WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Phone: Non-Normative Screener

The nonnormative screener was a part of the kids' roster that sought to
identify children with various developmental disabilities and long-term,
serious mental illness. These analysis variables are the final result of using
the screener, call-backs, and other parts of the WLS to identify the condition
that child has. For details on the identification of nonnormative children, see
COR 1018a.

The original variables in this module have been archived and replaced by a set
of new and improved measures. The updated version were based on a comprehensive
review of individual cases. The updates include (1) changes in the nonnormative
status of some children reported in the child roster, or (2) changes in the
specific conditions of some children. As a result, the numbers of nonnormative
children each respondent had at the time of interview have been changed for
some cases as well. For details on changes in the updated version, see 
COR 1018b.

The updated verson:

Summary variables:

GD360: Number of children with a developmental disability

GD361: Number of children with a mental illness

GD362: Number of children with severe depression

Rostered variables:

GD36301-GD36317: Does child have a developmental disability or mental illness?

The archived variables: GD300, GD301, GD302, GD30301-GD30317

gd360: Number of children the Graduate Respondent has with a developmental disability.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: GD36301-GD36317, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD300

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 257 277 534
0 3039 3544 6583
1 72 76 148
2 4 3 7
3 1 0 1
6 0 1 1
Note: This variable is based on a detailed screener that was used to identify children with a developmental disability. The conditions that are included as a developmental disability are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, and several other very rare conditions.

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD300. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd361: Number of children the Graduate Respondent has with a mental illness.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: GD36301-GD36317, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD301

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 257 277 534
0 3038 3521 6559
1 71 98 169
2 6 5 11
3 1 0 1
Note: This variable is based on a detailed screener that was used to identify children with a long-term, severe mental illness. The conditions that are included as a mental illness are: bipolar, schizophrenia, and psychotic episodes. Severe depression is NOT included in this variable. See variables GD362 for depression.

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD301. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd362: Number of children the Graduate Respondent has with severe depression.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: GD36301-GD36317, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD302

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 257 277 534
0 3099 3580 6679
1 17 39 56
2 0 5 5
Note: This variable is based on a detailed screener that was used to identify children with a long-term, severe depression. Long-term, severe depression is used to refer to children that were either hospitalized for depression or suffered from an impairment of daily functions as a result of their depression. In this updated version, postpartum depression IS included. There is only one postpartum depression case and it was not included in depression group in the old/archived version (GD302). However, in this updated version, we decided to include the case in depression group because postpartum depression is limiting daily functions.

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD302. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36301: Does the first child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01401
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30301

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 260 283 543
0 No 3049 3539 6588
1 Yes, developmental disability 24 22 46
2 Yes, mental illness 34 35 69
3 Yes, severe depression 5 19 24
91 No, but was DD in the archived version, see Appendix D Cor1018b 0 2 2
92 No, but was MI in archived version, see Appendix D Cor1018b 1 1 2
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30301. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36302: Does the second child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01402
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30302

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 483 502 985
0 No 2829 3349 6178
1 Yes, developmental disability 24 13 37
2 Yes, mental illness 29 27 56
3 Yes, severe depression 7 9 16
91 No, but was DD in the archived version, see Appendix D Cor1018b 1 0 1
92 No, but was MI in archived version, see Appendix D Cor1018b 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30302. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36303: Does the third child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01403
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30303

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 1437 1447 2884
0 No 1902 2403 4305
1 Yes, developmental disability 19 19 38
2 Yes, mental illness 12 19 31
3 Yes, severe depression 1 13 14
91 No, but was DD in the archived version, see Appendix D Cor1018b 2 0 2
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30303. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36304: Does the fourth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01404
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30304

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 2333 2481 4814
0 No 1028 1391 2419
1 Yes, developmental disability 3 14 17
2 Yes, mental illness 6 9 15
3 Yes, severe depression 3 5 8
91 No, but was DD in the archived version, see Appendix D Cor1018b 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30304. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36305: Does the fifth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01405
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30305

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 2880 3200 6080
0 No 488 684 1172
1 Yes, developmental disability 3 7 10
2 Yes, mental illness 2 8 10
3 Yes, severe depression 0 2 2
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30305. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36306: Does the sixth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01406
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30306

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3153 3549 6702
0 No 212 348 560
1 Yes, developmental disability 7 2 9
2 Yes, mental illness 1 1 2
3 Yes, severe depression 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30306. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36307: Does the seventh child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01407
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30307

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3268 3728 6996
0 No 103 170 273
1 Yes, developmental disability 1 2 3
2 Yes, mental illness 0 1 1
3 Yes, severe depression 1 0 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30307. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36308: Does the eighth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01408
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30308

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3325 3814 7139
0 No 46 83 129
1 Yes, developmental disability 1 4 5
2 Yes, mental illness 1 0 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30308. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36309: Does the ninth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01409
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30309

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3357 3854 7211
0 No 16 46 62
1 Yes, developmental disability 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30309. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36310: Does the tenth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01410
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30310

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3368 3880 7248
0 No 5 20 25
2 Yes, mental illness 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30310. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36311: Does the eleventh child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01411
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30311

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3371 3890 7261
0 No 2 10 12
1 Yes, developmental disability 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30311. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36312: Does the twelfth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01412
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30312

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3373 3897 7270
0 No 0 3 3
1 Yes, developmental disability 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30312. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36313: Does the thirteenth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01413
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30313

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3373 3899 7272
0 No 0 2 2
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30313. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36314: Does the fourteenth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01414
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30314

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3373 3900 7273
1 Yes, developmental disability 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30314. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36315: Does the fifteenth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01415
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30315

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3373 3900 7273
0 No 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30315. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36316: Does the sixteenth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01416
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30316

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3373 3900 7273
2 Yes, mental illness 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30316. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.

gd36317: Does the seventeenth child have a developmental disability or a long-term, serious mental illness?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: Du116c, Du116d, Du116f1, Du116f2, h_dscr, h_d2 to h_d12, z23a, z23b, z23c, z23d, z23e, z23f, z23g, GD01417
Revisions: Replacement 7/2012      Archived variable: GD30317

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1618 1425 3043
-2 3373 3900 7273
1 Yes, developmental disability 0 1 1
Note: This variable indicates whether this child has a developmental disability (DD), a severe mental illness (MI), or severe depression. The conditions included in the construction of this variable are: mental retardation, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, brain injury, fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, several other very rare developmental disabilities, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, and severe depression (characterized by hospitalization or impairment in daily functioning as a result of the depression).

This variable is a final analysis variable based on an extremely detailed screener asking about various conditions as well as call-backs and analysis of other variables.

This variable is a replacement for the archived variable GD30317. See COR 1018b in Appendix D for details.
