WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Phone: Siblings

HSIB - Sibling Module Graduate-Spouse Phone Instrument

ak067ss	        Total number of siblings ever born.
ak068sc         Number of living siblings at time of 2004 interview.
ak077ss         Total number of older siblings.

ak067ss: Including those who are no longer living, how many brothers and sisters did you have?

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: h_ktot

Value Label Male Female Total
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
0 - 1 519 583 1102
2 386 454 840
3 - 4 467 594 1061
5 - 10 388 409 797
11 - 23 47 42 89
Note: Top coded at 10 on the public release

ak068sc: How many of your siblings are still living?

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: h_ktot1

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 132 141 273
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
0 114 58 172
1 488 526 1014
2 376 484 860
3 266 331 597
4 150 201 351
5 113 124 237
6 62 86 148
7 39 53 92
8 25 21 46
9 19 24 43
10 10 15 25
11 1 10 11
12 6 2 8
13 5 3 8
14 0 1 1
15 0 1 1
16 0 1 1
Note: Top coded at 10 on the public release

ak077ss: Including those who are no longer living, how many of these brothers and sisters are older than you? If you have a twin, please include your twin here.

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: h_k1

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 132 141 273
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
0 602 695 1297
1 473 574 1047
2 248 299 547
3 141 162 303
4 73 85 158
5 47 46 93
6 34 30 64
7 21 13 34
8 8 12 20
9 6 8 14
10 6 4 10
11 10 5 15
12 4 1 5
13 2 1 3
14 0 3 3
15 1 1 2
17 0 1 1
