WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

In Person: Siblings

KSIB Sibling Module           


1975 Graduate Interview information on all Siblings

In the 1975 Wave of the WLS, Graduates were asked about brothers and sisters
who were born alive but no longer living, as well as those who were still
living.  They were also asked to include step-brothers and step-sisters and
children adopted by their parents.  They reported total number of
sisters/brothers and the number of older sisters/brothers.   In addition they
were asked the sex, name, age and level of education of each living brother and
sister.   The interviewer then asked whether or not the graduate was a twin. 
If the graduate had a twin, that sibling was chosen to be the selected sibling,
otherwise the interviewer randomly chose one of these living siblings to be the
selected sibling.

1975 Graduate Interview Information on Selected Sibling

The 1975 Graduate instrument collected the name and location of the last high
school the sibling attended, the kind of work the sibling did or used to do and
the current address of the sibling.


1977 Sibling Interview (Interviews conducted with about 2000 sibling
participants.  If the graduate had a twin then that sibling was interviewed,
otherwise a sibling was randomly selected.)

The Sibling participant was asked whether or not the sibling and the graduate
were full siblings or something else and whether they lived in the same
household most of the time until the sibling was about 16 years old.  


1993 Graduate Interview information on sibling roster

Participants who were non-respondents in 1975 were asked to list the names of
their living biological or adopted brothers and sisters.  (Note, early in the
fielding the language "full" siblings was used instead of "biological"
siblings.  This likely resulted in some of these participants not reporting on
half-siblings.  These non-respondents in 1975 were also asked the sex,
relationship (full, adopted or half), and age of each sibling.  Note that this
group did not get asked about step brothers and sisters. The interviewer
randomly chose a brother or sister to be the selected sibling for this group of
graduate participants.

1993 Graduate Interview information on selected sibling

Graduates were asked about the mortality status of the selected siblings.  If
they reported that the selected sibling has died they were asked a series of
questions about the death and about the work that the graduate did.

All 1993 participants were asked the same questions about living selected
sibling regardless of whether or not they participated in the 1975 wave of the
interview.  Specifically, they were asked whether or not they lived in the same
household as the selected sibling most of the time until they were 16 years
old, the current marital status of the sibling, the number of children the
selected sibling had, work status, the kind of work the sibling did or used to
do, whether or not the graduate helped the sibling find a job, the frequency of
contact with the sibling, whether or not they had a similar outlook on life,
how close they are to the sibling, how they compared themselves in terms of
education, work and finances.


1994 Sibling Interview (In this wave we attempted to interview a sibling
participant for each graduate.  Unfortunately the budget ran out before we
could complete the fielding of the sibling panel.) 

1994 Sibling Interview information collected on graduate

If the graduate was no longer living that the interviewer did a mortality
closeout on the graduate.  The mortality closeout collected information on the
graduate's time and cause of death and information on the work the graduate

If the graduate was alive then the interviewer asked the selected sibling the
same series of questions about the graduate that the graduate was asked about
the sibling in 1993.  Specifically the sibling was again asked about whether
they lived in the same household most of the time until they were about 17
years old, whether or not the sibling helped the graduate find a job, the
frequency of contact with the graduate, whether or not they had a similar
outlook on life, how close they are to the graduate, how they compared
themselves in terms of education, work and finances.


2004 Graduate Interview and 2005 Sibling Interview

Similar instruments were used to update information about the graduate and
selected sibling in the 2004 Graduate Wave and 2005 Sibling wave of the WLS. 
If either reported that the other had died then the interviewer did a mortality
closeout interview with the surviving participant to gather information on the
deceased participant.  

The information collected about the graduate from the selected sibling varied
depending on whether or not the graduate completed the 2004 wave of the survey.
 If the graduate was alive but did not participate in the 2004 wave then the
selected sibling was asked about the graduate's current marital status and
current location.  

All graduates and selected siblings reported on their frequency of contact,
whether they shared the same outlook on life, and how close they were to each
other.  Twenty percent of graduate and sibling participants were asked to
compare themselves to the other in terms of education, work and finances.  

Information collected on the sibling roster (eg. Not the graduate or the
selected sibling.)

There was a difference between the questions that were asked of the graduate
participant in 2004 and the sibling participant in 2005. Both graduate and
selected sibling participants were asked if they had any brothers or sisters
who had a physical or mental disability or mental illness. Graduates were next
asked  "Did you grow up with any other brothers or sisters who are no longer
living?" If the graduate answered "yes" then the interviewer asked which
sibling died and searched for the name of that sibling in a list of siblings
based on prior interviews.  If the interviwer did not find a name that matched
then s/he added a new record to the sibling roster. In contrast to the question
for the graduate participants, selected siblings were asked "Do you have any
full or half siblings who are no longer living?" If the sibling answered "yes"
then a new roster was created that collected information on all deceased
siblings that were reported by the selected sib.  In 2005, most of the reports
of deceased siblings referred to brothers and sisters who died at a very young
age.  Thus, many of these newly reported deceased siblings were NOT reported by
the graduate because of the clause "did you grow up with."  During the 2004
Graduate interview, interviewers were also allowed to delete entries in the
sibling roster if the participant denied one of the siblings.   


2011 Graduate and Sibling Interviews

Update of information on selected sibling/graduate

The 2011 instrument follows the same logic as the 2004 Graduate and 2005
Sibling instrument.  We first update the mortality status of the selected
sibling/graduate.  If the selected sibling/ graduate is alive we ask about
their work status, their current marital status, and location.  We ask about
frequency of contact, and whether they share a similar outlook on life and how
close they are.  

Update of sibling roster.

During both the Graduate and Sibling interviews of the 2011 wave the
interviewer's laptop displayed a list of all known siblings based on both the
graduate and sibling reports from all prior waves.  The list displayed the
siblings names and mortality statuses.  Both the graduate and sibling were
simply asked if any of their brothers or sisters died since the last time we
spoke.  The interviewer then checked to see if the name of the deceased sibling
matches any of the names we already knew.  If yes, then the interviewer
collected the information about the death.  If the name did not match someone
on the preloaded list, then the interviewer added the name and sex of the
deceased sibling.  Interviewers also collected the date and cause of death for
the deceased sibling.  For families where we completed interviews with both a
graduate and a sibling we now have two different versions of the sibling
roster.  Specifically, the analysis variables in the 2011 wave for graduates
(these variables start with the letters HK) differ from the analysis variables
in the 2011 wave for siblings (these variables start with the letters KK). 
This is a logical consequence of asking two different people about the same


Sibling Roster Analysis Variables Across the waves of the survey

Data users should know that because of the interviewer's ability to add and
subtract siblings from the roster the number of siblings in the roster and the
position of each sibling varies across waves.  In the 2011 wave the roster
variables that start with HK432/KK432 will allow matching to the roster
information in the prior wave.  However since the information in the sibling
roster is cumulative across waves, we suggest that users use the most recent
wave for which there is data.  

As of the fall of 2013 WLS staff is planning on creating a harmonized sibling
roster that will utilize and reconcile information from each wave. 



    KSIBSTAT, KSIBREL:  Module-Level Status Variables.

    KK067SS:            Total Number of Siblings Ever Born. 
    KK168SC:            Number of Living Siblings at Time of 2011 
    KK170S:             Have any siblings died since last interview?
    KK071RE-KK073RE:    Sibling Roster Information: Graduate 
                        Respondent Position, Selected Sibling 
                        Position, Number of Siblings in Sibling Roster
                        (including the graduate and selected sibling)

    Roster Entries, one for each of up to 17 siblings.  Last two digits
    indicate the roster number.  Only the prefix is listed below.
    KKB029:             Gender of Sibling.
    KKB130:             Year of Sibling's Birth.   
    KKB131:             Year Sibling added to Sibling Roster.  
    KKB132, KKB133:     Roster Id and Entity Number of Sibling.
    KKB432, KKB433:     Previous Round Roster Id and Entity Number.
    KKB001, KKB002:     Mortality Status   
    KKB005:             Year of Death, Age at Death;
    KKB008, KKBA08:     Cause of Death: Detailed, Collapsed   
    KKB082:             Education of Sibling at time of 1975 or 1993 
    KKB083:             Year Education in KKB082 was ascertained.
    Information about the Graduate (selected sibling's selected sibling)
    KK001SS,KK002SSC:   Mortality Status, Year of Death, Age at time 
    KK005SSC,KK006SSC:  of Death, State of Residence, Cause of Death
    KK008SSC,KKA08SSC:  (Detailed, Collapsed) for Graduate.    

    KK009SSC,KKU12SSE   For Deceased Graduate Sibling: Details about 
    KK019SSE,KKA19SSE   work sibling usually did including COW, 1990 and
    KKA20SSE,KK021SSE   2000 Major and Detailed Industry and Occupation
    KK022SSE,KK023SSE   codes, 1989 Nakoa-Treas Prestige Rating, 1990 
    KK024SSE,KK025SSE   Occupational Education and Occupational Income 
    KK110SSE,KK111SSE   Scores, NAICS and SOC codes, and Year sibling 
    KK027SSC            stopped working at this job.
    KK029SSD, KK130SSD  Graduate's Gender, Year of Birth and 
    KK031SSD:           Relationship to Respondent.
    KK034SSD, KK036SSD: Graduate's Marital Status and Current
                        Work Status.   

    KK074SS:            Graduate Lives with Respondent?
    KK075SS:            Graduate State of Residence
    KK275SS:            Correction to Preloaded Address?
    KK076SS:            Correction To Deceased Graduate's Name?
    KK201SS             How many miles away does graduate live? 
    KK202SS-KK204SS:    Freq of Contact with graduate last 12 mo.
    KK205SS             Year respondent last saw graduate.
    KK206SS             Any Contact with graduate past 12 months?
    KK207SS-KK209SS:    Frequency of Contact via PHONE last 12 months
    KK210SS-KK212SS:    Frequency of Contact via EMAIL last 12 months
    KK213SS             Year Respondent Last Contacted Graduate.
    KK061SSD-KK062SSD:  Similarity of Respondent and Graduate 
                        on General Outlook and Closeness Of 
                        Respondent and Graduate.

ksibstat: Was the Siblings Module completed by Participant alone, with help, or by proxy?

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_sibproxy1, y_sibhelp0, capiproxy, y_proxy, y_ivwloc

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 R COMPLETED ALONE 1371 1650 3021
Note: For many cases a participant's spouse or other family member was present during the interview. This sometimes resulted in the participant relying on the other person for help in answering some or many of the questions. At the end of each module the interviewer indicated the amount of help the participant received and who provided that help. That assessment is covered by codes 1 through 5. Additionally, a code of 7 indicates that the entire interview was administered to a proxy while a code of 6 indicates that this particular module was answered by a proxy but other modules were answered by the participant.

ksibrel: Relationship of Siblings Module helper or proxy to Participant.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KSIBSTAT, y_sibproxy1, y_sibhelp0, y_sibhelp1, y_sibhelp2_hfn, y_sibhelp3, y_h1fn-y_h4fn, y_pfn, prxyfnam, y_p1fn-y_p5fn, y_prel, prxyrel, y_p1rel-y_p5rel

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1488 1703 3191
0 SPOUSE 127 41 168
2 BROTHER 0 2 2
8 DAUGHTER 3 9 12
25 FRIEND 1 0 1
43 SISTER 1 3 4
45 SISTER-IN-LAW 1 2 3
48 SON 5 2 7
Note: If this module was administered via proxy or if the participant received help answering the questions in this module then we record the relationship of the proxy/helper to the participant. Although most participants relied on only one helper or proxy for the interview, some had more than one. Thus the value of the relationship code may vary across the modules.

kk067ss: Total number of siblings ever born.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK067SS, CK0291-CK0294, SIBSTT

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 333 410 743
2 389 419 808
3 308 319 627
4 212 214 426
5 119 133 252
6 94 81 175
7 46 57 103
8 46 41 87
9 31 35 66
10 21 25 46
11 11 12 23
12 8 7 15
13 5 6 11
14 6 2 8
15 0 4 4
16 0 1 1
18 0 1 1
22 0 1 1
Note: KK067SS is basically GK067SS carried forward; however for cases where GK067SS is not defined in 2011 KK067SS equals SIBSTT, the original 1975 measure. The 2004 GK067SS note follows this one.
Note: For most cases gk067ss is the same as sibstt from 1975/92. If the grad was interviewed in 1975, then sibstt should indicate total number of siblings ever born at that time, else sibstt was determined in 1992-93 interview. At both interviews grads were instructed to include "siblings born alive but no longer living, as well as those alive now. Also include step-brothers and step-sisters and children adopted by your parents" in the total number. In some cases, the total number of siblings (GK073RE-1) was greater than sibstt. These cases were checked individually and were due to underreporting for sibstt due to early death of sibling. gk067ss was updated to reflect the best possible count of total number of siblings ever born.

kk168sc: Number of living siblings at time of 2010-12 interview including the respondent.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KK073RE, KK0011-KK00116

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 58 70 128
2 458 534 992
3 412 442 854
4 268 295 563
5 164 171 335
6 124 95 219
7 61 63 124
8 29 40 69
9 22 30 52
10 24 18 42
11 9 9 18
14 0 1 1
Note: This applies to the total sibship. From the perspective of selected siblings, the number of living siblings at time of the 2010-12 interview is never less than one because the respondent (the selected sibling) is included.

kk170s: Since last interviewed, have any brothers or sisters died?

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 2 0 2
-2 3 6 9
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 7 12
1 YES 269 291 560
2 NO 1350 1464 2814
Note: The sibling module was skipped if all siblings were already known to be dead based on prior interviews. For these cases y_K14 is system-missing and KK170S is coded as INAP.

kk071re: Graduate's position in sibling roster.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK071RE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 664 703 1367
2 482 562 1044
3 224 239 463
4 109 120 229
5 58 57 115
6 47 35 82
7 17 19 36
8 12 9 21
9 9 10 19
10 4 10 14
11 2 4 6
13 1 0 1

kk072se: Selected sibling's position in sibling roster.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK072SE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 374 436 810
2 475 542 1017
3 329 365 694
4 201 194 395
5 116 110 226
6 54 57 111
7 35 24 59
8 18 18 36
9 9 12 21
10 11 6 17
11 6 4 10
12 1 0 1

kk073re: Total number of entries in the sibling roster including the graduate.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSIZE, CK0291-4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
2 353 434 787
3 386 423 809
4 308 314 622
5 207 214 421
6 130 120 250
7 84 85 169
8 49 62 111
9 40 33 73
10 26 30 56
11 35 39 74
12 6 5 11
13 2 5 7
14 2 3 5
15 1 0 1
16 0 1 1

kkb0291: Gender of first listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0291, y_KSEX1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 MALE 991 675 1666
2 FEMALE 638 1093 1731

kkb1301: Year of first listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 3 7 10
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
1901 - 1933 372 401 773
1934 - 1937 458 470 928
1938 - 1939 465 524 989
1940 323 361 684
1941 6 4 10

kkb1311: Year first listed sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1975 1596 1740 3336
2003 12 10 22
2004 16 18 34
2005 4 0 4
2011 1 0 1

kkb1321: Roster ID of first listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
301 1588 1739 3327
302 4 3 7
303 29 23 52
304 6 2 8
305 0 1 1
306 2 0 2
Note: The sibling module was skipped if all siblings were already known to be dead based on prior interviews. Instrument runtime logic caught more only-child cases and skipped the questions about siblings. Where no questions needed to be asked about R's siblings, the sibling roster was not loaded and no roster numbers were assigned.

kkb1331: Entity number of first listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 29 24 53
5 - 9 327 380 707
10 - 12 427 463 890
13 - 16 388 404 792
17 - 25 321 356 677
26 - 161 136 140 276
Note: The sibling module was skipped if all siblings were already known to be dead based on prior interviews. Instrument runtime logic caught more only-child cases and skipped the questions about siblings. Where no questions needed to be asked about R's siblings, the sibling roster was not loaded and no entity numbers were assigned.

kkb4321: Previous round roster ID of first listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1321

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 260 273 533
301 773 862 1635
302 19 18 37
303 6 8 14
304 2 3 5
305 7 4 11
306 3 4 7
307 1 0 1
308 2 0 2
801 556 596 1152
Note: This variable is GK1321 from the previous round and is included for cross-reference purposes.
GK1321's INAP explanation is "Insufficient information to place oldest sib" (the sibling roster was resorted by YOB in 2004-07). In contrast the sibling roster was not resorted in 2011 so typically KKB1321=301 and KKB1322=302 etc except for cases where corrections required reorganizing the roster by hand.

kkb4331: Previous round entity # of first listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1331

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 260 273 533
1 556 596 1152
2 26 22 48
3 47 34 81
4 63 59 122
5 175 213 388
6 211 229 440
7 135 170 305
8 70 80 150
9 40 43 83
10 24 22 46
11 10 12 22
12 5 5 10
13 4 4 8
14 2 4 6
15 1 0 1
16 0 2 2
Note: This variable is GK1331 from the previous round and is included for completeness; however entity numbers from one round have no association with entity numbers from a different round so use roster ID numbers (KKB132nn/KKB432nn) for cross-reference purposes. GK1331's INAP explanation is "Insufficient information to place oldest sib" (the sibling roster was resorted by YOB in 2004-07).

kkb0011: Mortality status of first listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 ALIVE 1334 1475 2809
2 DECEASED 295 293 588

kkb0021: Year of first listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1334 1475 2809
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 8 12
1906 - 1987 63 52 115
1988 - 1998 54 61 115
1999 - 2003 64 66 130
2004 - 2008 65 60 125
2009 - 2012 45 46 91

kkb0051: Age of first listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1334 1475 2809
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
0 - 57 64 61 125
58 - 64 70 69 139
65 - 70 69 70 139
71 - 78 64 57 121
79 - 94 23 31 54

kkb0081: Detailed Cause of first listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1334 1475 2809
-1 DON'T KNOW 17 12 29
32 Diphtheria 0 1 1
34 Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever 1 0 1
36 Meningococcal infection 0 1 1
41 Bacterial infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site 1 1 2
66 Other arthropod-borne viral diseases 1 0 1
70 Viral hepatitis 1 0 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 2 0 2
142 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands 1 0 1
145 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of the mouth 1 0 1
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 3 2 5
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 6 2 8
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 4 7 11
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 10 6 16
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 7 3 10
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 1 4 5
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 19 10 29
163 Malignant neoplasm of pleura 1 0 1
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 2 5 7
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 0 1 1
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 14 7 21
179 Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified 1 0 1
180 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 1 0 1
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 6 4 10
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 4 5 9
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 0 1 1
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 2 2 4
190 Malignant neoplasm of eye 1 0 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 3 5 8
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 1 0 1
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 2 0 2
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 12 12 24
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 5 6 11
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 0 3 3
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 3 4 7
231 Carcinoma in situ of respiratory system 1 0 1
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 1 4 5
250 Diabetes mellitus 6 14 20
303 Alcohol dependence syndrome 1 1 2
322 Meningitis of unspecified cause 1 0 1
331 Other cerebral degenerations 5 5 10
332 Parkinson's disease 3 2 5
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 0 1 1
335 Anterior horn cell disease 0 1 1
340 Multiple sclerosis 4 2 6
345 Epilepsy 1 0 1
348 Other conditions of brain 0 1 1
358 Myoneural disorders 0 1 1
371 Corneal opacity and other disorders of cornea 1 0 1
390 Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement 2 0 2
410 Acute myocardial infarction 9 12 21
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 1 0 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 1 1 2
428 Heart failure 6 5 11
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 34 59 93
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 4 3 7
431 Intracerebral hemorrhage 1 1 2
434 Occlusion of cerebral arteries 1 1 2
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 6 6 12
441 Aortic aneurysm 2 1 3
442 Other aneurysm 3 2 5
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 0 1 1
459 Other disorders of circulatory system 0 1 1
487 Influenza 3 5 8
492 Emphysema 1 1 2
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 1 2 3
515 Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis 1 0 1
518 Other diseases of lung 4 6 10
533 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 0 1 1
540 Acute appendicitis 0 1 1
560 Intestinal obstruction without mention of hernia 0 1 1
562 Diverticula of intestine 0 1 1
567 Peritonitis 0 1 1
571 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 1 1 2
573 Other disorders of liver 2 1 3
575 Other disorders of gallbladder 0 2 2
578 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage 0 1 1
586 Renal failure, unspecified 4 1 5
590 Infections of kidney 1 0 1
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 0 1 1
595 Cystitis 1 0 1
634 Spontaneous abortion 1 0 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 1 1 2
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 0 1 1
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 1 0 1
779 Other and ill-defined conditions orginating in the perinatal period 1 0 1
780 General symptoms 1 0 1
784 Symptoms involving head and neck 1 0 1
785 Symptoms involving cardiovascular system 1 0 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 7 8 15
820 Fracture of neck of femur 1 0 1
933 Foreign body in pharynx and larynx 1 0 1
989 Toxic effect of other substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source 1 0 1
994 Effects of other external causes 1 0 1
995 Certain adverse effects not elsewhere classified 0 3 3
998 Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified 2 1 3
5814 Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with pedestrian 1 0 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 6 9 15
5823 Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with stationary object 1 0 1
5826 Pedal Cycle Accident 1 0 1
5848 Accidents Involving Other Vehicles, Not Elsewhere Classifiable 1 0 1
5876 Other and unspecified misadventures during medical care 0 1 1
5878 Surgical operation and other surgical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication without mention of misadventure at the time of operation 1 1 2
5888 Other and unspecified fall 1 2 3
5903 Accident Caused By Travel And Motion 1 0 1
5923 Accident Caused By Explosive Material 1 0 1
5927 Overexertion And Strenuous Movements 1 0 1
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 3 2 5
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 1 4 5
5984 Submersion (drowning), Undetermined Whether Accidentally or Purposely Inflicted 1 0 1
5995 Injury Due To War Operations By Other And Unspecified Forms Of Conventional Warfare 1 2 3
7084 Other procedures on musculoskeletal system 0 1 1

kkba081: Collapsed Cause of first listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1334 1475 2809
-1 DON'T KNOW 17 12 29
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 6 3 9
20 Neoplasms 112 93 205
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 6 14 20
50 Mental Disorders 1 1 2
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 15 13 28
70 Circulatory System 70 93 163
80 Respiratory System 10 14 24
90 Digestive System 3 10 13
100 Genitourinary system 6 2 8
110 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 1 0 1
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 1 2 3
140 Congenital Anomalies 1 0 1
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 1 0 1
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 10 8 18
170 Injury and Poisoning 6 4 10
180 ICD-9 E Codes 21 21 42
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 0 1 1

kkb0821: Education of first listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 6 6 12
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
0 Less than one year of school 1 0 1
6 6 years of school 2 1 3
7 7 years of school 1 0 1
8 8 years of school 22 38 60
9 9 years of school 6 9 15
10 10 years of school 29 35 64
11 11 years of school 20 23 43
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 856 931 1787
13 1 year of college 78 79 157
14 2 years of college 87 123 210
15 3 years of college 27 59 86
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 237 262 499
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 56 43 99
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 80 69 149
19 7 years college, 3 years grad or prof school 28 22 50
20 8 years college, 4 years grad or prof school 33 26 59
21 9 years college, 5 years grad or prof school 15 7 22
22 10 years college, 6 years grad or prof school 7 3 10
23 11 years college, 7 years grad or prof school 1 1 2
24 12 years college, 8 years grad or prof school 2 0 2
25 13 years college, 9 years grad or prof school 1 1 2

kkb0831: Year when education in KKB0821 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0831

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 1596 1740 3336

kkb0292: Gender of 2nd listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0292, y_KSEX2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 MALE 1055 575 1630
2 FEMALE 574 1193 1767

kkb1302: Year of 2nd listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 3 4 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1912 - 1936 335 356 691
1937 - 1939 386 425 811
1940 - 1941 429 471 900
1942 - 1945 376 399 775
1946 - 1957 98 113 211

kkb1312: Year 2nd listed sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1975 1613 1733 3346
2003 7 15 22
2004 7 17 24
2005 2 2 4
2011 0 1 1

kkb1322: Roster ID of 2nd listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
301 22 18 40
302 1568 1714 3282
303 24 23 47
304 13 11 24
305 1 2 3
306 1 0 1

kkb1332: Entity number of 2nd listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 34 33 67
6 - 10 331 382 713
11 - 13 427 462 889
14 - 17 384 403 787
18 - 26 317 349 666
27 - 162 136 138 274

kkb4322: Previous round roster ID of 2nd listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1322

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 260 273 533
301 568 605 1173
302 371 394 765
303 14 14 28
304 5 4 9
305 3 3 6
306 4 3 7
307 0 2 2
308 0 1 1
309 0 1 1
801 404 468 872

kkb4332: Previous round entity # of 2nd listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1332

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 260 273 533
1 404 468 872
2 23 21 44
3 34 36 70
4 85 56 141
5 174 173 347
6 207 236 443
7 196 210 406
8 101 143 244
9 60 70 130
10 40 34 74
11 26 20 46
12 10 13 23
13 5 6 11
14 3 5 8
16 1 1 2
17 0 2 2
20 0 1 1

kkb0012: Mortality status of 2nd listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 ALIVE 1446 1525 2971
2 DECEASED 183 243 426

kkb0022: Year of 2nd listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1446 1525 2971
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 6 8
1925 - 1985 36 47 83
1986 - 1999 50 36 86
2000 - 2005 36 64 100
2006 - 2009 37 63 100
2010 - 2012 21 27 48

kkb0052: Age of 2nd listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1446 1525 2971
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 4 6
0 - 51 38 50 88
52 - 63 46 54 100
64 - 68 36 61 97
69 - 75 44 49 93
76 - 90 16 25 41

kkb0082: Detailed Cause of 2nd listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 2 2
-2 1446 1525 2971
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 8 13
34 Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever 0 2 2
36 Meningococcal infection 1 1 2
38 Septicemia 0 1 1
41 Bacterial infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site 1 0 1
42 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease 2 0 2
88 Other arthropod-borne diseases 0 1 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 1 2 3
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 2 2 4
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 1 1 2
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 7 3 10
154 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 0 1 1
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 4 4 8
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 7 9 16
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 5 3 8
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 15 14 29
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 4 1 5
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 2 1 3
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 2 7 9
180 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 1 0 1
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 3 3 6
184 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs 1 1 2
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 4 1 5
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 1 1 2
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 1 0 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 4 2 6
194 Malignant neoplasm of other endocrine glands and related structures 1 0 1
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 6 11 17
200 Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma 0 1 1
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 3 4 7
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 2 2 4
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 4 5 9
250 Diabetes mellitus 3 7 10
277 Other and unspecified disorders of metabolism 0 1 1
279 Disorders involving the immune mechanism 0 1 1
289 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 1 1 2
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 0 1 1
303 Alcohol dependence syndrome 0 2 2
305 Nondependent abuse of drugs 0 1 1
322 Meningitis of unspecified cause 1 0 1
331 Other cerebral degenerations 1 4 5
332 Parkinson's disease 1 1 2
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 0 1 1
335 Anterior horn cell disease 2 4 6
340 Multiple sclerosis 1 1 2
390 Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement 1 0 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 6 8 14
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 0 1 1
415 Acute pulmonary heart disease 0 1 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 1 1 2
428 Heart failure 1 5 6
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 28 17 45
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 3 2 5
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 3 9 12
441 Aortic aneurysm 0 1 1
442 Other aneurysm 3 4 7
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 0 3 3
486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified 0 2 2
487 Influenza 4 4 8
492 Emphysema 1 2 3
493 Asthma 0 1 1
515 Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis 0 1 1
518 Other diseases of lung 3 5 8
537 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 0 1 1
562 Diverticula of intestine 0 1 1
571 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 3 0 3
573 Other disorders of liver 1 1 2
586 Renal failure, unspecified 2 1 3
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 0 1 1
647 Infectious and parasitic conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere, but complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the pruerperium 0 1 1
696 Psoriasis and similar disorders 0 1 1
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 1 2 3
733 Other disorders of bone and cartilage 1 0 1
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 0 1 1
759 Other and unspecified congenital anomalies 0 1 1
780 General symptoms 1 2 3
786 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms 0 1 1
798 Sudden death, cause unknown 1 3 4
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 3 5 8
929 Crushing injury of multiple and unspecified sites 0 1 1
933 Foreign body in pharynx and larynx 1 0 1
995 Certain adverse effects not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
998 Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified 0 2 2
5814 Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with pedestrian 0 1 1
5816 Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Due To Loss Of Control, Without Collision On The Highway 0 1 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 4 9 13
5832 Other Accidental Submersion Or Drowning In Water Transport Accident 0 1 1
5841 Accident to powered aircraft, other and unspecified 1 0 1
5876 Other and unspecified misadventures during medical care 0 1 1
5878 Surgical operation and other surgical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication without mention of misadventure at the time of operation 1 0 1
5906 Other Injury Caused By Animals 0 1 1
5910 Accidental drowning and submersion 0 1 1
5912 Inhalation And Ingestion Of Other Object Causing Obstruction Of Respiratory Tract Or Suffocation 0 1 1
5919 Accidents caused by machinery 0 1 1
5925 Accident caused by electric current 1 0 1
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 1 4 5
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 1 3 4
5968 Assault by other and unspecified means 1 0 1
5984 Submersion (drowning), Undetermined Whether Accidentally or Purposely Inflicted 1 1 2
7078 Other operations on bones, except facial bones 1 0 1
7084 Other procedures on musculoskeletal system 1 0 1

kkba082: Collapsed Cause of 2nd listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 2 2
-2 1446 1525 2971
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 8 13
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 5 7 12
20 Neoplasms 80 78 158
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 3 9 12
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 1 1 2
50 Mental Disorders 0 4 4
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 6 11 17
70 Circulatory System 46 52 98
80 Respiratory System 8 15 23
90 Digestive System 4 3 7
100 Genitourinary system 2 2 4
110 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 0 1 1
120 Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 0 1 1
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 2 2 4
140 Congenital Anomalies 0 2 2
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 5 11 16
170 Injury and Poisoning 1 4 5
180 ICD-9 E Codes 11 25 36
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 2 0 2

kkb0822: Education of 2nd listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 6 9 15
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
4 4 years of school 0 2 2
6 6 years of school 1 1 2
7 7 years of school 1 0 1
8 8 years of school 19 28 47
9 9 years of school 7 7 14
10 10 years of school 25 38 63
11 11 years of school 30 30 60
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 863 979 1842
13 1 year of college 82 81 163
14 2 years of college 80 90 170
15 3 years of college 33 52 85
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 252 270 522
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 72 39 111
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 78 59 137
19 7 years college, 3 years grad or prof school 36 23 59
20 8 years college, 4 years grad or prof school 21 12 33
21 9 years college, 5 years grad or prof school 3 9 12
22 10 years college, 6 years grad or prof school 1 2 3
24 12 years college, 8 years grad or prof school 3 1 4
25 13 years college, 9 years grad or prof school 0 1 1

kkb0832: Year when education in KKB0822 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0832

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 1613 1734 3347

kkb0293: Gender of 3rd listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0293, y_KSEX3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 353 434 787
1 MALE 772 510 1282
2 FEMALE 504 824 1328

kkb1303: Year of 3rd listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 5 3 8
-2 353 434 787
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 2 6
1915 - 1938 260 270 530
1939 - 1940 263 272 535
1941 - 1944 332 389 721
1945 - 1948 267 264 531
1949 - 1965 145 133 278

kkb1313: Year 3rd listed sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 353 434 787
1975 1239 1301 2540
2003 10 5 15
2004 15 17 32
2005 10 9 19
2011 2 2 4

kkb1323: Roster ID of 3rd listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 353 434 787
301 8 5 13
302 25 21 46
303 1221 1284 2505
304 13 19 32
305 8 4 12
306 0 1 1
307 1 0 1

kkb1333: Entity number of 3rd listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 387 468 855
7 - 11 248 290 538
12 - 14 314 343 657
15 - 18 302 289 591
19 - 27 256 261 517
28 - 163 111 108 219

kkb4323: Previous round roster ID of 3rd listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1323

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 562 640 1202
301 25 26 51
302 641 676 1317
303 192 197 389
304 9 11 20
305 2 3 5
306 2 3 5
307 2 1 3
309 0 1 1
801 194 210 404

kkb4333: Previous round entity # of 3rd listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1333

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 562 640 1202
1 194 210 404
2 1 0 1
3 21 22 43
4 32 29 61
5 83 56 139
6 171 177 348
7 192 227 419
8 174 176 350
9 83 98 181
10 48 67 115
11 31 33 64
12 22 14 36
13 10 11 21
14 3 2 5
15 1 4 5
17 1 0 1
18 0 1 1
21 0 1 1

kkb0013: Mortality status of 3rd listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 353 434 787
1 ALIVE 1089 1156 2245
2 DECEASED 187 178 365

kkb0023: Year of 3rd listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 1442 1590 3032
-1 DON'T KNOW 9 5 14
1930 - 1976 39 32 71
1977 - 1997 38 35 73
1998 - 2003 35 37 72
2004 - 2008 38 39 77
2009 - 2012 27 29 56

kkb0053: Age of 3rd listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 1442 1590 3032
-1 DON'T KNOW 7 2 9
0 - 36 37 34 71
37 - 56 37 34 71
57 - 64 40 41 81
65 - 71 41 38 79
72 - 90 24 28 52

kkb0083: Detailed Cause of 3rd listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-18 COULD NOT CODE 1 0 1
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 1442 1590 3032
-1 DON'T KNOW 9 6 15
33 Whooping cough 2 1 3
38 Septicemia 1 0 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 2 2 4
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 1 1 2
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 4 0 4
152 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, including duodenum 1 0 1
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 7 2 9
154 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus 1 0 1
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 0 3 3
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 4 7 11
159 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 0 1 1
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 2 2 4
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 13 17 30
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 2 1 3
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 1 0 1
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 6 4 10
179 Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified 1 0 1
180 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 1 0 1
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 1 2 3
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 2 1 3
186 Malignant neoplasm of testis 0 1 1
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 1 1 2
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 1 0 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 3 4 7
194 Malignant neoplasm of other endocrine glands and related structures 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 7 5 12
201 Hodgkin's disease 1 0 1
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 1 2 3
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 2 4 6
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 2 0 2
250 Diabetes mellitus 0 6 6
278 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 0 1 1
279 Disorders involving the immune mechanism 0 1 1
284 Aplastic anemia 1 0 1
290 Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions 1 1 2
296 Affective psychoses 0 1 1
303 Alcohol dependence syndrome 1 0 1
305 Nondependent abuse of drugs 1 0 1
331 Other cerebral degenerations 1 1 2
332 Parkinson's disease 3 2 5
340 Multiple sclerosis 0 2 2
345 Epilepsy 1 0 1
359 Muscular dystrophies and other myopathies 1 0 1
401 Essential hypertension 0 1 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 6 2 8
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 0 1 1
428 Heart failure 0 3 3
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 27 17 44
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 3 2 5
431 Intracerebral hemorrhage 1 0 1
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 5 0 5
440 Atherosclerosis 0 1 1
441 Aortic aneurysm 0 2 2
442 Other aneurysm 2 2 4
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 1 0 1
446 Polyarteritis nodosa and allied conditions 0 1 1
459 Other disorders of circulatory system 0 1 1
487 Influenza 3 5 8
492 Emphysema 1 0 1
493 Asthma 1 0 1
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 1 1 2
501 Asbestosis 0 1 1
518 Other diseases of lung 4 3 7
537 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 1 1 2
555 Regional enteritis 1 0 1
569 Other disorders of intestine 1 0 1
571 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 1 0 1
573 Other disorders of liver 0 1 1
579 Intestinal malabsorption 0 1 1
586 Renal failure, unspecified 2 1 3
589 Small kidney of unknown cause 0 1 1
634 Spontaneous abortion 2 2 4
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 2 0 2
751 Other congenital anomalies of digestive system 1 0 1
765 Disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birthweight 0 2 2
768 Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia 0 1 1
773 Hemolytic disease of fetus or newborn, due to isoimmunization 0 1 1
780 General symptoms 1 0 1
785 Symptoms involving cardiovascular system 1 0 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 2 4 6
900 Injury to blood vessels of head and neck 1 0 1
909 Late effects of other and unspecified external causes 0 1 1
994 Effects of other external causes 0 1 1
995 Certain adverse effects not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
996 Complications peculiar to certain specified procedures 1 0 1
5807 Railway accident of unspecified nature 1 0 1
5813 Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with other vehicle 1 0 1
5814 Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with pedestrian 1 0 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 9 11 20
5841 Accident to powered aircraft, other and unspecified 0 2 2
5858 Accidental poisoning by other drugs 0 1 1
5910 Accidental drowning and submersion 0 4 4
5912 Inhalation And Ingestion Of Other Object Causing Obstruction Of Respiratory Tract Or Suffocation 0 1 1
5917 Striking Against Or Struck Accidentally By Objects Or Persons 0 1 1
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 2 2 4
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 3 2 5
5982 Poisoning By Other Gases, Undetermined Whether Accidentally Or Purposely Inflicted 0 1 1
5984 Submersion (drowning), Undetermined Whether Accidentally or Purposely Inflicted 1 0 1
5995 Injury Due To War Operations By Other And Unspecified Forms Of Conventional Warfare 1 2 3
7046 Other operations on intestine 1 0 1

kkba083: Collapsed Cause of 3rd listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-18 NOT CODEABLE 1 0 1
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 1442 1590 3032
-1 DON'T KNOW 9 6 15
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 5 3 8
20 Neoplasms 65 59 124
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 0 8 8
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 1 0 1
50 Mental Disorders 3 2 5
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 6 5 11
70 Circulatory System 45 33 78
80 Respiratory System 10 10 20
90 Digestive System 4 3 7
100 Genitourinary system 2 2 4
110 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 2 2 4
140 Congenital Anomalies 3 0 3
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 0 4 4
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 4 4 8
170 Injury and Poisoning 2 3 5
180 ICD-9 E Codes 19 27 46
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 1 0 1

kkb0823: Education of 3rd listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 4 6 10
-2 354 434 788
0 Less than one year of school 0 1 1
4 4 years of school 1 1 2
6 6 years of school 0 1 1
8 8 years of school 17 20 37
9 9 years of school 3 11 14
10 10 years of school 36 40 76
11 11 years of school 25 29 54
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 683 772 1455
13 1 year of college 55 58 113
14 2 years of college 61 52 113
15 3 years of college 40 38 78
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 198 189 387
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 34 27 61
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 39 31 70
19 7 years college, 3 years grad or prof school 16 13 29
20 8 years college, 4 years grad or prof school 19 7 26
21 9 years college, 5 years grad or prof school 3 2 5
22 10 years college, 6 years grad or prof school 1 0 1
23 11 years college, 7 years grad or prof school 2 0 2
24 12 years college, 8 years grad or prof school 2 2 4
25 13 years college, 9 years grad or prof school 0 1 1

kkb0833: Year when education in KKB0823 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0833

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 354 434 788
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 1239 1301 2540

kkb0294: Gender of 4th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0294, y_KSEX4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 739 857 1596
1 MALE 573 352 925
2 FEMALE 317 559 876

kkb1304: Year of 4th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 7 8
-2 739 857 1596
1910 - 1939 229 228 457
1940 - 1943 183 190 373
1944 - 1946 192 187 379
1947 - 1951 191 212 403
1952 - 1965 93 86 179

kkb1314: Year 4th listed sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 739 857 1596
1975 860 877 1737
2003 10 8 18
2004 7 11 18
2005 12 13 25
2011 1 2 3

kkb1324: Roster ID of 4th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 739 857 1596
301 5 3 8
302 15 10 25
303 0 2 2
304 857 878 1735
305 7 16 23
306 6 1 7
307 0 1 1

kkb1334: Entity number of 4th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 768 887 1655
8 - 12 167 193 360
13 - 15 219 228 447
16 - 19 214 200 414
20 - 28 174 174 348
29 - 164 76 73 149

kkb4324: Previous round roster ID of 4th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1324

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 894 1004 1898
301 2 1 3
302 30 35 65
303 496 516 1012
304 109 99 208
305 3 5 8
306 1 2 3
307 1 1 2
309 1 1 2
310 0 3 3
311 1 0 1
801 91 101 192

kkb4334: Previous round entity # of 4th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1334

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 894 1004 1898
1 91 101 192
2 1 0 1
3 1 0 1
4 17 11 28
5 23 20 43
6 54 38 92
7 123 133 256
8 144 170 314
9 130 130 260
10 63 70 133
11 34 40 74
12 24 21 45
13 17 12 29
14 6 8 14
15 5 6 11
16 1 0 1
18 1 3 4
19 0 1 1

kkb0014: Mortality status of 4th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 739 857 1596
1 ALIVE 770 797 1567
2 DECEASED 120 114 234

kkb0024: Year of 4th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1509 1654 3163
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 6 9
1930 - 1958 19 25 44
1960 - 1992 26 20 46
1994 - 2001 25 19 44
2002 - 2007 28 20 48
2008 - 2012 19 23 42

kkb0054: Age of 4th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1509 1654 3163
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 2 4
0 - 18 18 27 45
20 - 51 28 19 47
52 - 63 29 24 53
64 - 70 20 26 46
71 - 82 23 15 38

kkb0084: Detailed Cause of 4th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-18 COULD NOT CODE 0 1 1
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1509 1654 3163
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 7 11
9 Ill-defined intestinal infections 1 0 1
33 Whooping cough 0 1 1
34 Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever 0 1 1
38 Septicemia 1 0 1
42 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease 1 0 1
45 Acute poliomyelitis 2 0 2
142 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands 0 1 1
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 3 1 4
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 4 2 6
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 1 3 4
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 1 1 2
159 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 1 1 2
160 Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses 0 1 1
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 1 1 2
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 5 7 12
163 Malignant neoplasm of pleura 1 0 1
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 1 4 5
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 1 3 4
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 4 3 7
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 3 1 4
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 0 1 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 0 3 3
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 8 1 9
201 Hodgkin's disease 1 0 1
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 3 0 3
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 4 0 4
211 Benign neoplasm of other parts of digestive system 0 1 1
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 0 1 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 5 5 10
289 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 1 0 1
303 Alcohol dependence syndrome 2 3 5
322 Meningitis of unspecified cause 1 1 2
331 Other cerebral degenerations 3 1 4
332 Parkinson's disease 1 0 1
335 Anterior horn cell disease 0 1 1
340 Multiple sclerosis 1 0 1
343 Infantile cerebral palsy 0 1 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 4 1 5
425 Cardiomyopathy 0 1 1
428 Heart failure 0 2 2
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 8 9 17
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 1 0 1
431 Intracerebral hemorrhage 1 0 1
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 4 3 7
441 Aortic aneurysm 0 1 1
442 Other aneurysm 1 0 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 1 1 2
486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified 1 0 1
487 Influenza 1 1 2
492 Emphysema 0 1 1
518 Other diseases of lung 1 1 2
560 Intestinal obstruction without mention of hernia 0 1 1
573 Other disorders of liver 1 2 3
586 Renal failure, unspecified 0 3 3
588 Disorders resulting from impaired renal function 1 0 1
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 0 2 2
634 Spontaneous abortion 2 5 7
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 1 0 1
741 Spina bifida 1 1 2
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 1 3 4
753 Congenital anomalies of urinary system 0 1 1
765 Disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birthweight 0 1 1
785 Symptoms involving cardiovascular system 0 1 1
798 Sudden death, cause unknown 2 0 2
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 2 1 3
805 Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord 1 0 1
959 Injury, other and unspecified 2 0 2
996 Complications peculiar to certain specified procedures 1 0 1
997 Complications affecting specified body systems, not elsewhere classified 1 0 1
998 Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified 1 0 1
5807 Railway accident of unspecified nature 1 0 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 3 4 7
5858 Accidental poisoning by other drugs 1 0 1
5891 Conflagration in other and unspecified building or structure 1 0 1
5899 Accident caused by unspecified fire 1 0 1
5919 Accidents caused by machinery 1 2 3
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 2 0 2
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 0 1 1
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 1 2 3
5968 Assault by other and unspecified means 1 0 1
5995 Injury Due To War Operations By Other And Unspecified Forms Of Conventional Warfare 0 1 1
6040 Mental And Behavioral Problems 0 1 1

kkba084: Collapsed Cause of 4th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-18 NOT CODEABLE 0 1 1
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1509 1654 3163
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 7 11
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 5 2 7
20 Neoplasms 42 36 78
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 5 5 10
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 1 0 1
50 Mental Disorders 2 3 5
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 6 4 10
70 Circulatory System 20 18 38
80 Respiratory System 3 3 6
90 Digestive System 1 3 4
100 Genitourinary system 1 5 6
110 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 2 5 7
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 1 0 1
140 Congenital Anomalies 2 5 7
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 0 1 1
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 4 2 6
170 Injury and Poisoning 6 0 6
180 ICD-9 E Codes 12 10 22
190 ICD-9 V Codes 0 1 1

kkb0824: Education of 4th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 4 2 6
-2 739 857 1596
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
4 4 years of school 1 0 1
5 5 years of school 1 0 1
6 6 years of school 1 0 1
7 7 years of school 1 0 1
8 8 years of school 9 20 29
9 9 years of school 9 7 16
10 10 years of school 24 33 57
11 11 years of school 27 24 51
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 494 528 1022
13 1 year of college 30 33 63
14 2 years of college 55 41 96
15 3 years of college 23 20 43
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 121 109 230
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 18 20 38
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 25 23 48
19 7 years college, 3 years grad or prof school 9 9 18
20 8 years college, 4 years grad or prof school 5 5 10
21 9 years college, 5 years grad or prof school 1 0 1
22 10 years college, 6 years grad or prof school 1 0 1
23 11 years college, 7 years grad or prof school 0 1 1
24 12 years college, 8 years grad or prof school 1 2 3

kkb0834: Year when education in KKB0824 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0834

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 739 857 1596
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 861 877 1738

kkb0295: Gender of 5th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0295, y_KSEX5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1047 1171 2218
1 MALE 352 223 575
2 FEMALE 230 374 604

kkb1305: Year of 5th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 5 6 11
-2 1047 1171 2218
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1918 - 1939 128 126 254
1940 - 1944 134 150 284
1945 - 1948 129 117 246
1949 - 1953 125 135 260
1954 - 1965 60 60 120

kkb1315: Year 5th listed sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1047 1171 2218
1975 567 579 1146
2003 2 5 7
2004 6 5 11
2005 5 7 12
2011 2 1 3

kkb1325: Roster ID of 5th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1047 1171 2218
301 3 1 4
302 7 8 15
303 0 2 2
304 0 1 1
305 563 573 1136
306 5 11 16
307 3 1 4
308 1 0 1

kkb1335: Entity number of 5th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1067 1194 2261
9 - 14 158 164 322
15 - 17 120 148 268
18 - 22 138 125 263
23 - 40 119 110 229
41 - 165 20 19 39

kkb4325: Previous round roster ID of 5th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1325

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1145 1271 2416
301 0 1 1
302 4 4 8
303 22 25 47
304 335 352 687
305 72 60 132
306 3 4 7
307 2 0 2
308 1 1 2
309 0 1 1
311 2 0 2
801 43 49 92

kkb4335: Previous round entity # of 5th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1335

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1145 1271 2416
1 43 49 92
4 2 0 2
5 16 9 25
6 18 16 34
7 32 33 65
8 76 83 159
9 98 98 196
10 85 91 176
11 52 54 106
12 21 33 54
13 20 12 32
14 11 11 22
15 2 2 4
16 4 3 7
17 2 1 3
18 2 0 2
19 0 1 1
20 0 1 1

kkb0015: Mortality status of 5h listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1047 1171 2218
1 ALIVE 524 514 1038
2 DECEASED 58 83 141

kkb0025: Year of 5th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1571 1685 3256
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 9 13
1932 - 1966 11 14 25
1967 - 1992 13 13 26
1994 - 2002 12 15 27
2003 - 2007 11 17 28
2008 - 2011 7 15 22

kkb0055: Age of 5th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1571 1685 3256
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
0 - 19 9 18 27
22 - 45 14 14 28
46 - 57 15 14 29
58 - 67 15 15 30
68 - 83 4 21 25

kkb0085: Detailed Cause of 5th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1571 1685 3256
-1 DON'T KNOW 7 11 18
55 Measles 0 1 1
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 1 0 1
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 0 1 1
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 2 3 5
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 1 1 2
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 2 2 4
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 4 2 6
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 3 1 4
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 0 1 1
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 1 0 1
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 1 2 3
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 1 1 2
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 2 7 9
201 Hodgkin's disease 0 1 1
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 2 2 4
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 0 2 2
250 Diabetes mellitus 1 0 1
303 Alcohol dependence syndrome 1 2 3
322 Meningitis of unspecified cause 0 1 1
340 Multiple sclerosis 0 1 1
390 Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement 0 1 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 1 4 5
428 Heart failure 1 0 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 6 12 18
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 1 2 3
431 Intracerebral hemorrhage 0 1 1
434 Occlusion of cerebral arteries 0 1 1
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 3 0 3
442 Other aneurysm 0 1 1
486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified 0 1 1
487 Influenza 0 2 2
492 Emphysema 1 0 1
518 Other diseases of lung 1 0 1
571 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 1 0 1
573 Other disorders of liver 1 0 1
584 Acute renal failure 1 0 1
634 Spontaneous abortion 0 1 1
728 Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fiscia 0 1 1
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 2 0 2
798 Sudden death, cause unknown 1 0 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 0 1 1
5807 Railway accident of unspecified nature 1 1 2
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 2 4 6
5841 Accident to powered aircraft, other and unspecified 1 0 1
5863 Accidental Poisoning By Agricultural And Horticultural Chemical And Pharmaceutical Preparations Other Than Plant Foods And Fertilizers 1 0 1
5869 Accidental Poisoning By Other Gases And Vapors 0 1 1
5897 Accident Caused By Controlled Fire Not In Building Or Structure 0 1 1
5916 Struck Accidentally By Falling Object 1 0 1
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 0 1 1
5980 Poisoning By Solid Or Liquid Substances, Undetermined Whether Accidentally Or Purposely Inflicted 0 1 1
5984 Submersion (drowning), Undetermined Whether Accidentally or Purposely Inflicted 0 1 1
5985 Injury By Firearms, Air Guns And Explosives, Undetermined Whether Accidentally Or Purposely Inflicted 0 1 1
5995 Injury Due To War Operations By Other And Unspecified Forms Of Conventional Warfare 2 0 2

kkba085: Collapsed Cause of 5th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1571 1685 3256
-1 DON'T KNOW 7 11 18
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 0 1 1
20 Neoplasms 20 27 47
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 1 0 1
50 Mental Disorders 1 2 3
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 0 2 2
70 Circulatory System 12 22 34
80 Respiratory System 2 3 5
90 Digestive System 2 0 2
100 Genitourinary system 1 0 1
110 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 0 1 1
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 0 1 1
140 Congenital Anomalies 2 0 2
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 1 1 2
180 ICD-9 E Codes 8 11 19

kkb0825: Education of 5th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 3 2 5
-2 1047 1171 2218
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
0 Less than one year of school 1 0 1
3 3 years of school 1 0 1
5 5 years of school 1 0 1
6 6 years of school 2 1 3
7 7 years of school 0 1 1
8 8 years of school 3 10 13
9 9 years of school 7 9 16
10 10 years of school 24 27 51
11 11 years of school 18 20 38
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 331 363 694
13 1 year of college 16 17 33
14 2 years of college 36 21 57
15 3 years of college 15 23 38
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 75 61 136
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 10 8 18
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 14 14 28
19 7 years college, 3 years grad or prof school 2 0 2
20 8 years college, 4 years grad or prof school 7 0 7
21 9 years college, 5 years grad or prof school 0 1 1
24 12 years college, 8 years grad or prof school 0 1 1

kkb0835: Year when education in KKB0825 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0835

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1047 1171 2218
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 567 579 1146

kkb0296: Gender of 6th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0296, y_KSEX6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1254 1385 2639
1 MALE 222 164 386
2 FEMALE 153 219 372

kkb1306: Year of 6th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 4 3 7
-2 1254 1385 2639
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 1 4
1917 - 1939 77 76 153
1940 - 1945 88 99 187
1946 - 1949 76 75 151
1950 - 1954 82 85 167
1955 - 1971 45 43 88

kkb1316: Year 6th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1254 1385 2639
1975 366 363 729
2003 0 3 3
2004 3 6 9
2005 4 10 14
2011 2 1 3

kkb1326: Roster ID of 6th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1254 1385 2639
301 1 1 2
302 4 9 13
305 1 2 3
306 364 370 734
307 2 1 3
308 2 0 2
309 1 0 1

kkb1336: Entity number of 6th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1265 1397 2662
7 - 14 74 72 146
15 - 17 82 94 176
18 - 21 84 84 168
22 - 29 74 77 151
30 - 166 47 35 82

kkb4326: Previous round roster ID of 6th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1326

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1316 1459 2775
302 0 1 1
303 4 3 7
304 20 20 40
305 213 208 421
306 33 44 77
307 1 3 4
308 0 1 1
309 0 1 1
310 1 1 2
311 0 1 1
801 41 26 67

kkb4336: Previous round entity # of 6th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1336

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1316 1459 2775
1 41 26 67
5 1 1 2
6 9 4 13
7 11 12 23
8 28 18 46
9 42 47 89
10 59 63 122
11 47 59 106
12 35 31 66
13 15 26 41
14 11 7 18
15 9 6 15
16 2 2 4
17 2 4 6
18 1 0 1
19 0 1 1
20 0 1 1
21 0 1 1

kkb0016: Mortality status of 6th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1254 1385 2639
1 ALIVE 333 329 662
2 DECEASED 42 54 96

kkb0026: Year of 6th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1587 1714 3301
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 5 7
1936 - 1961 5 12 17
1963 - 1987 8 9 17
1988 - 2001 6 12 18
2002 - 2006 13 5 18
2007 - 2010 8 11 19

kkb0056: Age of 6th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1587 1714 3301
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 2 5
0 - 19 4 14 18
20 - 39 9 9 18
40 - 59 9 10 19
60 - 70 8 10 18
71 - 85 9 9 18

kkb0086: Detailed Cause of 6th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1587 1714 3301
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 5 7
36 Meningococcal infection 0 2 2
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 1 0 1
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 0 1 1
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 2 6 8
171 Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue 0 1 1
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 0 1 1
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 1 0 1
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 0 1 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 2 3 5
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 5 4 9
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 0 2 2
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 2 1 3
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 1 1 2
335 Anterior horn cell disease 1 0 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 2 1 3
428 Heart failure 0 2 2
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 3 6 9
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 1 0 1
431 Intracerebral hemorrhage 2 0 2
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 1 1 2
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 1 0 1
571 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 1 0 1
573 Other disorders of liver 0 1 1
634 Spontaneous abortion 0 1 1
762 Fetus or newborn affected by complications of placenta, cord, and membranes 0 1 1
765 Disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birthweight 0 1 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 2 0 2
990 Effects of radiation, unspecified 0 1 1
998 Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified 1 1 2
5814 Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with pedestrian 0 1 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 1 2 3
5849 Place Of Occurrence 1 0 1
5863 Accidental Poisoning By Agricultural And Horticultural Chemical And Pharmaceutical Preparations Other Than Plant Foods And Fertilizers 2 1 3
5891 Conflagration in other and unspecified building or structure 1 0 1
5910 Accidental drowning and submersion 1 0 1
5919 Accidents caused by machinery 0 1 1
5925 Accident caused by electric current 1 0 1
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 2 0 2
5965 Assault By Firearms And Explosives 1 0 1
5984 Submersion (drowning), Undetermined Whether Accidentally or Purposely Inflicted 0 1 1
5985 Injury By Firearms, Air Guns And Explosives, Undetermined Whether Accidentally Or Purposely Inflicted 0 1 1
5995 Injury Due To War Operations By Other And Unspecified Forms Of Conventional Warfare 0 2 2

kkba086: Collapsed Cause of 6th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1587 1714 3301
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 5 7
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 0 2 2
20 Neoplasms 14 21 35
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 1 0 1
70 Circulatory System 10 10 20
90 Digestive System 1 1 2
110 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 0 1 1
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 0 2 2
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 2 0 2
170 Injury and Poisoning 1 2 3
180 ICD-9 E Codes 10 9 19

kkb0826: Education of 6th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 4 1 5
-2 1254 1385 2639
0 Less than one year of school 1 0 1
2 2 years of school 0 1 1
5 5 years of school 0 1 1
6 6 years of school 1 0 1
7 7 years of school 4 0 4
8 8 years of school 10 10 20
9 9 years of school 5 7 12
10 10 years of school 16 11 27
11 11 years of school 18 12 30
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 215 251 466
13 1 year of college 15 17 32
14 2 years of college 20 10 30
15 3 years of college 7 6 13
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 35 33 68
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 5 2 7
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 8 0 8
19 7 years college, 3 years grad or prof school 1 0 1
20 8 years college, 4 years grad or prof school 0 1 1

kkb0836: Year when education in KKB0826 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0836

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1254 1385 2639
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 365 363 728

kkb0297: Gender of 7th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0297, y_KSEX7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1384 1505 2889
1 MALE 139 139 278
2 FEMALE 106 124 230

kkb1307: Year of 7th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1384 1505 2889
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1916 - 1940 51 55 106
1941 - 1946 57 57 114
1947 - 1950 53 59 112
1951 - 1955 57 52 109
1956 - 1965 24 38 62

kkb1317: Year 7th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1384 1505 2889
1975 235 248 483
2003 1 2 3
2004 1 6 7
2005 5 6 11
2011 3 1 4

kkb1327: Roster ID of 7th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1384 1505 2889
302 1 1 2
303 1 0 1
304 1 0 1
305 0 1 1
307 239 260 499
308 2 1 3
309 1 0 1

kkb1337: Entity number of 7th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1390 1516 2906
11 - 15 47 49 96
16 - 18 52 65 117
19 - 22 54 61 115
23 - 29 44 53 97
30 - 99 37 18 55

kkb4327: Previous round roster ID of 7th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1327

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1423 1555 2978
303 1 1 2
304 5 5 10
305 12 21 33
306 150 140 290
307 21 28 49
308 1 1 2
309 1 0 1
310 0 1 1
801 15 16 31

kkb4337: Previous round entity # of 7th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1337

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1423 1555 2978
1 15 16 31
6 1 2 3
7 5 3 8
8 8 7 15
9 22 18 40
10 30 29 59
11 43 45 88
12 32 35 67
13 23 28 51
14 10 16 26
15 11 9 20
16 3 1 4
17 2 1 3
18 0 2 2
19 1 0 1
22 0 1 1

kkb0017: Mortality status of 7th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1384 1505 2889
1 ALIVE 214 223 437
2 DECEASED 31 40 71

kkb0027: Year of 7th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1598 1728 3326
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
1930 - 1953 7 6 13
1954 - 1989 4 9 13
1991 - 2000 5 8 13
2001 - 2007 6 7 13
2008 - 2010 7 9 16

kkb0057: Age of 7th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1598 1728 3326
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
0 - 10 6 8 14
12 - 50 8 9 17
51 - 61 7 10 17
62 - 70 8 6 14
71 - 83 2 6 8

kkb0087: Detailed Cause of 7th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1598 1728 3326
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 5 7
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 1 0 1
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 1 1 2
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 1 2 3
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 0 2 2
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 0 2 2
163 Malignant neoplasm of pleura 0 1 1
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 1 1 2
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 2 0 2
180 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 1 0 1
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 0 1 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 0 2 2
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 1 1 2
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 0 1 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 1 0 1
281 Other deficiency anemias 1 0 1
331 Other cerebral degenerations 1 1 2
335 Anterior horn cell disease 0 1 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 2 3 5
415 Acute pulmonary heart disease 0 1 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 4 2 6
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 2 0 2
486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified 0 1 1
518 Other diseases of lung 2 2 4
578 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage 1 0 1
634 Spontaneous abortion 2 0 2
741 Spina bifida 0 1 1
758 Chromosomal anomalies 0 1 1
774 Other perinatal jaundice 0 1 1
780 General symptoms 0 1 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 0 1 1
989 Toxic effect of other substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source 0 1 1
997 Complications affecting specified body systems, not elsewhere classified 1 0 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 3 3 6
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 1 1 2

kkba087: Collapsed Cause of 7th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1598 1728 3326
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 5 7
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 1 0 1
20 Neoplasms 7 14 21
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 1 0 1
40 Blood and Blood-Forming Organs 1 0 1
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 1 2 3
70 Circulatory System 8 6 14
80 Respiratory System 2 3 5
90 Digestive System 1 0 1
110 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 2 0 2
140 Congenital Anomalies 0 2 2
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 0 1 1
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 0 2 2
170 Injury and Poisoning 1 1 2
180 ICD-9 E Codes 4 4 8

kkb0827: Education of 7th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 1384 1505 2889
0 Less than one year of school 0 1 1
4 4 years of school 1 0 1
5 5 years of school 0 1 1
6 6 years of school 1 0 1
7 7 years of school 1 1 2
8 8 years of school 4 7 11
9 9 years of school 3 5 8
10 10 years of school 9 8 17
11 11 years of school 7 15 22
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 156 150 306
13 1 year of college 9 15 24
14 2 years of college 12 8 20
15 3 years of college 6 10 16
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 20 14 34
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 1 5 6
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 3 4 7
19 7 years college, 3 years grad or prof school 0 1 1
20 8 years college, 4 years grad or prof school 1 1 2
21 9 years college, 5 years grad or prof school 1 1 2

kkb0837: Year when education in KKB0827 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0837

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1384 1505 2889
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 235 248 483

kkb0298: Gender of 8th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0298, y_KSEX8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1468 1590 3058
1 MALE 91 87 178
2 FEMALE 70 91 161

kkb1308: Year of 8th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 2 3
-2 1468 1590 3058
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1925 - 1940 33 42 75
1941 - 1947 39 42 81
1948 - 1952 36 47 83
1953 - 1957 38 29 67
1958 - 1964 14 14 28

kkb1318: Year 8th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1468 1590 3058
1975 152 165 317
2003 0 1 1
2004 3 6 9
2005 6 3 9
2011 0 3 3

kkb1328: Roster ID of 8th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1468 1590 3058
302 1 1 2
303 1 0 1
308 156 177 333
309 2 0 2
310 1 0 1

kkb1338: Entity number of 8th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1473 1594 3067
10 - 17 40 51 91
18 - 20 27 38 65
21 - 24 29 38 67
25 - 32 35 29 64
33 - 100 19 14 33

kkb4328: Previous round roster ID of 8th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1328

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1493 1622 3115
304 1 1 2
305 1 5 6
306 10 11 21
307 103 103 206
308 11 17 28
309 0 1 1
310 0 1 1
311 0 1 1
801 10 6 16

kkb4338: Previous round entity # of 8th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1338

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1493 1622 3115
1 10 6 16
7 0 2 2
8 3 3 6
9 5 5 10
10 15 13 28
11 21 18 39
12 27 34 61
13 22 23 45
14 13 21 34
15 8 10 18
16 8 6 14
17 2 1 3
18 1 1 2
19 0 2 2
20 1 0 1
23 0 1 1

kkb0018: Mortality status of 8th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1468 1590 3058
1 ALIVE 138 153 291
2 DECEASED 23 25 48

kkb0028: Year of 8th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1606 1743 3349
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1928 - 1944 5 4 9
1946 - 1970 4 5 9
1971 - 1993 4 5 9
1995 - 2002 5 4 9
2005 - 2012 5 6 11

kkb0058: Age of 8th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1606 1743 3349
0 - 1 6 3 9
2 - 20 2 7 9
21 - 42 5 4 9
44 - 54 4 5 9
57 - 73 6 6 12

kkb0088: Detailed Cause of 8th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-18 COULD NOT CODE 1 0 1
-2 1606 1743 3349
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
34 Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever 0 1 1
45 Acute poliomyelitis 1 0 1
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 0 1 1
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 1 0 1
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 2 0 2
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 0 1 1
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 2 4 6
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 2 1 3
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 0 1 1
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 1 2 3
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 0 1 1
250 Diabetes mellitus 0 1 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 1 2 3
431 Intracerebral hemorrhage 1 0 1
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 0 1 1
486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified 0 1 1
530 Diseases of esophagus 1 0 1
758 Chromosomal anomalies 1 0 1
765 Disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birthweight 0 1 1
798 Sudden death, cause unknown 1 1 2
933 Foreign body in pharynx and larynx 1 0 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 1 1 2
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 0 1 1
5984 Submersion (drowning), Undetermined Whether Accidentally or Purposely Inflicted 1 0 1
5985 Injury By Firearms, Air Guns And Explosives, Undetermined Whether Accidentally Or Purposely Inflicted 1 0 1
5993 Injury Due To War Operations By Other Explosion 0 1 1
5994 Injury Due To War Operations By Destruction Of Aircraft 0 2 2
5995 Injury Due To War Operations By Other And Unspecified Forms Of Conventional Warfare 1 0 1

kkba088: Collapsed Cause of 8th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-18 NOT CODEABLE 1 0 1
-2 1606 1743 3349
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 1 1 2
20 Neoplasms 8 11 19
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 0 1 1
70 Circulatory System 2 3 5
80 Respiratory System 0 1 1
90 Digestive System 1 0 1
140 Congenital Anomalies 1 0 1
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 0 1 1
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 1 1 2
170 Injury and Poisoning 1 0 1
180 ICD-9 E Codes 4 5 9

kkb0828: Education of 8th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 1468 1590 3058
3 3 years of school 0 1 1
5 5 years of school 0 1 1
6 6 years of school 0 1 1
8 8 years of school 3 3 6
9 9 years of school 3 6 9
10 10 years of school 12 6 18
11 11 years of school 15 8 23
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 89 102 191
13 1 year of college 5 9 14
14 2 years of college 7 7 14
15 3 years of college 2 1 3
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 13 17 30
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 1 1 2
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 1 1 2
20 8 years college, 4 years grad or prof school 1 1 2

kkb0838: Year when education in KKB0828 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0838

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1468 1590 3058
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 152 166 318

kkb0299: Gender of 9th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0299, y_KSEX9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1517 1652 3169
1 MALE 58 62 120
2 FEMALE 54 54 108

kkb1309: Year of 9th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1517 1652 3169
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
1922 - 1940 20 31 51
1941 - 1947 29 21 50
1948 - 1952 24 30 54
1953 - 1956 23 25 48
1957 - 1971 15 8 23

kkb1319: Year 9th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1517 1652 3169
1975 103 108 211
2003 3 0 3
2004 1 1 2
2005 5 5 10
2011 0 2 2

kkb1329: Roster ID of 9th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1517 1652 3169
302 4 0 4
309 108 116 224

kkb1339: Entity number of 9th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1517 1657 3174
10 - 18 29 32 61
19 - 21 23 24 47
22 - 26 24 25 49
27 - 37 25 18 43
38 - 58 6 7 13

kkb4329: Previous round roster ID of 9th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1329

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1533 1676 3209
304 0 1 1
305 1 0 1
306 0 1 1
307 4 7 11
308 77 61 138
309 4 13 17
311 1 0 1
312 1 0 1
801 8 9 17

kkb4339: Previous round entity # of 9th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK1339

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1533 1676 3209
1 8 9 17
9 2 1 3
10 3 2 5
11 8 10 18
12 18 9 27
13 21 20 41
14 12 17 29
15 8 13 21
16 6 6 12
17 6 3 9
18 2 1 3
19 1 0 1
20 0 1 1
21 1 0 1

kkb0019: Mortality status of 9th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1517 1652 3169
1 ALIVE 90 99 189
2 DECEASED 22 17 39

kkb0029: Year of 9th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1607 1751 3358
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
1927 - 1939 3 4 7
1947 - 1968 4 3 7
1970 - 1991 5 2 7
1994 - 2004 5 3 8
2007 - 2012 4 5 9

kkb0059: Age of 9th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1607 1751 3358
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
0 2 5 7
1 - 21 5 2 7
22 - 47 5 2 7
52 - 56 6 1 7
60 - 70 3 7 10

kkb0089: Detailed Cause of 9th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1607 1751 3358
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
37 Tetanus 1 0 1
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 2 1 3
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 0 1 1
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 1 0 1
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 0 1 1
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 0 1 1
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 1 0 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 3 1 4
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 1 0 1
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 1 1 2
250 Diabetes mellitus 1 0 1
335 Anterior horn cell disease 1 0 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 1 0 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 0 2 2
486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified 0 1 1
487 Influenza 1 0 1
573 Other disorders of liver 1 0 1
634 Spontaneous abortion 1 0 1
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 0 1 1
765 Disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birthweight 0 1 1
798 Sudden death, cause unknown 0 1 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 0 1 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 2 0 2
5858 Accidental poisoning by other drugs 0 1 1
5886 Fall On Same Level From Collision, Pushing, Or Shoving, By Or With Other Person 0 1 1
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 0 1 1
5950 Suicide and self-inflicted poisoning by solid or liquid substances 1 0 1
5995 Injury Due To War Operations By Other And Unspecified Forms Of Conventional Warfare 1 0 1

kkba089: Collapsed Cause of 9th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1607 1751 3358
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 1 0 1
20 Neoplasms 9 6 15
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 1 0 1
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 1 0 1
70 Circulatory System 1 2 3
80 Respiratory System 1 1 2
90 Digestive System 1 0 1
110 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 1 0 1
140 Congenital Anomalies 0 1 1
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 0 1 1
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 0 2 2
180 ICD-9 E Codes 4 3 7

kkb0829: Education of 9th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1517 1652 3169
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
0 Less than one year of school 0 2 2
5 5 years of school 1 0 1
8 8 years of school 3 1 4
9 9 years of school 2 1 3
10 10 years of school 5 2 7
11 11 years of school 6 6 12
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 62 79 141
13 1 year of college 4 0 4
14 2 years of college 3 1 4
15 3 years of college 4 3 7
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 9 9 18
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 1 2 3
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 1 1 2

kkb0839: Year when education in KKB0829 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK0839

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1517 1652 3169
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 103 107 210

kkb02910: Gender of 10th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK02910, y_KSEX10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1557 1685 3242
1 MALE 37 36 73
2 FEMALE 35 47 82

kkb13010: Year of 10th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 1557 1685 3242
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
1924 - 1941 11 22 33
1942 - 1948 21 17 38
1949 - 1953 15 18 33
1954 - 1958 16 16 32
1959 - 1965 7 7 14

kkb13110: Year 10th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1557 1685 3242
1975 68 77 145
2004 1 2 3
2005 2 2 4
2011 1 2 3

kkb13210: Roster ID of 10th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1557 1685 3242
305 1 0 1
310 71 83 154

kkb13310: Entity number of 10th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1560 1686 3246
13 - 18 14 17 31
19 - 21 16 18 34
22 - 24 13 17 30
25 - 31 13 17 30
32 - 59 12 10 22

kkb43210: Previous round roster ID of 10th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK13210

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1566 1699 3265
307 1 1 2
308 3 10 13
309 53 43 96
310 2 4 6
311 0 1 1
801 4 10 14

kkb43310: Previous round entity # of 10th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK13310

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1566 1699 3265
1 4 10 14
10 2 1 3
11 4 0 4
12 5 6 11
13 12 8 20
14 16 10 26
15 7 12 19
16 4 13 17
17 4 5 9
18 2 2 4
19 1 0 1
20 1 0 1
21 0 1 1
22 1 0 1
24 0 1 1

kkb00110: Mortality status of 10th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1557 1685 3242
1 ALIVE 65 70 135
2 DECEASED 7 13 20

kkb00210: Year of 10th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1622 1755 3377
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 1 3
1932 0 1 1
1936 0 1 1
1949 0 1 1
1954 0 1 1
1956 1 0 1
1985 0 1 1
1989 1 0 1
1995 0 1 1
1997 0 1 1
2003 0 1 1
2004 0 1 1
2006 2 0 2
2009 1 0 1
2011 0 1 1

kkb00510: Age of 10th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1622 1755 3377
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
0 2 1 3
1 0 1 1
3 0 1 1
4 0 1 1
24 0 1 1
35 0 1 1
41 0 1 1
52 1 0 1
56 0 1 1
60 0 1 1
65 1 0 1
67 0 1 1
68 1 1 2
69 1 0 1

kkb00810: Detailed Cause of 10th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1622 1755 3377
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 1 0 1
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 1 1 2
254 Diseases of the thymus gland 0 1 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 0 1 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 0 2 2
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 1 0 1
487 Influenza 1 1 2
518 Other diseases of lung 0 1 1
537 Other disorders of stomach and duodenum 0 1 1
5955 Suicide And Self-inflicted Injury By Firearms, Air Guns, And Explosives 0 1 1
5965 Assault By Firearms And Explosives 0 1 1

kkba0810: Collapsed Cause of 10th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1622 1755 3377
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 0 3
20 Neoplasms 2 1 3
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 0 1 1
70 Circulatory System 1 3 4
80 Respiratory System 1 2 3
90 Digestive System 0 1 1
180 ICD-9 E Codes 0 2 2

kkb08210: Education of 10th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 1557 1685 3242
4 4 years of school 0 1 1
5 5 years of school 0 1 1
6 6 years of school 1 1 2
7 7 years of school 0 1 1
8 8 years of school 3 3 6
9 9 years of school 1 0 1
10 10 years of school 3 4 7
11 11 years of school 4 7 11
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 38 40 78
13 1 year of college 3 1 4
14 2 years of college 1 2 3
15 3 years of college 2 3 5
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 5 2 7
18 6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school 0 2 2

kkb08310: Year when education in KKB08210 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK08310

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1557 1685 3242
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 61 69 130

kkb02911: Gender of 11th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK02911, y_KSEX11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1583 1715 3298
1 MALE 26 19 45
2 FEMALE 20 34 54

kkb13011: Year of 11th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 2 1 3
-2 1583 1715 3298
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
1930 - 1942 9 10 19
1943 - 1948 5 13 18
1949 - 1952 10 8 18
1953 - 1955 8 11 19
1956 - 1963 12 8 20

kkb13111: Year 11th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1583 1715 3298
1975 38 47 85
2004 2 2 4
2005 6 3 9
2011 0 1 1

kkb13211: Roster ID of 11th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1583 1715 3298
311 46 53 99

kkb13311: Entity number of 11th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1584 1715 3299
17 - 19 9 10 19
20 - 23 11 11 22
24 - 26 6 11 17
27 - 33 7 11 18
34 - 54 7 6 13

kkb43211: Previous round roster ID of 11th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK13211

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1591 1726 3317
306 0 1 1
308 1 0 1
309 2 6 8
310 33 30 63
312 0 1 1
801 2 4 6

kkb43311: Previous round entity # of 11th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK13311

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1591 1726 3317
1 2 4 6
11 0 2 2
12 4 2 6
13 4 2 6
14 4 5 9
15 8 3 11
16 5 7 12
17 5 11 16
18 4 2 6
19 1 2 3
20 0 1 1
23 1 0 1
25 0 1 1

kkb00111: Mortality status of 11th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1583 1715 3298
1 ALIVE 34 41 75
2 DECEASED 12 12 24

kkb00211: Year of 11th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1617 1756 3373
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
1930 1 0 1
1936 0 1 1
1938 1 1 2
1941 0 1 1
1946 0 1 1
1955 1 0 1
1956 1 0 1
1957 1 0 1
1965 1 0 1
1981 0 1 1
1982 0 1 1
1988 0 1 1
1995 1 0 1
1999 0 1 1
2005 0 1 1
2010 3 1 4

kkb00511: Age of 11th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1617 1756 3373
0 3 2 5
1 0 1 1
2 1 0 1
5 1 1 2
15 1 0 1
18 1 0 1
20 0 1 1
33 0 1 1
40 0 1 1
54 1 0 1
55 0 1 1
59 1 1 2
60 1 1 2
68 0 1 1
72 1 0 1

kkb00811: Detailed Cause of 11th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1617 1756 3373
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 1 0 1
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 1 1 2
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 0 1 1
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 0 1 1
322 Meningitis of unspecified cause 0 1 1
428 Heart failure 0 1 1
593 Other disorders of kidney and ureter 1 0 1
741 Spina bifida 1 0 1
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 1 0 1
758 Chromosomal anomalies 1 0 1
765 Disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birthweight 0 1 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 0 1 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 1 1 2
5899 Accident caused by unspecified fire 0 1 1
5910 Accidental drowning and submersion 1 0 1
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 1 1 2
5984 Submersion (drowning), Undetermined Whether Accidentally or Purposely Inflicted 1 0 1

kkba0811: Collapsed Cause of 11th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1617 1756 3373
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
20 Neoplasms 2 3 5
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 0 1 1
70 Circulatory System 0 1 1
100 Genitourinary system 1 0 1
140 Congenital Anomalies 3 0 3
150 Conditions in the Perinatal Period 0 1 1
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 0 1 1
180 ICD-9 E Codes 4 3 7

kkb08211: Education of 11th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1583 1715 3298
6 6 years of school 0 1 1
7 7 years of school 1 0 1
9 9 years of school 0 1 1
10 10 years of school 1 4 5
11 11 years of school 6 1 7
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 22 30 52
13 1 year of college 0 1 1
14 2 years of college 1 2 3
15 3 years of college 2 0 2
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 1 1 2
17 5 years college, 1 year grad or prof school 0 1 1

kkb08311: Year when education in KKB08211 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK08311

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1583 1715 3298
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 35 42 77

kkb02912: Gender of 12th oldset sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK02912, y_KSEX12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1618 1754 3372
1 MALE 6 8 14
2 FEMALE 5 6 11

kkb13012: Year of 12th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 1618 1754 3372
1922 0 1 1
1935 1 0 1
1936 1 0 1
1939 1 2 3
1940 1 1 2
1943 0 1 1
1944 1 1 2
1945 0 1 1
1946 2 0 2
1947 1 0 1
1950 0 1 1
1951 0 1 1
1955 1 1 2
1956 1 0 1
1959 0 2 2
1960 1 0 1
1961 0 1 1

kkb13112: Year 12th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1618 1754 3372
1975 5 6 11
2003 0 3 3
2004 3 3 6
2005 3 1 4
2011 0 1 1

kkb13212: Roster ID of 12th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1618 1754 3372
312 11 14 25

kkb13312: Entity number of 12th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1618 1755 3373
19 0 1 1
20 1 1 2
21 1 1 2
23 2 0 2
25 0 2 2
26 1 0 1
27 0 1 1
28 0 2 2
29 0 1 1
30 1 0 1
33 1 1 2
34 0 1 1

kkb43212: Previous round roster ID of 12th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK13212

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1622 1758 3380
309 2 1 3
310 2 2 4
311 3 7 10

kkb43312: Previous round entity # of 12th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK13312

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1622 1758 3380
12 0 1 1
13 1 1 2
14 1 0 1
15 0 1 1
16 3 3 6
17 2 2 4
18 0 2 2

kkb00112: Mortality status of 12th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1618 1754 3372
1 ALIVE 5 4 9
2 DECEASED 6 10 16

kkb00212: Year of 12th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1623 1758 3381
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 3 3
1936 1 0 1
1940 0 1 1
1942 0 1 1
1950 1 0 1
1956 2 0 2
1963 0 1 1
1969 0 1 1
1977 1 0 1
1981 0 1 1
1999 0 1 1
2002 1 0 1
2010 0 1 1

kkb00512: Age of 12th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1623 1758 3381
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
0 1 1 2
3 1 1 2
10 1 0 1
16 1 0 1
17 1 0 1
18 0 1 1
19 0 1 1
40 0 1 1
44 0 1 1
51 0 1 1
56 1 0 1
59 0 1 1
62 0 1 1

kkb00812: Detailed Cause of 12th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-18 COULD NOT CODE 0 1 1
-2 1623 1758 3381
159 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum 0 1 1
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 0 1 1
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 0 1 1
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 1 0 1
343 Infantile cerebral palsy 1 0 1
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 1 2 3
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 1 2 3
5910 Accidental drowning and submersion 1 0 1

kkba0812: Collapsed Cause of 12th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-18 NOT CODEABLE 0 1 1
-2 1623 1758 3381
20 Neoplasms 1 3 4
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 1 0 1
70 Circulatory System 1 2 3
180 ICD-9 E Codes 2 2 4

kkb08212: Education of 12th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1618 1754 3372
7 7 years of school 0 1 1
10 10 years of school 0 1 1
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 2 3 5
13 1 year of college 1 0 1
14 2 years of college 0 1 1
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 2 0 2

kkb08312: Year when education in KKB08212 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK08312

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1618 1754 3372
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 5 6 11

kkb02913: Gender of 13th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK02913, y_KSEX13

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1624 1759 3383
1 MALE 5 4 9
2 FEMALE 0 5 5

kkb13013: Year of 13th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 1624 1759 3383
1905 0 1 1
1926 0 1 1
1936 2 0 2
1937 0 1 1
1939 1 0 1
1944 1 1 2
1948 0 1 1
1956 1 0 1
1958 0 1 1
1960 0 1 1

kkb13113: Year 13th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1624 1759 3383
1975 1 3 4
2003 0 2 2
2004 1 2 3
2005 3 1 4
2011 0 1 1

kkb13213: Roster ID of 13th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1624 1759 3383
313 5 9 14

kkb13313: Entity number of 13th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1624 1760 3384
22 0 1 1
24 1 0 1
27 1 0 1
28 0 1 1
29 0 1 1
30 0 1 1
34 0 1 1
35 0 1 1

kkb43213: Previous round roster ID of 13th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK13213

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1627 1763 3390
310 0 1 1
312 1 4 5
801 1 0 1

kkb43313: Previous round entity # of 13th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK13313

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1627 1763 3390
1 1 0 1
14 0 1 1
16 0 1 1
17 0 1 1
18 0 2 2
19 1 0 1

kkb00113: Mortality status of 13th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1624 1759 3383
1 ALIVE 1 3 4
2 DECEASED 4 6 10

kkb00213: Year of 13th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1625 1762 3387
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
1926 0 1 1
1936 1 0 1
1938 1 0 1
1956 1 0 1
1960 0 1 1
1965 1 0 1
2003 0 1 1
2006 0 1 1

kkb00513: Age of 13th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1625 1762 3387
0 2 2 4
2 1 0 1
9 0 1 1
21 1 0 1
43 0 1 1
48 0 1 1
55 0 1 1

kkb00813: Detailed Cause of 13th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1625 1762 3387
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
34 Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever 1 0 1
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 0 1 1
278 Obesity and other hyperalimentation 0 1 1
348 Other conditions of brain 0 1 1
487 Influenza 0 1 1
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 1 0 1
929 Crushing injury of multiple and unspecified sites 1 0 1
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 0 1 1

kkba0813: Collapsed Cause of 13th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1625 1762 3387
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 1 0 1
20 Neoplasms 0 1 1
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 0 1 1
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 0 1 1
80 Respiratory System 0 1 1
140 Congenital Anomalies 1 0 1
170 Injury and Poisoning 1 0 1
180 ICD-9 E Codes 0 1 1

kkb08213: Education of 13th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1624 1759 3383
10 10 years of school 0 1 1
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 0 1 1
14 2 years of college 0 1 1
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 1 0 1

kkb08313: Year when education in KKB08213 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK08313

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1624 1759 3383
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 1 3 4

kkb02914: Gender of 14th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK02914, y_KSEX14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1626 1764 3390
1 MALE 2 1 3
2 FEMALE 1 3 4

kkb13014: Year of 14th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1626 1764 3390
1926 0 1 1
1936 0 1 1
1941 1 0 1
1946 0 1 1
1949 0 1 1
1957 1 0 1

kkb13114: Year 14th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1626 1764 3390
1975 1 3 4
2005 2 1 3

kkb13214: Roster ID of 14th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1626 1764 3390
314 3 4 7

kkb13314: Entity number of 14th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1626 1765 3391

kkb43214: Previous round roster ID of 14th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK13214

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb43314: Previous round entity # of 14th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK13314

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb00114: Mortality status of 14th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1626 1764 3390
1 ALIVE 1 3 4
2 DECEASED 2 1 3

kkb00214: Year of 14th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1627 1767 3394
1926 0 1 1
1950 1 0 1
1957 1 0 1

kkb00514: Age of 14th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1627 1767 3394
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 0 1
0 1 1 2

kkb00814: Detailed Cause of 14th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1627 1767 3394
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
746 Other congenital anomalies of heart 1 0 1
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 1 0 1

kkba0814: Collapsed Cause of 14th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1627 1767 3394
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 1 1
140 Congenital Anomalies 1 0 1
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 0 1

kkb08214: Education of 14th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1626 1764 3390
10 10 years of school 0 1 1
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 0 1 1
16 4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree 1 1 2

kkb08314: Year when education in KKB08214 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK08314

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1626 1764 3390
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 1 3 4

kkb02915: Gender of 15th oldset sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSEX15

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395
2 FEMALE 1 1 2

kkb13015: Year of 15th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395
1928 0 1 1
1931 1 0 1

kkb13115: Year 15th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395
2005 1 1 2

kkb13215: Roster ID of 15th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395
315 1 1 2

kkb13315: Entity number of 15th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395

kkb43215: Previous round roster ID of 15th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: inap

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb43315: Previous round entity # of 15th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: inap

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb00115: Mortality status of 15th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395
2 DECEASED 1 1 2

kkb00215: Year of 15th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395
1928 0 1 1
1936 1 0 1

kkb00515: Age of 15th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395
0 0 1 1
5 1 0 1

kkb00815: Detailed Cause of 15th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395
487 Influenza 0 1 1
5912 Inhalation And Ingestion Of Other Object Causing Obstruction Of Respiratory Tract Or Suffocation 1 0 1

kkba0815: Collapsed Cause of 15th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395
80 Respiratory System 0 1 1
180 ICD-9 E Codes 1 0 1

kkb08215: Education of 15th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395

kkb08315: Year when education in KKB08215 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: inap

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1767 3395

kkb02916: Gender of 16th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSEX16

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1767 3396
2 FEMALE 0 1 1

kkb13016: Year of 16th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1767 3396
1941 0 1 1

kkb13116: Year 16th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1767 3396
1975 0 1 1

kkb13216: Roster ID of 16th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1767 3396
316 0 1 1

kkb13316: Entity number of 16th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1767 3396

kkb43216: Previous round roster ID of 16th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: inap

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb43316: Previous round entity # of 16th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: inap

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb00116: Mortality status of 16th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1767 3396
1 ALIVE 0 1 1

kkb00216: Year of 16th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb00516: Age of 16th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb00816: Detailed Cause of 16th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkba0816: Collapsed Cause of 16th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb08216: Education of 16th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1767 3396
12 12 years of school -- high school graduate 0 1 1

kkb08316: Year when education in KKB08216 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: inap

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1767 3396
1975 AT TIME OF 1975 INTERVIEW 0 1 1

kkb02917: Gender of 17th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSEX17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb13017: Year of 17th listed sibling's birth

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: cfoag, y_K18, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb13117: Year 17th sibling added to sib roster

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KSOURCE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb13217: Roster ID of 17th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KID

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb13317: Entity number of 17th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: kentit

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb43217: Previous round roster ID of 17th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: inap

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb43317: Previous round entity # of 17th listed sibling

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: inap

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb00117: Mortality status of 17th listed sibling at time of 2003-05 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KLIVE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb00217: Year of 17th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K18

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb00517: Age of 17th listed sibling at time of death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KAGE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb00817: Detailed Cause of 17th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkba0817: Collapsed Cause of 17th listed sibling's death

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K19

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb08217: Education of 17th listed sibling at time of 1975 or 1992-93 interview

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: CFOED

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kkb08317: Year when education in KKB08217 was ascertained.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: inap

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1629 1768 3397

kk001ss: Mortality status of graduate.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK001nn, y_KLIVEn, y_K4int

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 ALIVE 1402 1540 2942
2 DECEASED 227 228 455

kk002ssc: Year of graduate's death.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK002nn, y_KM1, y_KM1a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1402 1540 2942
-1 DON'T KNOW 9 7 16
1906 - 1997 49 40 89
1998 - 2002 54 56 110
2003 - 2006 45 43 88
2007 - 2009 47 52 99
2010 - 2012 23 30 53

kk005ssc: Age of graduate at time of death.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK005nn, y_K17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1402 1540 2942
-1 DON'T KNOW 10 7 17
29 - 59 56 43 99
60 - 63 45 51 96
64 - 67 49 48 97
68 - 70 50 58 108
71 - 73 17 21 38

kk006ssc: State of graduate's death.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: RK006nn, GK006nn, SK006nn, ssa_state, ndi_state

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-4 NOT ASCERTAINED 205 211 416
-2 1402 1540 2942
2 Alaska 0 1 1
5 California 2 2 4
11 Georgia 0 1 1
16 Iowa 1 0 1
24 Minnesota 1 2 3
36 Ohio 0 1 1
47 Virginia 1 0 1
50 Wisconsin 17 9 26
51 Wyoming 0 1 1
Note: On the public release, all codes other than Wisconsin (50) have been collapsed into a non-Wisconsin "other" category (0). The private data includes codes for states and foreign countries.

kk008ssc: Detailed Cause of graduate's death.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK008nn, y_K19, y_KM2, y_KM2a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 2 0 2
-2 1402 1540 2942
-1 DON'T KNOW 11 4 15
41 Bacterial infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site 1 1 2
88 Other arthropod-borne diseases 0 1 1
136 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases 2 1 3
142 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands 1 0 1
150 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 3 2 5
151 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 3 2 5
153 Malignant neoplasm of colon 10 3 13
155 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 5 4 9
157 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 5 7 12
161 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 6 5 11
162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung 20 13 33
163 Malignant neoplasm of pleura 1 0 1
170 Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage 1 3 4
172 Malignant neoplasm of skin 2 2 4
174 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 9 7 16
179 Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified 1 0 1
180 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 1 0 1
183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa 7 4 11
185 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 3 5 8
188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 2 0 2
189 Malignant neoplasm of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs 2 2 4
191 Malignant neoplasm of brain 4 3 7
193 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 1 0 1
195 Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites 2 2 4
199 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site 11 9 20
200 Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma 0 1 1
202 Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue 5 7 12
203 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms 1 4 5
208 Leukemia of unspecified cell type 4 5 9
239 Neoplasms of unspecified nature 0 4 4
250 Diabetes mellitus 2 8 10
296 Affective psychoses 0 1 1
303 Alcohol dependence syndrome 3 2 5
305 Nondependent abuse of drugs 0 1 1
322 Meningitis of unspecified cause 1 0 1
331 Other cerebral degenerations 3 2 5
332 Parkinson's disease 3 1 4
333 Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders 0 2 2
335 Anterior horn cell disease 2 3 5
340 Multiple sclerosis 1 0 1
371 Corneal opacity and other disorders of cornea 1 0 1
410 Acute myocardial infarction 10 5 15
414 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 1 1 2
415 Acute pulmonary heart disease 0 1 1
427 Cardiac dysrhythmias 0 2 2
428 Heart failure 0 3 3
429 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease 26 35 61
430 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 2 2 4
434 Occlusion of cerebral arteries 0 1 1
436 Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease 3 4 7
440 Atherosclerosis 0 1 1
441 Aortic aneurysm 1 3 4
442 Other aneurysm 2 2 4
444 Arterial embolism and thrombosis 1 3 4
486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified 0 1 1
487 Influenza 4 2 6
492 Emphysema 1 2 3
493 Asthma 0 1 1
496 Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere specified 0 1 1
515 Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis 0 1 1
518 Other diseases of lung 4 5 9
562 Diverticula of intestine 0 1 1
571 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 3 0 3
573 Other disorders of liver 4 0 4
575 Other disorders of gallbladder 0 1 1
584 Acute renal failure 1 0 1
590 Infections of kidney 1 0 1
595 Cystitis 1 0 1
710 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 0 1 1
714 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies 0 1 1
780 General symptoms 0 1 1
785 Symptoms involving cardiovascular system 1 1 2
798 Sudden death, cause unknown 0 1 1
799 Other ill-defined and unknown cause of morbidity and mortality 0 3 3
820 Fracture of neck of femur 1 0 1
959 Injury, other and unspecified 1 0 1
989 Toxic effect of other substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source 1 0 1
995 Certain adverse effects not elsewhere classified 0 2 2
998 Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified 0 1 1
5819 Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature 0 3 3
5826 Pedal Cycle Accident 1 0 1
5858 Accidental poisoning by other drugs 0 1 1
5878 Surgical operation and other surgical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication without mention of misadventure at the time of operation 1 0 1
5888 Other and unspecified fall 0 1 1
5912 Inhalation And Ingestion Of Other Object Causing Obstruction Of Respiratory Tract Or Suffocation 0 1 1
5925 Accident caused by electric current 1 0 1
5927 Overexertion And Strenuous Movements 1 0 1
5928 Other And Unspecified Environmental And Accidental Causes 1 0 1
5947 Other And Unspecified Drugs And Medicinal Substances Causing Adverse Effects In Therapeutic Use 0 1 1
5958 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means 0 1 1
5968 Assault by other and unspecified means 1 0 1
7078 Other operations on bones, except facial bones 1 0 1

kka08ssc: Collapsed Cause of graduate's death.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GKA08nn, KK008SSC

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 2 0 2
-2 1402 1540 2942
-1 DON'T KNOW 11 4 15
10 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 3 3 6
20 Neoplasms 110 94 204
30 Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity 2 8 10
50 Mental Disorders 3 4 7
60 Nervous System and Sense Organs 11 8 19
70 Circulatory System 46 63 109
80 Respiratory System 9 13 22
90 Digestive System 7 2 9
100 Genitourinary system 3 0 3
130 Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 0 2 2
160 Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions 1 6 7
170 Injury and Poisoning 3 3 6
180 ICD-9 E Codes 6 8 14
200 ICD-9 Volume 3 Headings 1 0 1

kk009ssc: Was there a kind of work deceased graduate usually did?

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KMOR9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1525 1643 3168
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
1 YES 92 116 208
2 NO 12 7 19

kku12sse: Class of worker for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KMOR14

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1537 1652 3189
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 5 6
1 Private company, business or individual for wages, salary or commission 59 71 130
2 Government employee (federal, state or local government) 13 17 30
3 Own business or professional practice; incorporated 3 0 3
4 Own business or professional practice; not incorporated 16 20 36
6 Family worker, not further specified 0 3 3

kk019sse: 1990 Census detailed industry code for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KMOR12

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 3 4
-2 1537 1650 3187
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
10 - 192 17 23 40
231 - 440 16 25 41
441 - 711 23 24 47
712 - 842 25 26 51
850 - 932 10 15 25

kka19sse: 2000 Census detailed industry code for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KMOR10_1_ind2000 KK009SSC KK001SS KK072SE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 1537 1652 3189
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
17 - 199 16 24 40
227 - 479 14 26 40
487 - 699 25 19 44
707 - 819 20 21 41
827 - 959 16 23 39

kk020sse: 1990 Census detailed occupation code for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KMOR10, y_KMOR11

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 3 3
-2 1537 1650 3187
5 - 85 18 23 41
95 - 257 20 21 41
259 - 418 18 23 41
423 - 628 14 30 44
634 - 889 22 18 40

kka20sse: 2000 Census detailed occupation code for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KMOR10_1_occ2000 KK009SSC KK001SS KK072SE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 1537 1652 3189
1 - 146 18 24 42
153 - 403 16 25 41
404 - 500 18 23 41
501 - 770 19 24 43
771 - 964 21 19 40

kk021sse: 1990 Major industry code for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KK019SSE, KK020SSE, KKU12SSE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 3 4
-2 1537 1650 3187
-1 DON'T KNOW 0 2 2
1 Agriculture, Forestry, And Fisheries 1 11 12
3 Construction 6 2 8
4 Manufacturing 20 27 47
5 Transportation, Communications, And Other Public Utilities 8 10 18
6 Wholesale And Retail Trade 14 15 29
7 Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate 12 8 20
8 Business And Repair Services 3 1 4
9 Personal Services 3 3 6
11 Public Administration 5 11 16
12 Professional And Related Services 19 25 44

kk022sse: 1990 Major occupation code for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KK019SSE, KK020SSE, KKU12SSE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 3 3
-2 1537 1650 3187
1 Professional, Technical & Specialty: Self-Employed & w/o Pay 2 2 4
2 Professional, Technical & Specialty: Salaried & N.A. 14 20 34
3 Executives, Administrators & Managers: Salaried & N.A. 10 10 20
4 Executives, Administrators & Managers: Self-Employed & w/o Pay 4 4 8
5 Sales: Not Retail Trade 8 10 18
6 Sales: Retail Trade 5 3 8
7 Administrator Support, Including Clerical 11 16 27
8 Precision Production, Craftsmen, Repair: Manufacturing 5 7 12
9 Precision Production, Craftsmen, Repair: Construction 4 1 5
10 Precision Production, Craftsmen, Repair: All Other & N.A. 3 2 5
11 Operators & Fabricators: Manufacturing 9 9 18
12 Operators & Fabricators: All Other & N.A. 7 4 11
13 Service Occupations 7 17 24
14 Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers/Laborers: Manufacturing 0 1 1
15 Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers/Laborers: All Other & N.A. 2 0 2
16 Farm Operators & Managers 1 8 9
17 Farm Workers & Related Occupations 0 1 1

kk023sse: 1989 Nakao-Treas Prestige Rating for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KK020SSE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 3 3
-2 1537 1650 3187
126 - 279 24 17 41
288 - 495 20 21 41
504 - 596 10 31 41
605 - 734 19 22 41
741 - 946 19 24 43

kk024sse: 1990 Occupational Education Score for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KKU12SSE, KKU19SSE, KK020SSE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 3 3
-2 1537 1650 3187
147 - 298 21 21 42
304 - 468 18 23 41
475 - 671 15 26 41
677 - 810 18 24 42
817 - 997 20 21 41

kk025sse: 1990 Occupational Income Score for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KKU12SSE, KKU19SSE, KK020SSE

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 3 3
-2 1537 1650 3187
47 - 111 16 26 42
112 - 196 20 21 41
199 - 385 17 24 41
391 - 514 19 22 41
517 - 840 20 22 42

kk110sse: NAICS code for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KMOR10_1_naics

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
"-2" 1537 1652 3189
"-30" Not part of MOSAQ 72 63 135
"111419" 0 1 1
"311812" 1 0 1
"325520" 1 0 1
"327331" 0 1 1
"339941" 0 1 1
"445110" 1 0 1
"62111" 0 1 1
"721110" 1 0 1
"922160" 0 1 1
Note: Only 13 of 129 values are listed.

kk111sse: SOC code for deceased graduate's last job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KMOR10_1_soc

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
"-2" 1537 1652 3189
"-30" Not part of MOSAQ 72 63 135
"13-2052" 1 0 1
"25-2031" 2 0 2
"29-1069" 1 0 1
"29-2034" 1 0 1
"31-9091" 0 1 1
"35-3011" 2 2 4
"47-2061" 1 0 1
"49-3051" 1 0 1
"53-3032" 3 2 5
Note: Only 13 of 118 values are listed.

kk027ssc: Year deceased graduate stopped working at this job.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KK001SS, y_KMOR17

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1537 1652 3189
-1 DON'T KNOW 6 25 31
1962 - 1994 14 22 36
1995 - 1999 18 21 39
2000 - 2003 25 17 42
2004 - 2007 16 21 37
2008 - 2012 13 10 23

kk029ssd: Graduate's sex.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK029n, y_KSEXn

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
1 MALE 769 839 1608
2 FEMALE 860 929 1789

kk130ssd: Graduate's year of birth.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK130SSD, y_SBYOB

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
1934 1 0 1
1936 0 1 1
1937 8 9 17
1938 77 100 177
1939 731 769 1500
1940 797 877 1674
1941 14 12 26

kk031ssd: Graduates's relationship to respondent.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: GK031SSD, RK031SSD

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 10 13 23
1 FULL 1501 1629 3130
2 ADOPTED 7 17 24
3 STEP 14 15 29
4 HALF 44 49 93

kk034ssd: Graduate's marital status.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 1 2
-2 229 232 461
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 4 7
1 MARRIED 1011 1155 2166
2 DIVORCED 135 135 270
4 WIDOWED 195 184 379
5 NEVER MARRIED 51 49 100

kk036ssd: Graduate's current work status.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K403l

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 229 232 461
-1 DON'T KNOW 34 30 64

kk074ss: Does graduate live with respondent?

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K403adr2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1628 1766 3394
1 YES 0 2 2

kk075ss: Graduate's state of residence.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_SSTATE, apptstate, y_K403a2_s

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 2 2
-2 229 232 461
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 3 4
1 Alabama 2 2 4
2 Alaska 0 1 1
3 Arizona 35 44 79
4 Arkansas 4 5 9
5 California 49 50 99
6 Colorado 21 17 38
7 Connecticut 3 7 10
8 Delaware 1 2 3
9 Washington, D.C. 1 1 2
10 Florida 44 57 101
11 Georgia 12 9 21
12 Hawaii 0 1 1
13 Idaho 3 4 7
14 Illinois 42 57 99
15 Indiana 10 16 26
16 Iowa 4 11 15
17 Kansas 3 4 7
18 Kentucky 3 3 6
20 Maine 0 1 1
21 Maryland 5 6 11
22 Massachusetts 3 4 7
23 Michigan 14 18 32
24 Minnesota 47 50 97
25 Mississippi 2 1 3
26 Missouri 7 5 12
27 Montana 4 3 7
28 Nebraska 1 0 1
29 Nevada 4 5 9
30 New Hampshire 0 2 2
31 New Jersey 3 2 5
32 New Mexico 6 5 11
33 New York 7 4 11
34 North Carolina 7 8 15
36 Ohio 5 6 11
37 Oklahoma 7 2 9
38 Oregon 13 7 20
39 Pennsylvania 4 6 10
40 Rhode Island 0 1 1
41 South Carolina 11 4 15
43 Tennessee 8 3 11
44 Texas 30 24 54
45 Utah 2 1 3
47 Virginia 6 12 18
48 Washington 19 12 31
49 West Virginia 1 1 2
50 Wisconsin 943 1047 1990
59 Canada 1 0 1
Note: On the public release, all codes other than Wisconsin (50) have been collapsed into a non-Wisconsin "other" category (0). The private data includes codes for states and foreign countries.

kk275ss: Correction to preloaded city and state.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K403adr1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 227 228 455
1 YES 51 58 109
2 NO 1320 1425 2745

kk076ss: Any corrections to deceased graduate's name?

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_KM3 y_KM3a

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1414 1552 2966
1 YES 57 78 135
2 NO 156 138 294

kk201ss: How many miles from respondent does graduate live?

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K300

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 229 234 463
-1 DON'T KNOW 36 141 177
0 - 12 265 299 564
13 - 72 265 288 553
75 - 300 276 312 588
305 - 1285 285 266 551
1287 - 9000 272 227 499

kk202ss: Freq of contact with graduate during the past 12 months.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K301_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 229 232 461
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 3 5
0 310 284 594
1 347 415 762
2 - 3 374 391 765
4 - 10 265 344 609
12 - 365 100 99 199

kk203ss: Unit for frequency of contact with graduate.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K301_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 542 519 1061
1 DAY 7 14 21
2 WEEK 74 132 206
3 MONTH 124 160 284
4 YEAR 881 943 1824

kk204ss: Number of times in last 12 months respondent had contact with graduate.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KK202SS, KK203SS

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 229 232 461
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 3 5
1 235 250 485
2 - 3 299 276 575
4 - 8 219 284 503
9 - 40 221 253 474
42 - 109488 112 186 298

kk205ss: Year respondent last saw graduate.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K302

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1315 1481 2796
-1 DON'T KNOW 11 8 19
1957 - 2002 66 58 124
2003 - 2006 65 51 116
2007 - 2008 88 73 161
2009 57 65 122
2010 - 2012 26 32 58

kk206ss: Any contact with graduate during the past 12 months Y/N?

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K304

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1315 1481 2796
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 0 2
1 YES 228 216 444
2 NO 83 71 154

kk207ss: Freq of contact via PHONE with graduate during the past 12 months.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: K305_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 314 303 617
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 3 5
0 - 1 438 530 968
2 - 3 357 391 748
4 - 8 299 295 594
9 - 365 218 246 464

kk208ss: Unit for freq of contact via PHONE with graduate last 12 mo.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: K305_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 414 382 796
1 DAY 11 39 50
2 WEEK 150 326 476
3 MONTH 275 358 633
4 YEAR 778 663 1441

kk209ss: Number of times in last 12 months respondent had contact with graduate via PHONE.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KK207SS, KK208SS

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 314 303 617
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 3 5
1 - 4 368 253 621
5 - 12 414 464 878
14 - 52 335 459 794
55 - 780 97 210 307

kk210ss: Freq of contact via EMAIL with graduate during the past 12 months.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K306_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 314 303 617
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
0 810 842 1652
1 - 2 271 335 606
3 - 350 232 285 517

kk211ss: Unit for freq of contact via EMAIL with graduate.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K306_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-2 1125 1148 2273
1 DAY 15 42 57
2 WEEK 130 175 305
3 MONTH 116 162 278
4 YEAR 242 241 483

kk212ss: Number of times in last 12 months respondent had contact with graduate via EMAIL.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: KK210SS, KK211SS

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 0 1 1
-2 314 303 617
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 2 3
1 - 5 122 108 230
6 - 12 126 162 288
15 - 52 158 187 345
60 - 365 92 152 244
520 - 5475 5 11 16

kk213ss: In what year did respondent last have contact with graduate.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K307

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 1543 1696 3239
-1 DON'T KNOW 6 6 12
1970 - 1999 14 14 28
2000 - 2004 17 14 31
2005 - 2007 18 12 30
2008 - 2009 21 19 40
2010 - 2011 8 7 15

kk061ssd: Similarity of views between respondent and graduate.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K410t

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 1 0 1
-2 227 228 455
-1 DON'T KNOW 19 13 32
1 VERY SIMILAR 306 433 739
2 SOMEWHAT SIMILAR 789 783 1572
3 NOT VERY SIMILAR 199 235 434
4 NOT AT ALL SIMILAR 87 76 163

kk062ssd: How close does respondent feel towards graduate?

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_K412

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-3 REFUSED 2 0 2
-2 227 228 455
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 2 6
1 VERY CLOSE 471 684 1155
2 SOMEWHAT CLOSE 608 605 1213
3 NOT VERY CLOSE 234 167 401
4 NOT AT ALL CLOSE 82 82 164
