WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Phone: Selected Sibling

SSIB - Sibling Module


This respondent was chosen during an interview of his/her sibling who graduated
from a Wisconsin high school in 1957. During an interview in 1975, the 1957
graduate was asked to list each of his/her siblings and then one of these
siblings was randomly chosen as the "selected" sibling. In this module,
questions are asked of the respondent (sibling who was randomly chosen in 1975)
about his/her sibling. The sibling is this module now refers to the 1957 high
school graduate, who is referred to as "graduate" in this module. 

If this graduate is deceased, then information about cause and year of death is
collected; and if the deceased graduate was not interviewed in 2004, details
regarding his/her last job are also ascertained. In addition, for living
graduates who were not interviewed in 2004, martial status and current labor
force status are collected.  Contact, closeness, and comparison questions are
asked of all siblings if the graduate is alive.
A small portion of the siblings were asked to give death details about any
"full or half siblings who are no longer living." In 1975, the graduate was
asked to report total number of siblings ever born and list a few details about
each living sibling.  In 2004, an attempt was made to learn about mortality
status of all biological siblings by asking "Did you grow up with any siblings
who are no longer living?" Any deceased siblings who were newly found via this
death question were added to the 2004 sibling roster in the graduate instrument
and coded deceased.  There are still about 800 cases in which the number of
siblings ever born (gk067ss) is greater than the total number of siblings in
the roster (gk073re). In order to reconcile these differences, the selected
sibling of the corresponding graduate was asked to list any "full or half
siblings who are no longer living". cka01ss indicates if the sibling was asked
about deceased siblings. Any siblings who were not already included in the
roster of siblings provided by the graduate were kept in variables
ck0021-ck1334. All of these siblings were deceased prior to 1975 and many of
them died at a very young age.  Thus the graduate did not count them as
"siblings whom they had grown up with".  

 ck069s:            Sibling Respondent grew up with any brothers or sisters
                    who had a disability or mental illness?           
 ck001ss-ck008ssc:  Mortality status; year of death and cause of death for
                    deceased graduate.          

 ck009ssc-ck027ssc: For deceased graduates: details about usual work including
                    COW, 1990 census codes, major occupation and industry 
                    codes, Nakoa-Treas Prestige Rating, 1990 occupational
                    education and occupational income scores, and year graduate
                    stopped working at this job.

 ck034ssd,ck036ssd: For those graduates who did not respond in 2004 and are 
                    alive: graduate's marital status and current work status.
 ck057ssd-ck060ssg: Frequency of contact sibling respondent has with
                    graduate, or date respondent last saw graduate.
 ck061ssd-ck062ssd: Similarity of sibling respondent and graduate on
                    general outlook and closeness.

 ck063ssd-ck065ssd: Comparison of respondent and graduate in terms of 
                    education, work, and finances.

 cka01ss:           If the sibling was asked about deceased siblings.

 ck0021-ck1334:     Additional reports of biological sibling deaths: year of 
                    death, age at time of death, cause of death, sex, and 
                    entity number of deceased sibling. 
Note: See Cor 961 in Appendix D for variable creation details

ck069s: Did you grow up with any brothers or sisters who had a disability or mental illness?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: kdisab

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 3 1 4
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1 YES 120 142 262
2 NO 1906 2096 4002

ck001ss: Mortality status of Graduate.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: K4int

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 4 8
1 ALIVE AT TIME OF 200x INTERVIEW 1860 2061 3921

ck002ssc: In what year did the deceased Graduate die?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: kM1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 2 0 2
-2 1864 2065 3929
-1 DON'T KNOW 8 8 16
1974 - 1994 31 35 66
1995 - 1998 39 28 67
1999 - 2001 44 45 89
2002 - 2004 34 52 86
2005 - 2006 8 7 15

ck008ssc: Cause of Graduate's Death. These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: KM2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-18 COULD NOT CODE 0 3 3
-3 REFUSED 2 0 2
-2 1864 2065 3929
-1 DON'T KNOW 7 0 7
38 Septicemia 0 1 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 2 0 2
141 Malignant neoplasm of tongue 1 1 2
145 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of the mouth 0 1 1
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 2 2 4
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 1 0 1
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 8 5 13
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 6 0 6
156 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts 0 2 2
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 4 5 9
159 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 2 0 2
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 2 3 5
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 17 16 33
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 2 1 3
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 3 2 5
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 8 9 17
180 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 2 0 2
182 Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus 0 1 1
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 3 5 8
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 3 4 7
187 Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organs 1 0 1
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 1 0 1
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 0 1 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 1 2 3
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 1 0 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 11 4 15
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 3 3 6
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 1 0 1
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 3 3 6
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 1 3 4
250 Diabetes mellitus 1 6 7
289 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 0 1 1
303 Alcohol dependence syndrome 0 1 1
331 Other cerebral degenerations 1 1 2
332 Parkinson's disease 3 2 5
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 0 1 1
335 Anterior horn cell disease 3 5 8
340 Multiple sclerosis 2 0 2
348 Other conditions of brain 1 0 1
359 Muscular dystrophies and other myopathies 0 1 1
395 Diseases of the aortic valve 1 0 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 9 7 16
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 0 1 1
415 Acute pulmonary heart disease 0 2 2
428 Heart failure 0 1 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 22 33 55
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 1 1 2
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 4 2 6
440 Atherosclerosis 0 1 1
442 Other aneurysm 4 5 9
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 1 2 3
487 Influenza 1 0 1
492 Emphysema 1 1 2
493 Asthma 1 0 1
515 Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis 0 1 1
518 Other diseases of lung 1 4 5
530 Diseases of esophagus 0 1 1
571 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 0 1 1
573 Other disorders of liver 2 1 3
586 Renal failure, unspecified 0 1 1
592 Calculus of kidney and ureter 0 1 1
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 0 1 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 1 1 2
780 General symptoms 0 1 1
789 Other Symptoms involving abdomen and pelvis 0 1 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 0 2 2
996 Complications peculiar to certain specified procedures 0 1 1
998 Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified 1 1 2
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 0 2 2
5838 Other And Unspecified Water Transport Accident 1 0 1
5888 Other and unspecified fall 2 0 2
5912 Inhalation And Ingestion Of Other Object Causing Obstruction Of Respiratory Tract Or Suffocation 0 1 1
5925 Accident caused by electric current 1 0 1
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 1 0 1
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 0 2 2
Note: Please see the 'Phone/Mail: ICD-10 Variables' module for the ICD-10 version of the ICD-9 codes in this variable.

cka08ssc: Cause of Graduate's death. These are Collapsed ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: KM2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-18 NOT CODEABLE 0 3 3
-3 REFUSED 2 0 2
-2 1864 2065 3929
-1 DON'T KNOW 7 0 7
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 2 1 3
20 Neoplasms 87 73 160
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 1 6 7
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 0 1 1
50 Mental Disorders 0 1 1
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 10 10 20
70 Circulatory System 42 55 97
80 Respiratory System 4 6 10
90 Digestive System 2 3 5
100 Genitourinary system 0 2 2
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 1 2 3
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 0 4 4
170 Injury and Poisoning 1 2 3
180 ICD-9 E Codes 5 5 10

ck009ssc: Was there a kind of work the deceased Graduate usually did?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: KMOR9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 2 1 3
-2 1876 2078 3954
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
1 YES 134 144 278
2 NO 16 16 32

cku12sse: Class of worker for deceased Graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: KMOR14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 2 2 4
-2 1895 2095 3990
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 5 7
1 Private company, business or individual for wages, salary or commission 83 89 172
2 Government employee (federal, state or local government) 28 26 54
3 Own business or professional practice; incorporated 8 3 11
4 Own business or professional practice; not incorporated 9 14 23
5 Working without pay in a family business or farm 1 0 1
6 Family worker, not further specified 1 4 5

ck019sse: 1990 Census detailed industry code for deceased Graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: KMOR12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 3 5 8
-2 1895 2095 3990
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
10 - 242 26 27 53
262 - 521 27 27 54
530 - 761 26 28 54
762 - 842 29 38 67
850 - 941 21 16 37

ck020sse: 1990 Census detailed occupation code for deceased Graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: KMOR10, KMOR11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 6 5 11
-2 1895 2095 3990
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
5 - 87 26 26 52
95 - 254 29 26 55
257 - 379 22 33 55
383 - 567 28 25 53
575 - 905 21 25 46

ck021sse: 1990 Major industry code for deceased Graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: CK019SSE, CK020SSE, CKU12SSE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 3 5 8
-2 1895 2095 3990
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1 Agriculture, Forestry, And Fisheries 2 6 8
3 Construction 7 4 11
4 Manufacturing 35 32 67
5 Transportation, Communications, And Other Public Utilities 7 7 14
6 Wholesale And Retail Trade 17 18 35
7 Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate 7 12 19
8 Business And Repair Services 4 1 5
9 Personal Services 3 5 8
10 Entertainment And Recreation Services 0 3 3
11 Public Administration 7 8 15
12 Professional And Related Services 39 39 78
13 Active Duty Military 1 1 2

ck022sse: 1990 Major occupation code for deceased Graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: CK019SSE, CK020SSE, CKU12SSE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 6 5 11
-2 1895 2095 3990
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
1 Professional, Technical & Specialty: Self-Employed & w/o Pay 5 2 7
2 Professional, Technical & Specialty: Salaried & N.A. 22 23 45
3 Executives, Administrators & Managers: Salaried & N.A. 14 16 30
4 Executives, Administrators & Managers: Self-Employed & w/o Pay 6 4 10
5 Sales: Not Retail Trade 10 9 19
6 Sales: Retail Trade 3 6 9
7 Administrator Support, Including Clerical 17 28 45
8 Precision Production, Craftsmen, Repair: Manufacturing 13 5 18
9 Precision Production, Craftsmen, Repair: Construction 6 3 9
10 Precision Production, Craftsmen, Repair: All Other & N.A. 2 3 5
11 Operators & Fabricators: Manufacturing 4 10 14
12 Operators & Fabricators: All Other & N.A. 3 6 9
13 Service Occupations 17 13 30
14 Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers/Laborers: Manufacturing 2 0 2
16 Farm Operators & Managers 1 6 7
18 Military Occupations 1 1 2

ck023sse: 1989 Nakao-Treas Prestige Rating for deceased Graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: CK020SSE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 6 5 11
-2 1896 2096 3992
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
126 - 320 23 28 51
327 - 539 24 27 51
543 - 605 22 32 54
615 - 790 28 24 52
797 - 946 28 23 51

ck024sse: 1990 Occupational Education Score for deceased Graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: CKU12SSE, CKU19SSE, CK020SSE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 6 5 11
-2 1896 2096 3992
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
147 - 340 26 30 56
355 - 529 26 27 53
531 - 708 22 30 52
709 - 880 27 27 54
883 - 998 24 20 44

ck025sse: 1990 Occupational Income Score for deceased Graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: CKU12SSE, CK019SSE, CK020SSE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 6 5 11
-2 1896 2096 3992
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
42 - 103 24 27 51
104 - 206 17 34 51
207 - 402 27 26 53
408 - 509 27 24 51
514 - 840 30 23 53

ck027ssc: In what year did the deceased Graduate stop working at his/her last job?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: CK001SS, KMOR17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 2 1 3
-2 1894 2095 3989
-1 DON'T KNOW 18 29 47
1960 - 1990 24 25 49
1991 - 1995 30 24 54
1996 - 1998 24 26 50
1999 - 2001 25 28 53
2002 - 2005 13 12 25

ck034ssd: What is the Graduate's marital status?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 3 1 4
-2 1639 1804 3443
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 MARRIED 284 301 585
2 DIVORCED 51 68 119
4 WIDOWED 31 38 69
5 NEVER MARRIED 19 23 42

ck036ssd: What is the Graduate's current work status?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k403l

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 5 0 5
-2 1791 1966 3757
-1 DON'T KNOW 6 8 14

ck077ss: Estimated driving miles between grad and sib at the time of the 2005 sib interv (from APL)

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: restricted data

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 897 946 1843
-4 Not Ascertained 16 21 37
-2 Inappropriate 1848 1522 3370
0 Coresident 2 4 6
0.01 - 16.67 334 370 704
16.74 - 133.10 325 379 704
133.79 - 424.85 335 369 704
424.90 - 1294.01 325 379 704
1296.86 - 3688.76 355 351 706
Note: On the public release, ck077ss is bottom coded at 0.25.

ck057ssd: Frequency of contact with Graduate during the past 12 months.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k408_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 4 5 9
-2 171 182 353
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 12 17
0 NEVER 81 69 150
1 571 712 1283
2 - 3 503 567 1070
4 - 8 413 405 818
9 - 365 282 288 570

ck058sse: Unit for frequency of contact with Graduate during the past 12 months.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: RK057SSD, k408_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 2 0 2
-2 178 199 377
0 NEVER 81 69 150
1 DAY 23 70 93
2 WEEK 292 538 830
3 MONTH 530 613 1143
4 YEAR 924 751 1675

ck059ssf: Number of times in past 12 months Sibling Respondent had contact with Graduate.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: CK057SSD, k408_2, k408_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 2 0 2
-2 178 199 377
1 - 11 LESS THAN ONCE PER MONTH 712 539 1251
12 ONCE PER MONTH 333 334 667
13 - 51 MORE THAN ONCE PER MONTH 359 416 775
52 ONCE PER WEEK 207 316 523
53 - 364 MORE THAN ONCE PER WEEK 131 295 426
365 ONCE PER DAY 21 60 81
366 - 729 MORE THAN ONCE PER DAY 1 2 3
730 TWICE A DAY 2 4 6
950 950 TIMES OR MORE PER YEAR 3 6 9

ck060ssg: In what year did you last see the Graduate?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k408_1, k408m

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 3 1 4
-2 1940 2154 4094
-1 DON'T KNOW 7 9 16
1960 - 1993 19 13 32
1994 - 2000 25 17 42
2001 - 2003 21 20 41
2004 - 2005 15 24 39
2006 0 2 2

ck061ssd: In terms of your general outlook on life, how similar are your views with your brother/sister, the Graduate?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k410t

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 4 2 6
-2 168 179 347
-1 DON'T KNOW 37 23 60
1 VERY SIMILAR 360 544 904
2 SOMEWHAT SIMILAR 1076 1123 2199
3 NOT VERY SIMILAR 267 267 534
4 NOT AT ALL SIMILAR 118 102 220

ck062ssd: How close does Sibling Respondent feel towards their brother/sister, the Graduate?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k412

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 4 1 5
-2 168 179 347
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 3 7
1 VERY CLOSE 554 942 1496
2 SOMEWHAT CLOSE 913 820 1733
3 NOT VERY CLOSE 282 204 486
4 NOT AT ALL CLOSE 105 91 196

ck063ssd: How has Sibling Respondent done compared to Graduate, in terms of education?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k424s

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 6 3 9
-2 1599 1807 3406
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 4 6
1 MUCH BETTER 58 44 102
2 BETTER 102 89 191
3 SAME 181 200 381
4 WORSE 76 85 161
5 MUCH WORSE 6 8 14

ck064ssd: How has Sibling Respondent done compared to Graduate, in terms of work?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k426

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 20 17 37
-2 168 179 347
-1 DON'T KNOW 72 64 136
1 MUCH BETTER 280 190 470
2 BETTER 493 395 888
3 SAME 795 970 1765
4 WORSE 168 338 506
5 MUCH WORSE 20 47 67

ck065ssd: How has Sibling Respondent done financially compared to Graduate?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k426f

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-3 REFUSED 17 19 36
-2 168 179 347
-1 DON'T KNOW 101 137 238
1 MUCH BETTER 291 203 494
2 BETTER 444 423 867
3 SAME 605 724 1329
4 WORSE 359 468 827
5 MUCH WORSE 45 87 132

cka01ss: Was this sibling in sample who were asked if any biological siblings deceased?

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: sibship

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
1 YES 151 170 321
2 NO 1879 2070 3949

ck0021: Year of first sibling's death.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 1971 2178 4149
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 8 11
1926 - 1935 9 16 25
1936 - 1939 11 11 22
1940 - 1946 14 10 24
1947 - 1956 12 11 23
1957 - 1972 10 6 16
Note: Only asked of a small sample. See cka01ss to determine who was included in the sample; and the 2nd paragraph of the description for this module for complete details.

ck0051: Age of first deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 1971 2178 4149
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
0 27 38 65
1 - 5 14 11 25
7 - 29 13 10 23
30 - 40 3 2 5
Note: Only asked of a small sample. See cka01ss to determine who was included in the sample; and the 2nd paragraph of the description for this module for complete details.

ck0081: Cause of first sibling's Death. These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-18 COULD NOT CODE 1 1 2
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1971 2178 4149
-1 DON'T KNOW 9 11 20
9 Ill-defined intestinal infections 1 0 1
33 Whooping cough 1 1 2
34 Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever 1 1 2
45 Acute poliomyelitis 2 0 2
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 1 0 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 1 0 1
201 Hodgkin's disease 1 0 1
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 1 0 1
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 0 2 2
281 Other deficiency anemias 1 0 1
322 Meningitis of unspecified cause 0 2 2
348 Other conditions of brain 1 1 2
428 Heart failure 0 1 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 3 0 3
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 1 0 1
486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified 0 1 1
487 Influenza 1 1 2
518 Other diseases of lung 1 0 1
560 Intestinal obstruction without mention of hernia 0 1 1
578 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage 1 0 1
634 Spontaneous abortion 4 6 10
741 Spina bifida 2 1 3
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 3 2 5
748 Congenital anomalies of respiratory system 0 1 1
753 Congenital anomalies of urinary system 0 1 1
762 Fetus or newborn affected by complications of placenta, cord, and membranes 0 1 1
765 Disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birthweight 0 7 7
767 Birth trauma 0 1 1
773 Hemolytic disease of fetus or newborn, due to isoimmunization 0 1 1
798 Sudden death, cause unknown 3 1 4
990 Effects of radiation, unspecified 0 1 1
994 Effects of other external causes 0 1 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 4 4 8
5899 Accident caused by unspecified fire 0 1 1
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 2 1 3
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 1 0 1
5984 Submersion (drowning), Undetermined Whether Accidentally or Purposely Inflicted 1 0 1
5995 Injury Due To War Operations By Other And Unspecified Forms Of Conventional Warfare 2 1 3
Note: Only asked of a small sample. See cka01ss to determine who was included in the sample; and the 2nd paragraph of the description for this module for complete details.
Note: Please see the 'Phone/Mail: ICD-10 Variables' module for the ICD-10 version of the ICD-9 codes in this variable.

cka081: Cause of first sibling's death. These are Collapsed ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-18 NOT CODEABLE 1 1 2
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1971 2178 4149
-1 DON'T KNOW 9 11 20
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 5 2 7
20 Neoplasms 4 2 6
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 1 0 1
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 1 3 4
70 Circulatory System 4 1 5
80 Respiratory System 2 2 4
90 Digestive System 1 1 2
110 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 4 6 10
140 Congenital Anomalies 5 5 10
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 0 10 10
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 3 1 4
170 Injury and Poisoning 0 2 2
180 ICD-9 E Codes 10 7 17
Note: Only asked of a small sample. See cka01ss to determine who was included in the sample; and the 2nd paragraph of the description for this module for complete details.

ck0291: Gender of first deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 1971 2178 4149
1 MALE 34 35 69
2 FEMALE 25 27 52
Note: Only asked of a small sample. See cka01ss to determine who was included in the sample; and the 2nd paragraph of the description for this module for complete details.

ck1331: Entity number of first deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 1971 2178 4149
2 2 0 2
3 1 2 3
4 4 6 10
5 11 7 18
6 14 13 27
7 13 13 26
8 5 13 18
9 4 3 7
10 3 1 4
11 1 1 2
12 0 3 3
14 1 0 1

ck0022: Year of second sibling's death.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2021 2227 4248
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 4 5
1926 0 1 1
1928 1 1 2
1932 0 2 2
1935 1 0 1
1936 1 0 1
1942 1 0 1
1944 1 0 1
1945 0 1 1
1948 0 1 1
1949 0 2 2
1951 2 0 2
1955 0 1 1
1956 1 0 1

ck0052: Age of second deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2021 2227 4248
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
0 4 9 13
1 1 1 2
2 1 0 1
3 0 1 1
5 0 1 1
11 1 0 1
12 1 0 1
24 0 1 1

ck0082: Cause of second sibling's Death. These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-18 COULD NOT CODE 0 1 1
-2 2021 2227 4248
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 4 5
45 Acute poliomyelitis 1 0 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 1 0 1
431 Intracerebral hemorrhage 1 0 1
486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified 0 1 1
487 Influenza 0 1 1
518 Other diseases of lung 0 1 1
634 Spontaneous abortion 2 1 3
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 1 0 1
765 Disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birthweight 0 1 1
5984 Submersion (drowning), Undetermined Whether Accidentally or Purposely Inflicted 1 1 2
Note: Please see the 'Phone/Mail: ICD-10 Variables' module for the ICD-10 version of the ICD-9 codes in this variable.

cka082: Cause of second sibling's death. These are Collapsed ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-18 NOT CODEABLE 0 1 1
-2 2021 2227 4248
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 4 5
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 1 0 1
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 1 0 1
70 Circulatory System 1 0 1
80 Respiratory System 0 3 3
110 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 2 1 3
140 Congenital Anomalies 1 0 1
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 0 1 1
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 1 2

ck0292: Gender of second deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2021 2227 4248
1 MALE 6 3 9
2 FEMALE 3 10 13

ck1332: Entity number of second deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2021 2227 4248
6 3 2 5
7 3 4 7
8 0 1 1
9 0 2 2
10 3 2 5
13 0 2 2

ck0023: Year of third sibling's death.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2236 4265
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
1936 0 1 1
1946 0 1 1
1957 1 0 1

ck0053: Age of third deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2236 4265
0 1 2 3
1 0 1 1
4 0 1 1

ck0083: Cause of third sibling's Death. These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2236 4265
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 0 1 1
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 1 0 1
765 Disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birthweight 0 1 1
Note: Please see the 'Phone/Mail: ICD-10 Variables' module for the ICD-10 version of the ICD-9 codes in this variable.

cka083: Cause of third sibling's death. These are Collapsed ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2236 4265
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
90 Digestive System 0 1 1
140 Congenital Anomalies 1 0 1
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 0 1 1

ck0293: Gender of third deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2236 4265
1 MALE 0 1 1
2 FEMALE 1 3 4

ck1333: Entity number of third deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2236 4265
8 0 1 1
11 1 1 2
14 0 2 2

ck0024: Year of fourth sibling's death.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2240 4269
1936 1 0 1

ck0054: Age of fourth deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2240 4269
5 1 0 1

ck0084: Cause of fourth sibling's Death. These are ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2240 4269
5912 Inhalation And Ingestion Of Other Object Causing Obstruction Of Respiratory Tract Or Suffocation 1 0 1
Note: Please see the 'Phone/Mail: ICD-10 Variables' module for the ICD-10 version of the ICD-9 codes in this variable.

cka084: Cause of fourth sibling's death. These are Collapsed ICD-9 codes.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2240 4269
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 0 1

ck0294: Gender of fourth deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: k15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2240 4269
2 FEMALE 1 0 1

ck1334: Entity number of fourth deceased sibling.

Data source: Sibling Respondent      Collected in: 2005      Mode: phone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2407 2101 4508
-2 2029 2240 4269
12 1 0 1
