WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Mail: How You Feel During A Typical Week

Graduate Mail: How You Feel During A Typical Week


These items are new to the 2004 Graduate Mail survey.  The preceding module
inquires about feelings the respondent had in the past week. This Module asks
first,  if the past week was typical and then for the respondent to answer the
following questions with a typical week in mind, not necessarily past week.


    IK000RER:                Typical Week Check

    IK001RER-IK024RER:       Specific Feelings/Thoughts

NOTE: See Cor813 in Appendix A for variable creation details

ik000rer: Were the past 7 days a typical week for you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q1ft

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 505 574 1079
1 YES 2330 2579 4909
2 NO 311 547 858

ik001rer: In a typical week, how angry/irritated are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 176 246 422
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 1302 1398 2700
2 A LITTLE 1587 1961 3548
3 QUITE A BIT 76 87 163
4 A GREAT DEAL 4 8 12

ik002rer: In a typical week, how calm/serene are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_b

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 172 250 422
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 70 87 157
2 A LITTLE 325 389 714
3 QUITE A BIT 1422 1751 3173
4 A GREAT DEAL 1156 1223 2379

ik003rer: In a typical week, how caring are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_c

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 175 239 414
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 NOT AT ALL 51 38 89
2 A LITTLE 391 188 579
3 QUITE A BIT 1458 1377 2835
4 A GREAT DEAL 1069 1858 2927

ik004rer: In a typical week, how challenged are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_d

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 184 260 444
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 551 685 1236
2 A LITTLE 1456 1628 3084
3 QUITE A BIT 708 789 1497
4 A GREAT DEAL 246 338 584

ik005rer: In a typical week, how confused are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_e

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 175 247 422
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 2388 2691 5079
2 A LITTLE 512 672 1184
3 QUITE A BIT 51 63 114
4 A GREAT DEAL 19 27 46

ik006rer: In a typical week, how delighted are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_f

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 178 249 427
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 137 125 262
2 A LITTLE 896 906 1802
3 QUITE A BIT 1355 1612 2967
4 A GREAT DEAL 579 808 1387

ik007rer: In a typical week, how determined are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_g

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 182 256 438
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 101 171 272
2 A LITTLE 727 794 1521
3 QUITE A BIT 1396 1575 2971
4 A GREAT DEAL 739 904 1643

ik008rer: In a typical week, how embarrassed are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_h

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 183 260 443
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 2420 2783 5203
2 A LITTLE 505 595 1100
3 QUITE A BIT 26 39 65
4 A GREAT DEAL 11 23 34

ik009rer: In a typical week, how much do you enjoy yourself?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_i

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 174 245 419
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 45 43 88
2 A LITTLE 316 395 711
3 QUITE A BIT 1238 1439 2677
4 A GREAT DEAL 1372 1578 2950

ik010rer: In a typical week, how enthusiastic are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_j

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 181 246 427
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 88 93 181
2 A LITTLE 641 674 1315
3 QUITE A BIT 1353 1519 2872
4 A GREAT DEAL 882 1168 2050

ik011rer: In a typical week, how friendly/warm are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_k

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 177 243 420
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 41 31 72
2 A LITTLE 415 266 681
3 QUITE A BIT 1426 1478 2904
4 A GREAT DEAL 1086 1682 2768

ik012rer: In a typical week, how frustrated are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_l

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 188 252 440
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 1620 1618 3238
2 A LITTLE 1201 1650 2851
3 QUITE A BIT 100 137 237
4 A GREAT DEAL 36 43 79

ik013rer: In a typical week, how helpless are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_m

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 176 243 419
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 2567 2814 5381
2 A LITTLE 334 528 862
3 QUITE A BIT 47 67 114
4 A GREAT DEAL 21 48 69

ik014rer: In a typical week, how hesitant are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_n

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 186 256 442
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 1874 2173 4047
2 A LITTLE 1010 1178 2188
3 QUITE A BIT 64 76 140
4 A GREAT DEAL 11 17 28

ik015rer: In a typical week, how interested are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_o

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 182 259 441
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 82 108 190
2 A LITTLE 487 458 945
3 QUITE A BIT 1615 1695 3310
4 A GREAT DEAL 779 1180 1959

ik016rer: In a typical week, how lonely are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_p

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 188 244 432
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 2359 2420 4779
2 A LITTLE 474 816 1290
3 QUITE A BIT 85 125 210
4 A GREAT DEAL 39 95 134

ik017rer: In a typical week, how loved are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_q

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 194 254 448
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 90 75 165
2 A LITTLE 417 386 803
3 QUITE A BIT 987 1034 2021
4 A GREAT DEAL 1457 1951 3408

ik018rer: In a typical week, how nervous/anxious are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_r

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 183 247 430
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 1851 1813 3664
2 A LITTLE 966 1413 2379
3 QUITE A BIT 116 162 278
4 A GREAT DEAL 29 65 94

ik019rer: In a typical week, how nostalgic are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_s

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 219 288 507
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 1055 937 1992
2 A LITTLE 1379 1720 3099
3 QUITE A BIT 409 553 962
4 A GREAT DEAL 83 202 285

ik020rer: In a typical week, how protected are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_t

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 231 285 516
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 0 4
1 NOT AT ALL 754 309 1063
2 A LITTLE 792 714 1506
3 QUITE A BIT 920 1225 2145
4 A GREAT DEAL 445 1167 1612

ik021rer: In a typical week, how resigned are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_u

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 230 325 555
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 NOT AT ALL 1519 1654 3173
2 A LITTLE 950 1161 2111
3 QUITE A BIT 349 404 753
4 A GREAT DEAL 97 154 251

ik022rer: In a typical week, how sad/blue are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_v

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 186 261 447
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 2332 2372 4704
2 A LITTLE 545 919 1464
3 QUITE A BIT 61 109 170
4 A GREAT DEAL 21 39 60

ik023rer: In a typical week, how much do you get thrilled by something?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_w

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 193 268 461
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 329 373 702
2 A LITTLE 1235 1153 2388
3 QUITE A BIT 1029 1211 2240
4 A GREAT DEAL 359 695 1054

ik024rer: In a typical week, how worried are you?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: mail
Source variables: q2ft_x

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1845 1626 3471
-3 REFUSED 172 240 412
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1 NOT AT ALL 1542 1375 2917
2 A LITTLE 1245 1757 3002
3 QUITE A BIT 145 245 390
4 A GREAT DEAL 41 83 124
