WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Phone: Parents

HPAR - Parent Module Graduate-Spouse Phone Instrument
For more information on the Parent Module see Appendix D.	   			

Information about the Graduate Spouse's parent(s) was collected in the
following manner:
Mortality status of the respondent's mother was requested. If the respondent's
mother was deceased, information about the date and age at death was
ascertained. If the respondent's mother was living, information about her age
was ascertained.  
Mortality status of the respondent's father was requested. If the respondent's
father was deceased,information about the date and age at death was
ascertained. If the respondent's father was living,information about his age
was ascertained.   


ae050ma-ae152mab    Variables for MOTHER of respondent:  mortality status, 
                    age at interview if living, date of death and age at 
                    death if deceased.
ae062fa-ae164fab    Variables for FATHER of respondent:  mortality status, 
                    age at interview if living, date of death and age at 
                    death if deceased.

ae050ma: Mother alive?

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: mothlive, h_e2, h_e3

Value Label Male Female Total
1 YES 280 682 962
2 NO 1528 1400 2928

ae051ma: Mother's age at time of interview

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: h_e3a, mothlive, h_e2

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 1528 1400 2928
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
58 - 82 22 217 239
83 - 86 50 193 243
87 - 89 74 138 212
90 - 94 108 107 215
95 - 100 24 24 48
Note: ae051ma is top and bottom coded on the public release.

ae052mab: Mother's year of death

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: h_e2a_y, mothlive, h_e3

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 280 682 962
-1 DON'T KNOW 119 56 175
1931 - 1976 334 240 574
1977 - 1987 306 256 562
1988 - 1994 299 277 576
1995 - 2000 290 345 635
2001 - 2005 180 226 406

ae152mab: Mother's age at death.

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: h_e2b, h_e3, mothlive

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 280 682 962
-1 DON'T KNOW 49 20 69
19 - 67 287 310 597
68 - 77 287 305 592
78 - 83 299 312 611
84 - 89 356 287 643
90 - 105 250 166 416
Note: ae152mab is top coded on the public release.

ae062fa: Father alive at time of interview.

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: fathlive, h_ef2, h_ef3

Value Label Male Female Total
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 4 9
1 YES 67 234 301
2 NO 1736 1844 3580

ae063fa: Father's age at time of interview.

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: fathlive, h_ef3a, h_ef2

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 1749 1868 3617
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 3 3
64 - 80 4 49 53
81 - 85 6 58 64
86 - 88 10 48 58
89 - 92 24 37 61
93 - 99 15 18 33
Note: ae063fa is top and bottom coded on the public release.

ae064fab: Father's year of death.

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: fathlive, h_Ef2a, h_eF3a

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 72 238 310
-1 DON'T KNOW 128 95 223
1928 - 1967 411 298 709
1968 - 1978 346 341 687
1979 - 1987 360 365 725
1988 - 1995 297 400 697
1996 - 2004 194 345 539

ae164fab: Father's age at death.

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: fathlive, h_Ef2b, h_Ef3a

Value Label Male Female Total
-2 72 238 310
-1 DON'T KNOW 46 58 104
16 - 62 349 393 742
63 - 72 385 426 811
73 - 79 356 375 731
80 - 86 324 384 708
87 - 104 276 208 484
Note: ae164faf is top coded on the public release.
