, and 19 should not have occurred but did.
This happened when the respondent had reported on two employers,
then answered that he/she held 2 or more jobs for 6 months or
longer, and ultimately only reported about one job held for 6
months or longer.

rf002js: Respondent's current employment status.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: 266d
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
0 NOT Currently Employed 295 1002 1297
1 Currently Employed 3685 3511 7196

rf003jsc: Flag for ever work in paid labor force from 1975 to 1992/93.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: RF001JS

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
0 Has NOT Worked 1975-1992/93 19 338 357
1 HAS Worked 1975-1992/93 3961 4175 8136

rf004jsc: Flag for ever worked in paid labor force.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: JOBED, RF001JS
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
0 Has NOT Worked 1957-1992/93 6 32 38
1 HAS Worked 1957-1992/93 3974 4481 8455
Note: The concepts used across surveys are different. In 1975 it was
any full-time civilian employment and in 1992/93 it was any main
job lasting six months or more or a current job started with 6
months of the interview.

rf005jsc: Respondent number of employer spells between with 1975-1992 data recorded in detail.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: RF001JS
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
0 NOT WORKED BETWEEN 1975-92 19 338 357
1 2000 1617 3617
2 970 1176 2146
3 484 702 1186
4 481 638 1119
5 26 42 68

rf006jsd: Total number of employment spells between 1975-1992.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: RF001JS, RF005JSC, ff02
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 4 4
0 NOT WORKED BETWEEN 1975-92 19 338 357
1 2000 1617 3617
2 970 1174 2144
3 482 699 1181
4 239 353 592
6 9 22 31
7 105 148 253
8 63 79 142
9 39 46 85
10 26 15 41
11 6 5 11
12 6 4 10
13 1 3 4
14 2 3 5
16 3 1 4
19 3 0 3
20 1 0 1
24 3 0 3
34 1 0 1

rf007jse: Number of employer spells, created as RF005JSC, with non-reported beginning or ending dates.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: RF001JS, RF001J1C, RF001J2C, RF001J3C, RF001J4C, RF002J1C, RF002J2C, RF002J3C, RF002J4C, ii00, dyy
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
-2 19 338 357
1 47 127 174
2 11 25 36
3 3 9 12
Note: A spell with unuseable dates is not included in RF008JSD.

** See COR522;

rf008jsd: Respondent total years worked 1975 - 1992/93.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: RF001JS, RF001J1C, RF001J2C, RF001J3C, RF001J4C, RF002J1C, RF002J2C, RF002J3C, RF002J4C, ii00, dyy
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
-2 19 338 357
1 4 28 32
2 7 39 46
3 2 59 61
4 6 65 71
5 10 71 81
6 17 95 112
7 10 86 96
8 22 108 130
9 22 122 144
10 41 100 141
11 37 134 171
12 30 128 158
13 40 178 218
14 65 174 239
15 81 222 303
16 92 222 314
17 126 276 402
18 1511 1025 2536
19 1809 1007 2816
20 Includes Some Work In 1994 13 4 17
Note: ** See COR522;

RF008JSD is a count of the years between 1975 and 1994 of the
years in which the respondent worked. If they were employed for
any part of a year, they get counted as working in that year.
There were 17 interviews that were completed in January, 1994 and
worked 20 years.

rf009jsd: Number of years since respondent has had a main job.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: RF001JS, RF001J1C, RF001J2C, RF001J3C, RF001J4C, RF002J1C, RF002J2C, RF002J3C, RF002J4C, ii00, dyy
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
-2 19 338 357
0 No Years Since Last Worked (Includes Currently Working And Those Terminating Last Job In The Same Year As Interview) 3715 3572 7287
1 56 100 156
2 58 78 136
3 23 55 78
4 21 61 82
5 19 28 47
6 3 39 42
7 9 25 34
8 5 26 31
9 6 20 26
10 4 23 27
11 5 15 20
12 3 21 24
13 0 28 28
14 4 14 18
15 1 7 8
16 1 5 6
17 0 7 7
18 0 4 4
Note: There are differences between the currently working flag (RF002JS)
and this summary variable for years since last worked. There are
7289 cases with zero years since they last worked. There are 7198
cases saying they currently work. Most discrepant cases are due
to the fact that people left their last job by the time they were
interviewed in a given year. RF009JSD counts them as having
worked that entire year, where RF002JS indicates that they are not
currently working.

** See COR522;

rf010jsc: Flag for ever had a pension plan.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: cc67, dd67, ee67, gg67, hh67, ii67

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
-2 19 338 357
0 Never Had A Pension Plan 643 1385 2028
1 Had A Pension Plan 3318 2790 6108

rf011jsc: Respondent flag for ever had health insurance.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: cc68, dd68, ee68, gg68, hh68, ii68

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
-2 19 338 357
0 Never Had Health Insurance 315 1087 1402
1 Had Health Insurance 3646 3088 6734

rf012jsf: Respondent ever left a job for own health reasons.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 1992-93      Mode: phone
Source variables: RF050J1D, RF050J2D, RF050J3D, RF050J4D, RF050JCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1011 813 1824
-2 19 338 357
0 Never Left A Job For Health Reasons 3818 3915 7733
1 HAS Left A Job For Health Reasons 143 260 403
