WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.


The recommended IQ measures are gwiiq_bm for graduates and swiiq_t for

These measures include imputed junior year Henmon-Nelson scores. The
imputations were based on scores from other grades, the Wisconsin Centile Rank,
and the IOWA test. 

There were a variety of errors in iq variables used prior to February 1998.
These variables - XIQ XIQGD XIQRAW XIQSCOR XIQYR - have been moved to the
archives and are not recommended to be used unless replicating previous

swiiq_t           Preferred measure of sibling IQ score
shnrs_t           Raw Henmon-Nelson score, transformed to junior year metric
shncr_t,swicr_t   Centile rank for transformed Junior year Henmon-Nelson score
sflag             Source of IQ data
shnrs             Raw Henmon-Nelson test score
swicr_hn,swicr_ot Centile rank for Henmon-Nelson score
sagecm-stseaflg   Details when mental ability test given
sbkcd             Book code for IQ score

swiiq_t: Preferred measure of sibling IQ score, mapped from raw Henmon-Nelson test score based on transformed raw score.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: SHNRS_T, IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR 1455 1497 2952
-2 358 388 746
61 - 88 635 758 1393
89 - 98 694 740 1434
99 - 107 751 722 1473
109 - 120 660 788 1448
121 - 145 438 433 871
Note: This measure of IQ is the recommended one if only one measure is
to be used for WLS Siblings.

See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.
COR652 has details on formulas/methods used to transform scores
into the metric of Henmon-Nelson Junior year raw scores.

shnrs_t: Raw Henmon-Nelson test score, transformed to junior year metric.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR 1455 1497 2952
-2 358 388 746
7 - 47 635 758 1393
47.94 - 55 694 740 1434
55.57 - 62 723 700 1423
62.24 - 70 608 723 1331
70.08 - 90 518 520 1038
Note: See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.
COR652 has details on formulas/methods used to transform scores
into the metric of Henmon-Nelson Junior year raw scores.

shncr_t: Centile rank based on National test takers for Henmon-Nelson test score from junior year, based on transformed raw score.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: SHNRS_T, IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR 1455 1497 2952
-2 358 388 746
0 - 33 635 758 1393
36 - 56 694 740 1434
59 - 75 751 722 1473
78 - 92 660 788 1448
93 - 100 438 433 871
Note: See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.
COR652 has details on formulas/methods used to transform scores
into the metric of Henmon-Nelson Junior year raw scores.

swicr_t: Centile rank based on Wisconsin test takers for Henmon-Nelson test score from junior year, based on transformed raw score.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: SHNRS_T, IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR 1455 1497 2952
-2 358 388 746
0 - 21 635 758 1393
23 - 45 694 740 1434
48 - 68 751 722 1473
71 - 90 660 788 1448
91 - 100 438 433 871
Note: See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.
COR652 has details on formulas/methods used to transform scores
into the metric of Henmon-Nelson Junior year raw scores.

sflag: Source of IQ data.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR 1455 1497 2952
-2 358 388 746
1 Wave 1 data set 861 893 1754
2 1997 search/ Henmon Nelson found 2231 2462 4693
3 1997 search/ Other tests combined 86 86 172
Note: If SFLAG eq 3, SWICR_OT has average percentile for other test scores.

See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.

shnrs: Raw Henmon-Nelson test score.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR/Non-Henmon-Nelson score 1543 1587 3130
-2 358 388 746
7 - 45 624 715 1339
46 - 53 626 692 1318
54 - 60 674 683 1357
61 - 68 630 714 1344
69 - 87 536 547 1083
Note: See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.

swicr_hn: Centile rank based on Wisconsin test takers for Henmon-Nelson test.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR/Non-Henmon-Nelson score (SFLAG=3) 1541 1583 3124
-2 358 388 746
0 - 23 597 731 1328
24 - 45 662 676 1338
46 - 65 676 634 1310
66 - 84 590 749 1339
85 - 100 567 565 1132
Note: See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.

swicr_ot: Centile rank based on Wisconsin test takers for tests other than the Henmon-Nelson test.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR/Has Henmon-Nelson score (SFLAG<3) 4547 4852 9399
-2 358 388 746
5 - 31 11 23 34
32 - 46 13 23 36
47 - 65 23 14 37
66 - 80 23 11 34
82 - 98 16 15 31
Note: See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.

sagecm: Age in months of sibling respondent when ability test was taken.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR/Missing STYEAR/STSEASN/XCMBRDX 2523 2622 5145
-2 358 388 746
140 - 194 431 516 947
195 - 199 439 454 893
200 - 203 512 523 1035
204 - 208 465 520 985
209 - 327 263 303 566
Note: See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.

sdatet: Century month when ability test given.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR/Missing STYEAR or STSEASN 1461 1503 2964
-2 358 388 746
400 - 616 669 754 1423
622 - 664 662 716 1378
670 - 712 773 800 1573
718 - 760 658 697 1355
766 - 922 410 468 878
Note: Constructed from STYEAR, STSEASN.

See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.

sgrade: Grade in which mental ability test given.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR/No grade found 1455 1497 2952
-2 358 388 746
7 3 2 5
8 368 387 755
9 121 143 264
10 379 447 826
11 2202 2352 4554
12 105 110 215
Note: Constructed from grade and season test given see cor652 for details.

styear: Year in which mental ability test given.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR/No year found 1457 1500 2957
-2 358 388 746
33 - 51 672 755 1427
52 - 55 686 739 1425
56 - 59 785 817 1602
60 - 63 658 711 1369
64 - 76 375 416 791
Note: See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.

stgrade: Grade in which mental ability test given.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR/No grade found 1455 1498 2953
-2 358 388 746
7 2 1 3
8 6 5 11
9 409 432 841
10 218 284 502
11 2381 2533 4914
12 162 185 347
Note: See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.

stseasn: Season in which mental ability test given.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR/ No Season found 1461 1501 2962
-2 358 388 746
1 Fall 733 816 1549
2 Spring 2439 2621 5060
Note: A season was assigned if not known if at all possible. See
next variable. If season code is missing, then at least one of the
variables STYEAR, STGRADE, SWICR_HN or SHNRS are also missing.

See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.

stseaflg: Source of Season Code for mental ability test given.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Ability scores not found/NR/ No Season found 1459 1500 2959
-2 358 388 746
1 1997 lookup 2255 2479 4734
2 Match on year, grade, sib high school 91 104 195
3 Fairly certain 639 678 1317
4 Best guess 42 49 91
5 Random guess 1 1 2
6 Lookup of Wave 1 in Oct. 1997 146 127 273
Note: Code 3 - if at least 90% of all valid season codes were identical
for a year/grade combination, then missing seasons for that
year/grade were set to the same as the valid ones.
Code 4 - if the majority of valid season codes were identical for
a year/grade combination, then missing seasons for that year/grade
were assigned the season code of the majority.
Code 5 - If no other year/ grade combination had a valid season code
then a season was assigned randomly.

See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables.

sbkcd: Book code for IQ score. 8-character book code.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: none
Source variables: IQ
Revisions: Added 2/98     

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 1880 1706 3586
"3412" 2 1 3
"4010" 5 5 10
"4012" 3 9 12
"404112" 6 4 10
"5309" 9 5 14
"63Sp" 69 59 128
"65fa" 2 4 6
"69Fa" 9 16 25
"69sp" 1 3 4
"71Fa" 10 9 19
Note: Only 11 of 135 values are listed.
Note: See Appendix G - COR652 for Construction of "new" IQ variables
