WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Phone: Cognition - Similarities

GCOGSIM Cognition Similarities Module

For more information on the Cognition Similarities Module see COR859 and COR970
in Appendix G.


In the Cognition Similarities section, respondents were asked to give answers
to nine of the fourteen items from the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale
(WAIS). The five simplest items from the WAIS were eliminated due to the fact
that the general ability of the sample is high enough to cause little variation
in response to simple items.  

If the GU001RE flag (in the alcohol module; also known as "alcflag") equals 1,
the respondent was asked all 9 similarities questions; otherwise the respondent
was only asked 6 out of the 9 questions.  (GU001RE/alcflag is an 80% sample.) 
Questions #2, 4, and 7 were the ones skipped.  

Each of the nine items were assigned scores between 0 and 2, where 2 is the top
score. Respondents who did not receive the questions (due to subsampling) were
coded as "-2 Inappropriate". "-1 Don't know" includes instances in which
respondents did not provide any specific guess. "-1 Don't know" responses to
individual items count as 0 toward summary scores. "-2 Inappropriate," "-3
Refused," and "-4 Not Ascertained" do not count toward summary scores. 

Examples of 2-point, 1-point, and 0-point answers for each of the nine items
can be found in COR 970.  See the "CODING" section below, the rest of COR 859
(cor859similaritiesCodingFiles.zip), as well as COR 871 for additional
information about scoring and open-ending coding in 2004-5. For similar
information in the 1992/3 wave see Appendix G, COR458, the document Appendix
C.pdf, and similarities.pdf, which also provide detailed information on scoring


Cognition Similarties 

    GI101RE:            6-Item Score for Cognition Similarities.

    GI106RE:            9-Item Score for Cognition Similarities. 

    GI111RE-GI119RE:    Scores for All 9 Individual Cognition Similarities 
                        Items. Does Not Include Any Total Scores. 

NOTE: See Cor 859 in Appendix G for variable creation details.

gi101re: 6-item score for the Cognition Similarities section.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: gi111re, gi113re, gi115re, gi116re, gi118re, gi119re

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 206 221 427
1 32 20 52
2 96 125 221
3 204 209 413
4 299 359 658
5 430 502 932
6 478 543 1021
7 452 577 1029
8 434 507 941
9 341 418 759
10 241 242 483
11 93 118 211
Note: This 6-item score is based on responses to items i13p1, i13p4, i13p6, i13p7, i13p9, and i13p10 (corresponding to gi111re, gi113re, gi115re, gi116re, gi118re, and gi119re in this analysis file). All respondents were given these 6 items. This 6-item score replicates RI001RE from the 1993 wave but differs in number of items summarized (6 instead of 8 in 1993). "Don't know" responses to individual items count as 0 toward summary scores. "Inappropriate," "Refused," and "Not Ascertained" do not count toward summary scores.

gi106re: 9-item score for the Cognition Similarities section.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: gi111re, gi113re, gi115re, gi116re, gi118re, gi119re, gi112re, gi114re, gi117re

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 166 173 339
-2 739 861 1600
1 7 5 12
2 17 13 30
3 36 20 56
4 34 30 64
5 48 62 110
6 83 105 188
7 138 145 283
8 173 228 401
9 220 248 468
10 254 302 556
11 252 309 561
12 254 338 592
13 260 307 567
14 268 298 566
15 177 229 406
16 147 119 266
17 64 72 136
Note: This 9-item score is based on responses to all 9 similarities items (i.e., the six items listed in gi101re plus i13p3, i13p5, and i13p8, corresponding to gi112re, gi114re, and gi117re). Only respondents in the 80% GU001RE (alcflag) sample received these additional 3 items; thus, only those respondents will have this 9-item score. "Don't know" responses to individual items count as 0 toward summary scores. "Inappropriate," "Refused," and "Not Ascertained" do not count toward summary scores.

gi111re: Score for 'In what way are an orange and a banana alike?'

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: i13p1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 192 207 399
-3 REFUSED 21 18 39
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 4 9
0 0-POINT ANSWER 47 29 76
1 1-POINT ANSWER 350 224 574
2 2-POINT ANSWER 2755 3413 6168
Note: This item replicates item RI002RE from the 1993 wave.

gi112re: Score for 'In what way are a boat and an automobile alike?'

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: i13p3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 150 158 308
-3 REFUSED 22 17 39
-2 739 861 1600
-1 DON'T KNOW 11 3 14
0 0-POINT ANSWER 295 319 614
1 1-POINT ANSWER 166 248 414
2 2-POINT ANSWER 1987 2289 4276
Note: This item is in 80% GU001RE (alcflag) sample. This item is new in 2004.

gi113re: Score for 'In what way are an eye and an ear alike?'

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: i13p4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 208 221 429
-3 REFUSED 5 2 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 29 29 58
0 0-POINT ANSWER 389 460 849
1 1-POINT ANSWER 1197 1459 2656
2 2-POINT ANSWER 1542 1724 3266
Note: This item replicates item RI004RE from the 1993 wave.

gi114re: Score for 'In what way are north and west alike?'

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: i13p5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 168 179 347
-3 REFUSED 4 1 5
-2 739 861 1600
-1 DON'T KNOW 44 49 93
0 0-POINT ANSWER 153 130 283
1 1-POINT ANSWER 13 3 16
2 2-POINT ANSWER 2249 2672 4921
Note: This item is in 80% GU001RE (alcflag) sample. This item is new in 2004.

gi115re: Score for 'In what way are an egg and a seed alike?'

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: i13p6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 217 231 448
-3 REFUSED 7 4 11
-1 DON'T KNOW 211 333 544
0 0-POINT ANSWER 591 759 1350
1 1-POINT ANSWER 1480 1840 3320
2 2-POINT ANSWER 864 728 1592
Note: This item replicates item RI005RE from the 1993 wave.

gi116re: Score for 'In what way are a table and a chair alike?'

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: i13p7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 209 223 432
-3 REFUSED 7 4 11
-1 DON'T KNOW 32 24 56
0 0-POINT ANSWER 1078 1115 2193
1 1-POINT ANSWER 812 745 1557
2 2-POINT ANSWER 1232 1784 3016
Note: This item replicates item RI003RE from the 1993 wave.

gi117re: Score for 'In what way are a poem and a statue alike?'

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: i13p8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 179 189 368
-3 REFUSED 6 4 10
-2 739 861 1600
-1 DON'T KNOW 599 686 1285
0 0-POINT ANSWER 515 622 1137
1 1-POINT ANSWER 405 450 855
2 2-POINT ANSWER 927 1083 2010
Note: This item is in 80% GU001RE (alcflag) sample. This item is new in 2004.

gi118re: Score for 'In what way are a fly and a tree alike?'

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: i13p9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 213 231 444
-3 REFUSED 7 6 13
-1 DON'T KNOW 841 806 1647
0 0-POINT ANSWER 1021 1358 2379
1 1-POINT ANSWER 465 662 1127
2 2-POINT ANSWER 823 832 1655
Note: This item replicates item RI008RE from the 1993 wave.

gi119re: Score for 'In what way are praise and punishment alike?'

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: i13p10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 219 237 456
-3 REFUSED 8 7 15
-1 DON'T KNOW 309 300 609
0 0-POINT ANSWER 1593 1974 3567
1 1-POINT ANSWER 430 478 908
2 2-POINT ANSWER 811 899 1710
Note: This item replicates item RI009RE from the 1993 wave.
