WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Allocation Flags

xaloc1 - xaloc21   Job flags
xalcm1             Flag for century month of birthdate
xalcm3 - xalcm8    Education flags
xalcm9             Flag for century month of beginning of first job
xalcm10            Flag for century month of end of longest voc-tech training
xalcm13 - xalcm14  Military flags
xalcm21            Flag for century month started working at current/last job
xalcm22 - xalcm47  Marriage flags
xalcm48 - xalcm57  Children flags
xalcm58            Flag for century month stopped working after last child born

xaloc1: Sibling respondent's first job flag.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 9-9d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3395 3252 6647
-2 32 75 107
0 No allocations necessary 951 974 1925
1 Industry allocated 34 29 63
2 Occupation allocated 20 10 30
3 Both industry and occupation allocated 5 1 6

xaloc2: Sibling respondent's 1970 job flag.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 15-15e
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
-2 117 553 670
0 No allocations necessary 857 515 1372
1 Industry allocated 46 14 60
2 Occupation allocated 21 7 28
3 Both industry and occupation allocated 3 0 3

xaloc3: Sibling respondent's current or last job flag.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 19-19c
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3394 3252 6646
-2 3 255 258
0 No allocations necessary 960 793 1753
1 Industry allocated 48 24 72
2 Occupation allocated 25 12 37
3 Both industry and occupation allocated 7 5 12

xaloc5: Sibling respondent's 1976 job flag.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 39-40c
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3395 3252 6647
-2 950 997 1947
0 No allocations necessary 85 92 177
1 Industry allocated 7 0 7

xaloc6: Sibling respondent's father's/head's job flag.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 49-49d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3394 3254 6648
-2 10 5 15
0 No allocations necessary 960 1014 1974
1 Industry allocated 46 45 91
2 Occupation allocated 21 16 37
3 Both industry and occupation allocated 6 7 13

xaloc10: Sibling respondent's spouse's job flag.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 68-68d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3394 3252 6646
-2 510 147 657
0 No allocations necessary 511 879 1390
1 Industry allocated 11 41 52
2 Occupation allocated 8 19 27
3 Both industry and occupation allocated 3 3 6

xaloc20: Sibling respondent's job aspirations for 10 years from now.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 45-45b
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3394 3252 6646
-2 591 539 1130
0 No allocations necessary 405 511 916
1 Industry allocated 18 7 25
2 Occupation allocated 18 24 42
3 Both industry and occupation allocated 11 8 19

xaloc21: Sibling respondent's job aspirations when sibling respondent was age 16.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 57-57a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3394 3252 6646
-1 Answered nothing or don't know to Q57 of 1977 questionnaire 394 244 638
0 No allocations necessary 525 773 1298
1 Industry allocated 14 14 28
2 Occupation allocated 84 55 139
3 Both industry and occupation allocated 26 3 29

xalcm1: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate of sibling respondent.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 91
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm3: Allocation flag for century month that sibling respondent graduated from high school.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 2c
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1032 1078 2110
1 YES-- allocation made 12 11 23

xalcm4: Allocation flag for century month that sibling respondent first attended college.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 3a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1037 1089 2126
1 YES-- allocation made 7 0 7

xalcm6: Allocation flag for century month that sibling respondent completed highest degree.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 4d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1043 1088 2131
1 YES-- allocation made 1 1 2

xalcm7: Allocation flag for century month of sibling respondent's last complete year at college.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 1d, 9
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1012 1083 2095
1 YES-- allocation made 32 6 38

xalcm8: Allocation flag for century month that sibling respondent completed bachelor's degree, if sibling respondent has a graduate or professional degree.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 7a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1043 1089 2132
1 YES-- allocation made 1 0 1

xalcm9: Allocation flag for century month of beginning of sibling respondent's first job.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 9e
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 969 1031 2000
1 YES-- allocation made 75 58 133

xalcm10: Allocation flag for sibling respondent's century month of end of vocational-technical training for longest program.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 12i
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1007 1077 2084
1 YES-- allocation made 37 12 49

xalcm13: Allocation flag for century month of sibling respondent's first entering active military service.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 13c
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1032 1089 2121
1 YES-- allocation made 12 0 12

xalcm14: Allocation flag for century month of sibling respondent's last separation from active military service.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 13e
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1038 1089 2127
1 YES-- allocation made 6 0 6

xalcm21: Allocation flag for century month that sibling respondent started working at last or current job.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 19d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1004 1060 2064
1 YES-- allocation made 40 29 69

xalcm22: Allocation flag for century month of sibling respondent's marriage if sibling respondent is currently married and married only once.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 61b
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm23: Allocation flag for century month of currently married sibling respondent's first marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 64a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1039 1089 2128
1 YES-- allocation made 5 0 5

xalcm24: Allocation flag for century month that currently married sibling respondent stopped living with first spouse.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 64d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1032 1081 2113
1 YES-- allocation made 12 8 20

xalcm25: Allocation flag for century month of currently married sibling respondent's termination of first marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 64e
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1027 1082 2109
1 YES-- allocation made 17 7 24

xalcm26: Allocation flag for century month of currently married sibling respondent's second marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 64a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1042 1089 2131
1 YES-- allocation made 2 0 2

xalcm27: Allocation flag for century month that currently married sibling respondent stopped living with second spouse.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 64d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1042 1089 2131
1 YES-- allocation made 2 0 2

xalcm28: Allocation flag for century month of currently married sibling respondent's termination of second marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 64e
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1043 1088 2131
1 YES-- allocation made 1 1 2

xalcm29: Allocation flag for century month of currently married sibling respondent's third marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 64a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm30: Allocation flag for century month that currently married sibling respondent stopped living with third spouse.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 64d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm31: Allocation flag for century month of currently married sibling respondent's termination of third marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 64e
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1088 2132
1 YES-- allocation made 0 1 1

xalcm32: Allocation flag for century month of currently married and married more than once sibling respondent's current marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 64a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm33: Allocation flag for century month of not currently married, married only once sibling respondent's marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 72a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1043 1088 2131
1 YES-- allocation made 1 1 2

xalcm34: Allocation flag for century month that not currently married, married only once sibling respondent stopped living with spouse.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 72b
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1041 1085 2126
1 YES-- allocation made 3 4 7

xalcm35: Allocation flag for century month of divorce or death of spouse if sibling respondent not currently married, married only once.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 72c
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1039 1086 2125
1 YES-- allocation made 5 3 8

xalcm36: Allocation flag for century month of not currently married sibling respondent's beginning of first marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1042 1089 2131
1 YES-- allocation made 2 0 2

xalcm37: Allocation flag for century month that not currently married sibling respondent stopped living with first spouse.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1041 1087 2128
1 YES-- allocation made 3 2 5

xalcm38: allocation flag for century month of not currently married sibling respondent's termination of first marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75e
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1041 1087 2128
1 YES-- allocation made 3 2 5

xalcm39: Allocation flag for century month of not currently married sibling respondent's beginning of second marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1043 1089 2132
1 YES-- allocation made 1 0 1

xalcm40: Allocation flag for century month that not currently married sibling respondent stopped living with second spouse.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1043 1089 2132
1 YES-- allocation made 1 0 1

xalcm41: Allocation flag for century month of not currently married sibling respondent's termination of second marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75e
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1043 1089 2132
1 YES-- allocation made 1 0 1

xalcm42: Allocation flag for century month of not currently married sibling respondent's beginning of third marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm43: Allocation flag for century month that not currently married sibling respondent stopped living with third spouse.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm44: Allocation flag for century month of not currently married sibling respondent's termination of third marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75e
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm45: Allocation flag for century month of not currently married sibling respondent's beginning of last marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75a
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1040 1089 2129
1 YES-- allocation made 4 0 4

xalcm46: Allocation flag for century month that not currently married sibling respondent stopped living with last spouse.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75d
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1040 1089 2129
1 YES-- allocation made 4 0 4

xalcm47: Allocation flag for century month of not currently married sibling respondent's termination of last marriage.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 75e
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1041 1088 2129
1 YES-- allocation made 3 1 4

xalcm48: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate for sibling respondent's first child.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 79
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1088 2132
1 YES-- allocation made 0 1 1

xalcm49: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate for sibling respondent's second child.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 79
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm50: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate for sibling respondent's third child.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 79
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm51: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate for sibling respondent's fourth child.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 79
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm52: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate for sibling respondent's fifth child.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 79
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm53: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate for sibling respondent's sixth child.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 79
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm54: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate for sibling respondent's seventh child.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 79
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm55: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate for sibling respondent's eighth child.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 79
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm56: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate for sibling respondent's ninth child.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 79
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm57: Allocation flag for century month of birthdate for sibling respondent's tenth child.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 79
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1089 2133

xalcm58: Allocation flag for century month that sibling respondent stopped working after last child born.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 1977      Mode: phone
Source variables: 84b
Revisions: Updated 3/97     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NONSAMPLE 3393 3252 6645
0 NO-- allocation not made 1044 1085 2129
1 YES-- allocation made 0 4 4
