WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Wisconsin Tax Data

ocms64 - ocpsp6    Male Graduate's occupation details
ses57              Factor-Weighted SES score for parents.
pi5760 - pieryr    Parental Income details
ocfa57 - ocpf57    Father's occupation details
ocmd57 - ocpmo5    Mother's occupation details 

NOTE:   See Appendix H - COR702 for "Procedures in Gathering Tax Data"
        6/66.  The 1957 tax return was used for determining
        parents' occupation in most cases, unless none were
        available for that year.  In that case, the next earliest
        return since 1957 (e.g., 1958, 1959, etc.) was used.

ocms64: 1950 Census occupation code for male graduate's 1964 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Occupation not reported 1111 0 1111
-2 0 5326 5326
1 - 104 776 0 776
106 - 197 796 0 796
199 - 298 776 0 776
299 - 474 777 0 777
475 - 505 755 0 755
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational Codes.

ocms16: Male graduate's 1964 occupation by general categories.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 0 5326 5326
1 Farmers, farm managers 181 0 181
2 Laborers including farm laborers 622 0 622
3 Private household workers and service workers excluding firemen, policemen, detectives, and sheriffs 103 0 103
4 Operatives and kindred workers 834 0 834
5 Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers including noncommissioned officers and enlisted men in Armed Forces, firemen, policemen, detectives and sheriffs 818 0 818
6 Clerical, sales, and kindred workers 551 0 551
7 Proprietors 65 0 65
8 Managers and officials: salaried 106 0 106
9 Professional, technical, and kindred workers including military commissioned officers and Peace Corps workers 513 0 513
99 Student, housewife, unemployed, or occupation not reported 1198 0 1198

ocsms6: 1950 Duncan SEI score for male graduate's 1964 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX
Revisions: Updated 9/99, 10/06     

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 1198 5326 6524
2 - 14 899 0 899
15 - 18 767 0 767
19 - 39 775 0 775
40 - 62 793 0 793
63 - 96 559 0 559
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational Codes.

ocpms6: 1950 NORC prestige score for male graduate's 1964 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX
Revisions: Updated 9/99, 10/06     

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 1198 5326 6524
23 - 53 899 0 899
54 - 57 803 0 803
58 - 68 807 0 807
69 - 75 810 0 810
76 - 93 474 0 474
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational Codes.

ocsp64: 1950 Census occupation code for male graduate's spouse's 1964 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Spouse's occupation not reported 944 0 944
-2 2210 5326 7536
1 - 138 415 0 415
140 - 386 369 0 369
392 - 507 1053 0 1053
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational Codes.

ocsp16: Male graduate's spouse's 1964 occupation by general categories.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX
Revisions: Updated 9/99     

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 2210 5326 7536
1 Farmers, farm managers 3 0 3
2 Laborers including farm laborers 44 0 44
3 Private household workers and service workers excluding firemen, policemen, detectives, and sheriffs 102 0 102
4 Operatives and kindred workers 69 0 69
5 Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers including noncommissioned officers and enlisted men in Armed Forces, firemen, policemen, detectives and sheriffs 9 0 9
6 Clerical, sales, and kindred workers 444 0 444
7 Proprietors 4 0 4
8 Managers and officials: salaried 6 0 6
9 Professional, technical, and kindred workers including military commissioned officers and Peace Corps workers 198 0 198
99 Student, housewife, unemployed, or occupation not reported 1902 0 1902

ocssp6: 1950 Duncan SEI score for male graduate's spouse's 1964 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX
Revisions: Updated 9/99, 10/06     

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 4112 5326 9438
3 - 18 188 0 188
19 - 44 251 0 251
45 - 58 176 0 176
60 - 72 254 0 254
78 - 85 10 0 10
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational Codes.

ocpsp6: 1950 NORC prestige score for male graduate's spouse's 1964 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX
Revisions: Updated 9/99, 10/06     

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 4112 5326 9438
33 - 57 190 0 190
58 - 69 272 0 272
70 - 74 312 0 312
75 - 84 105 0 105
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational Codes.

ses57: Factor-Weighted SES score for parents.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
1 - 6 988 1112 2100
7 - 11 990 1134 2124
12 - 17 1176 1165 2341
18 - 26 1087 1110 2197
27 - 97 750 805 1555
Note: Created from EDFA57 (father's years of schooling), EDMO57
(mother's years of schooling), OCSF57 (Duncan's SEI for father's
1957 occupation) and a version of PI5760 (average parental income)
with estimates for missing data.

See Appendix L - COR689 for A Note on Factor Weighted SES Scores.

pi5760: Average parental income in hundreds of dollars.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 No information available 652 694 1346
0 - 30 877 954 1831
31 - 47 892 965 1857
48 - 62 893 966 1859
63 - 83 894 920 1814
84 - 940 778 823 1601
998 $99,800 OR MORE 5 4 9

pinoyr: Number of years on which the average parental income is based.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 No information available 652 694 1346
0 173 155 328
1 97 86 183
2 538 746 1284
3 200 216 416
4 3331 3429 6760

piearl: Earliest available parental income in hundreds of dollars.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 No information available 652 694 1346
0 - 29 891 936 1827
30 - 45 853 975 1828
46 - 59 887 928 1815
60 - 78 878 920 1798
79 - 883 829 871 1700
998 $99,800 OR MORE 1 2 3

pieryr: Year of earliest parental income reported.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 No information available 652 694 1346
0 1956 or earlier 173 155 328
1 1957 3540 3618 7158
2 1958 108 144 252
3 1959 479 680 1159
4 1960 39 35 74

ocfa57: 1950 Census occupation code for father's 1957 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Missing Data 652 694 1346
1 - 58 1135 1198 2333
59 - 152 954 974 1928
153 - 281 954 1047 2001
282 - 470 866 932 1798
471 - 507 430 481 911
Note: These data were obtained from Wisconsin tax records
with missing data filled in from 1957 questionnaires.

See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational

ocf157: Father's 1957 occupation by general categories.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
0 Farmers, farm managers 844 879 1723
1 Laborers including farm laborers 604 685 1289
2 Private household workers and service workers, excluding firemen, policemen, detectives, and sheriffs 130 109 239
3 Operatives and kindred workers 730 760 1490
4 Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers, including noncommissioned officers and enlisted men in Armed Forces, firemen, policemen, detectives, and sheriffs 703 788 1491
5 Clerical, sales and kindred workers 411 418 829
6 Proprietors 347 390 737
7 Managers and officials--salaried 229 231 460
8 Professional, technical and kindred workers, including military commissioned officers and Peace Corps workers 298 322 620
9 Student, housewife, unemployed, or occupation not reported 695 744 1439
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074a for Revised memo on Coding of Father's
Occupation as Farmer.

ocf257: Father's 1957 occupation by general categories. Recoded by indicated source of information.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 NOT ASCERTAINED 279 295 574
1 Unskilled; not ascertained (coded 1 in OCF57 and not coded 058, 059, or 405-408 in OCFA57) 1603 1751 3354
2 Farming on April, 1957 Questionnaire and Tax Return (coded 2 in OCF57 AND coded either 058, 059 or 405-408 in OCFA57) 866 880 1746
3 Farming, unskilled on April, 1957 Questionnaire, but not on Tax Return (coded 058, 059 or 405-408 in OCFA57) 90 103 193
4 Farming on April, 1957 Questionnaire, but not on Tax Return (coded 2 in OCF57 AND NOT coded 058, 059 or 405-408 in OCFA57) 92 91 183
5 Skilled (coded 3 in OCF57) 464 550 1014
6 White collar (coded 4 in OCF57) 1039 1093 2132
7 Professional or executive (coded 5 in OCF57) 558 563 1121
Note: See Appendix E -COR074a for Revised memo on Coding of Father's
Occupation as Farmer.

ocf357: Was Father's 1957 occupation farming? Recoded by indicated source of information.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
1 Not farming (coded 1, 3, 4, or 5 in OCF57 and NOT coded 058, 059, or 405-408 in OCFA57) 3900 4198 8098
2 Farming, on both April, 1957 Questionnaire and Tax Return (coded 2 in OCF57 AND coded 058, 059 or 405-408 in OCFA57) 866 880 1746
3 Farming, on Tax Return but not ascertained or unskilled on April, 1957 Questionnaire (coded 1 in OCF57 AND coded 058, 059 or 405-408 in OCFA57) 90 103 193
4 Farming, on April, 1957 Questionnaire but not on Tax Return (coded 2 in OCF57 AND NOT coded 058, 059 or 405-408 in OCFA57) 92 91 183
5 Farming, on Tax Return but skilled, white collar or professional on April, 1957 Questionnaire (coded 3, 4 or 5 in OCF57 AND coded 058, 059 or 405-408 in OCFA57) 43 54 97
Note: See Appendix E -COR074a for Revised memo on Coding of Father's
Occupation as Farmer.

ocsf57: 1950 Duncan SEI score for father's 1957 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Missing data 652 694 1346
1 - 14 1525 1615 3140
15 - 24 913 978 1891
25 - 47 951 981 1932
48 - 85 870 973 1843
86 - 96 80 85 165
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational

ocpf57: 1950 NORC prestige score for father's 1957 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Missing data 652 694 1346
1 - 53 1525 1615 3140
54 - 61 971 1028 1999
62 - 70 1082 1181 2263
71 - 93 761 808 1569
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational

ocmd57: 1950 Census occupation code for mother's 1957 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Missing data 1187 1139 2326
1 - 256 781 821 1602
259 - 507 3023 3366 6389
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational

ocm157: Mother's 1957 occupation by general category.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
0 Farmers, farm managers 23 32 55
1 Laborers including farm laborers 178 192 370
2 Private household workers and service workers, excluding firemen, policemen, detectives, and sheriffs 298 301 599
3 Operatives and kindred workers 163 222 385
4 Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers, including noncommissioned officers and enlisted men in Armed Forces, firemen, policemen, detectives, and sheriffs 27 29 56
5 Clerical, sales and kindred workers 525 543 1068
6 Proprietors 26 41 67
7 Managers and officials--salaried 24 25 49
8 Professional, technical and kindred workers, including military commissioned officers and Peace Corps workers 143 144 287
9 Student, housewife, unemployed, or occupation not reported 3584 3797 7381
Note: Recoded from OCMD57

See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational

ocsmo5: 1950 Duncan SEI score for mother's 1957 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Missing data 1187 1139 2326
0 Lowest SEI 2 2 4
1 Housewife 2391 2647 5038
2 - 13 305 330 635
14 - 18 275 318 593
19 - 44 388 436 824
45 - 61 326 329 655
62 - 93 117 125 242
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational

ocpmo5: 1950 NORC prestige score for mother's 1957 occupation.

Data source: Collected Information      Collected in: 1966      Mode: none
Source variables: TAX

Value Label Male Female Total
-3 Missing data 1187 1139 2326
1 Housewife 2391 2647 5038
20 - 52 307 332 639
53 - 57 282 332 614
58 - 69 404 443 847
70 - 74 305 311 616
75 - 89 115 122 237
Note: See Appendix E for Occupation coding 1957, 1964 and tax
especially - COR074e for 1950 Census Occupational

Tax information was copied for 1957-1960 - the four-year
period in which their child was most likely to have been in
college. If no information was available for any of these
years from tax returns and if information was available for
prior years (1954-1956) or later years (1961-1964), this
information was used. In some cases where information was
not available from tax returns, information on "net
taxable" income (not adjusted gross income) was available
from the tax roll books and was used
