WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Summary Variables

Summary Variables for Graduate Phone Instrument

This module contains information about the graduate rather than responses from
the graduate.  Details such as age at time of interview, place of residence at
time of interview, number of sessions to complete the interview are included in
this module.  See next section for complete details.
Other details about the graduate respondent that remain static such as gender,
date of birth, response status and random replicate number are not  reproduced
in this module. Those variables are available in the first module of WLS
documentation at
status and descriptive variables.


   GA003RE:             Graduate Respondent's Age at Time of Interview.        
   GA006RE:             Did Graduate Complete the Entire Phone Interview?  
   GA007RE:             First Unanswered Question in Q File for Partial Phone 
   GA008RE:             Module of First Unanswered Question for Partial Phone 
   GA009RE:             Was this Interview Conducted by a CAPI Instrument? 

   GA016REM-GA016REY:   Month, Day and Year of 2004 Graduate Respondent 
                        Telephone Interview. 
   GA020RE:             State of Graduate Respondent's Residence at Time of 
                        2004 Interview.   
   GAA22RE,GAA23RE      Does Graduate Respondent reside at another residence
                        for at least two months of the year and if so state
                        of that residence.
   GA029RE:             Date 2004 Graduate Telephone Interview was Delivered 
                        to WLS From UWSC.                                      
   GA030RE:             Number of Sessions Completed between Graduate 
                        Respondent and Interviewer.                            
   GA223RE, GA233RE,    Number of Calls Talked to Someone, Number of Calls
   GA234RE, GA235RE:    Busy, Number of Calls Made, Number of Calls Made+Msg.
   GA236RE:             Total Time to Complete Telephone Interview in Seconds  

   GA300RE:             Total Number of Attempts to Contact Respondent in
                        Order to Complete the Telephone Interview.
   GA901RP, GA902RP     Whether the Graduate Respondent is Married to Another
                        Graduate in the Sample and the IDPRIV of Spouse if
                        the Spouse is Also in the Sample

   GA903RS, GA904RS     Whether the Graduate Respondent was married to another
                        Selected Sibling in the Sample and the IDPRIV of Spouse
                        if the Spouse is Also in the Sample
   GA900RE-GA918RE      Geocode Variables for Graduate Respondent's location
                        at the time of 2004 interview.                

See Cor 857 in Appendix A for variable creation details

ga003re: Graduate Respondent's age at time of interview.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: ga016rem, ga016red, ga016rey, Birthday
Revisions: Revised June 2023     

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
62 1 2 3
63 178 246 424
64 1663 2234 3897
65 1255 1239 2494
66 244 163 407
67 26 10 36
68 3 1 4
Note: On the public release, ga003re is bottom coded at 63 and topcoded at 67.

ga006re: Did Graduate Respondent complete the entire phone interview in 2003-05 or partial?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: partial

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052

ga007re: First unanswered question in Q file for partial phone completes.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
"b1130_a" 0 1 1
"b1145" 0 1 1
"b11d" 1 0 1
"b139b" 1 0 1
"i1b" 9 3 12
"p596" 1 0 1
"p608" 1 0 1
"p615r" 1 0 1
"s000age1" 2 3 5
"s1935" 0 1 1
Note: Only 11 of 69 values are listed.

ga008re: Module of first unanswered question for partial phone interviews.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-2 3271 3792 7063
10 gempl 0 1 1
11 gpens 6 10 16
12 gjobc 6 5 11
13 gcogord 16 8 24
14 goinc 13 16 29
15 gassets 16 16 32
16 gcogimm 23 21 44
17 gacins 4 8 12
18 gacutil 6 5 11
19 gvolun 2 0 2
20 galc 0 4 4
21 greli 0 1 1
22 ginet 2 1 3
24 gdepr 3 4 7
27 geoldth 1 2 3
29 gnonnorm 0 1 1
30 gaddrs 1 0 1

ga009re: Was this interview conducted by a CAPI instrument?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: CAPI

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
2 NO, CATI INTERVIEW 3366 3890 7256

ga016rem: Month Graduate Respondent completed telephone interview.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: mm

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
1 January 228 329 557
2 February 144 147 291
3 March 240 259 499
4 April 220 297 517
5 May 400 457 857
6 June 337 434 771
7 July 446 523 969
8 August 359 377 736
9 September 287 323 610
10 October 183 215 398
11 November 260 259 519
12 December 266 275 541

ga016red: Day Graduate Respondent completed telephone interview.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: dd

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
1 - 7 734 868 1602
8 - 13 828 870 1698
14 - 20 707 795 1502
21 - 27 730 885 1615
28 - 31 371 477 848

ga016rey: Year Graduate Respondent completed telephone interview.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: yyyy

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
2003 1079 1188 2267
2004 2053 2469 4522
2005 238 238 476

ga020re: State of Graduate Respondent's residence at time of 2004 interview.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
1 Alabama 4 10 14
2 Alaska 10 3 13
3 Arizona 82 116 198
4 Arkansas 13 19 32
5 California 116 124 240
6 Colorado 43 60 103
7 Connecticut 7 7 14
8 Delaware 1 4 5
9 Washington, D.C. 4 0 4
10 Florida 119 128 247
11 Georgia 22 18 40
12 Hawaii 1 1 2
13 Idaho 7 6 13
14 Illinois 103 109 212
15 Indiana 27 27 54
16 Iowa 15 26 41
17 Kansas 6 6 12
18 Kentucky 6 5 11
19 Louisiana 3 4 7
20 Maine 2 2 4
21 Maryland 14 10 24
22 Massachusetts 5 13 18
23 Michigan 42 40 82
24 Minnesota 124 141 265
25 Mississippi 3 3 6
26 Missouri 19 25 44
27 Montana 13 8 21
28 Nebraska 5 6 11
29 Nevada 16 18 34
30 New Hampshire 4 1 5
31 New Jersey 7 11 18
32 New Mexico 15 16 31
33 New York 10 21 31
34 North Carolina 20 20 40
35 North Dakota 0 3 3
36 Ohio 15 24 39
37 Oklahoma 5 12 17
38 Oregon 20 17 37
39 Pennsylvania 15 17 32
40 Rhode Island 1 0 1
41 South Carolina 9 11 20
42 South Dakota 4 1 5
43 Tennessee 19 21 40
44 Texas 63 45 108
45 Utah 6 6 12
46 Vermont 2 1 3
47 Virginia 30 26 56
48 Washington 39 27 66
49 West Virginia 2 1 3
50 Wisconsin 2239 2662 4901
51 Wyoming 1 4 5
53 Australia 0 1 1
59 Canada 4 7 11
61 Chile 1 0 1
65 France 1 1 2
67 Great Britain (United Kingdom, England) 1 0 1
76 Kenya 1 0 1
111 AE, (Armed Forces) 2 0 2
113 New Zealand 1 0 1
117 Guatemala 1 0 1
Note: Public and private data differ. Only codes for public are Wisconsin (50)
vs. non-Wisconsin (0). Private data has codes for states and foreign countries.

gaa22re: Does graduate reside at another home for at least 2 months of the year?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: seashome

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
1 YES 306 364 670
2 NO 3064 3531 6595

gaa23re: State of seasonal residence.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: shm1_s

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-3 REFUSED 2 1 3
-2 3064 3531 6595
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 2 5
1 Alabama 2 4 6
2 Alaska 3 1 4
3 Arizona 39 51 90
4 Arkansas 0 4 4
5 California 11 8 19
6 Colorado 3 6 9
7 Connecticut 1 0 1
10 Florida 65 100 165
11 Georgia 0 2 2
12 Hawaii 0 2 2
13 Idaho 0 1 1
14 Illinois 4 6 10
15 Indiana 2 1 3
16 Iowa 0 1 1
18 Kentucky 0 1 1
19 Louisiana 3 0 3
20 Maine 1 0 1
21 Maryland 0 2 2
22 Massachusetts 1 3 4
23 Michigan 9 4 13
24 Minnesota 5 7 12
25 Mississippi 0 1 1
26 Missouri 0 4 4
27 Montana 1 3 4
28 Nebraska 0 1 1
29 Nevada 2 4 6
30 New Hampshire 0 1 1
31 New Jersey 1 2 3
32 New Mexico 2 2 4
33 New York 0 1 1
34 North Carolina 0 1 1
36 Ohio 1 1 2
38 Oregon 2 2 4
39 Pennsylvania 2 0 2
41 South Carolina 3 2 5
43 Tennessee 3 0 3
44 Texas 10 17 27
45 Utah 2 0 2
47 Virginia 3 1 4
48 Washington 4 0 4
50 Wisconsin 108 105 213
51 Wyoming 1 2 3
53 Australia 0 1 1
59 Canada 2 3 5
67 Great Britain (United Kingdom, England) 0 1 1
101 Mexico 2 1 3
119 China 1 0 1
129 Bahamas 0 1 1
130 Armenia 1 0 1
131 Trinidad And Tobago 1 0 1
Note: Public and private data differ. Only codes for public are Wisconsin (50)
vs. non-Wisconsin (0). Private data has codes for states and foreign countries.

ga029re: Date Graduate Respondent's telephone interview was delivered to WLS from UWSC.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
20030717 - 20031217 789 888 1677
20040105 - 20040504 759 919 1678
20040601 - 20040730 776 1011 1787
20040830 - 20050317 702 754 1456
20050419 - 20050629 344 323 667

ga030re: Number of sessions completed between Graduate Respondent and Interviewer.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
1 2225 2393 4618
2 778 998 1776
3 244 328 572
4 80 99 179
5 26 45 71
6 14 18 32
7 2 5 7
8 1 5 6
9 0 4 4
Note: Public data topcoded at 6.

ga223re: Number of calls interviewer talked to someone.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
1 854 1039 1893
2 853 969 1822
3 - 4 820 953 1773
5 - 12 697 783 1480
13 - 58 146 151 297

ga233re: Number of calls busy.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
0 2073 2401 4474
1 - 2 855 963 1818
3 - 121 442 531 973

ga234re: Number of calls where machine answered.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
0 1444 1793 3237
1 - 2 958 1059 2017
3 - 12 715 779 1494
13 - 155 253 264 517

ga235re: Number of calls where machine answered and interviewer left a message.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
0 2644 3092 5736
1 444 504 948
2 168 187 355
3 76 70 146
4 28 28 56
5 6 6 12
6 2 2 4
7 1 2 3
8 1 4 5

ga236re: Time in seconds to complete graduate respondent telephone interview in 2004.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
1124 - 3526 703 750 1453
3527 - 4086 672 781 1453
4087 - 4583 690 763 1453
4584 - 5273 664 790 1454
5274 - 13878 641 811 1452

ga300re: Total number of attempted contacts with graduate respondent.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
1 - 2 949 1121 2070
3 - 4 684 847 1531
5 - 8 709 836 1545
9 - 24 716 769 1485
25 - 175 312 322 634

ga901rp: Is this Graduate Respondent married to another graduate who is also in the 1/3 sample?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: ingmrd

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
0 NO 3289 3799 7088
1 YES 81 96 177

ga902rp: IDPRIV of graduate referenced in ga901rp.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-2 3289 3799 7088
800479 - 807472 16 19 35
807501 - 814437 14 21 35
814451 - 821006 14 21 35
821025 - 827096 18 17 35
827526 - 833630 19 18 37

ga903rs: Is this Graduate Respondent married to another selected sibling from the wls sample?

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: insbmrd

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
0 NO 3351 3886 7237
1 YES 19 9 28

ga904rs: IDPRIV of sibling referenced in ga903rs.

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1621 1431 3052
-2 3351 3886 7237
801233 - 803660 3 2 5
805449 - 813403 4 1 5
814154 - 819656 5 0 5
821433 - 828207 3 2 5
830300 - 833416 4 4 8

ga900re: Zip code for graduate's 2004 address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
"-2" 99 96 195
"-3" Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
"-4" Not ascertained, address not codable 11 9 20
"08230" 0 1 1
"34994" 0 1 1
"37909" 1 0 1
"53080" 3 2 5
"54474" 1 3 4
"76119" 1 0 1
"78724" 1 0 1
"85222" 3 3 6
"91010" 0 1 1
"93001" 0 1 1
Note: Only 14 of 2674 values are listed.

ga909re: Centroid type code for 2004 Graduate's address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
"-2" 99 96 195
"-3" Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
"AS3" 21 21 42
"ZB7I" 3 5 8
"ZB7L" 5 1 6
"ZB9A" 57 68 125
"ZC5Y" 16 24 40
"ZC5Z" 12 10 22
"ZC9d" 1 0 1
"ZT7J" 6 5 11
"ZT9F" 9 10 19
"ZT9c" 1 0 1
Note: Only 14 of 33 values are listed.
Note: See COR 1017b in Appendix J for values

ga910re: Quality of Match code for 2004 Graduate's address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
"-2" 99 96 195
"-3" Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
"E012" 5 4 9
"E020" 20 18 38
"S84" 7 17 24
"S8D" 1 1 2
"S98" 12 13 25
"SB8" 2 0 2
"SE0" 0 1 1
"T84" 1 0 1
"T90" 2 5 7
"T92" 0 1 1
Note: Only 13 of 78 values are listed.
Note: See COR 1017b in Appendix J for values

ga911re: 2000 commuting zone code for zip of graduate's 2004 address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
-3 Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
-2 99 96 195
1 - 70 1223 1463 2686
71 - 204 840 978 1818
205 - 267 758 908 1666
269 - 545 794 898 1692
549 - 903 240 228 468
Note: See COR 1017c in Appendix J for values

ga912re: 2003 Metropolitan Statistical Area for Graduate's 2004 address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 570 593 1163
-3 Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
-2 99 96 195
10140 - 21340 678 771 1449
21460 - 31540 776 866 1642
31700 - 33340 777 972 1749
33380 - 42140 650 794 1444
42220 - 49740 433 505 938
Note: See COR 1017d in Appendix J for values

ga913re: 2000 County population for graduate's 2004 address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
-3 Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
-2 99 96 195
1547 - 49597 808 885 1693
49832 - 112646 856 938 1794
113329 - 226778 802 986 1788
227511 - 843746 804 883 1687
845303 - 9,519,338 581 779 1360

ga914re: 2000 Fips code for Graduate's 2004 address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory
Revisions: Replacement 4/2012      Archived variable: GA021re

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
"-2" 99 96 195
"-3" Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
"-4" Not ascertained, address not codable 33 30 63
"13089" 2 3 5
"17073" 0 1 1
"24027" 1 1 2
"25005" 1 0 1
"29097" 0 1 1
"32023" 1 2 3
"32031" 4 3 7
"39099" 1 0 1
"51109" 0 1 1
"51810" 3 1 4
Note: Only 14 of 806 values are listed.

ga915re: 2000 Census tract code for Graduate's 2004 address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
"-2" 99 96 195
"-3" Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
"-4" Not ascertained, address not codable 33 30 63
"04007000600" 2 0 2
"06037901005" 0 1 1
"06077004500" 0 1 1
"20091052413" 1 0 1
"30049000100" 1 0 1
"51107611500" 0 1 1
"55025011505" 0 2 2
"55039041700" 3 4 7
"55043960100" 1 1 2
"55133202400" 3 6 9
Note: Only 14 of 3478 values are listed.

ga916re: 2000 Census block code for Graduate's 2004 address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
"-2" 99 96 195
"-3" Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
"-4" Not ascertained, address not codable 29 26 55
"060650433051024" 0 1 1
"120690311005020" 1 0 1
"170999631002000" 0 1 1
"181570013001009" 0 1 1
"271090009022004" 0 1 1
"420010314022036" 0 1 1
"550699809002000" 1 1 2
"550710003002018" 1 1 2
"551050008002011" 0 1 1
"551270007004005" 0 1 1
Note: Only 14 of 7698 values are listed.

ga917re: 2000 Place fips code for Graduate's 2004 address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
"-2" 99 96 195
"-3" Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
"-4" Not ascertained, address not codable 1390 1482 2872
"26003000" 5 0 5
"27055852" 3 2 5
"39066390" 0 1 1
"55028450" 1 1 2
"55031175" 17 31 48
"55031575" 2 0 2
"55050000" 1 0 1
"55073750" 1 0 1
"55078980" 0 1 1
"55083250" 3 4 7
Note: Only 14 of 1567 values are listed.

ga918re: 2000 Minor civil division for Graduate's 2004 address (from APL)

Data source: Graduate Respondent      Collected in: 2004      Mode: phone
Source variables: trace file, Applied Population Laboratory

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 1006 728 1734
"-2" 99 96 195
"-3" Refusal (R Requested data to be deleted) 2 1 3
"-4" Not ascertained, address not codable 29 26 55
"060059093390" 1 2 3
"120099092977" 1 1 2
"340027029700" 1 0 1
"550029028300" 1 3 4
"550061012875" 0 1 1
"550073048225" 2 5 7
"550087038800" 8 14 22
"550117031100" 3 0 3
"550125008950" 1 1 2
"550139082175" 2 1 3
Note: Only 14 of 2613 values are listed.
