WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

In Person: Cognition - Similarities

KCOGSIM  Cognition - Similarities Module


The Cognition - Similarities Module, which was first administered during the
1994 collection wave and replicated in 2005, assesses cognitive ability using
selected questions from the fourteen-item Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale
(WAIS). WAIS items, which prompt participants to provide reasonable
explanations for how two things are alike, adhere to the format, "in what way
are [object #1] and [object #2] alike?" Ten items were asked of all sibling
participants in 1994, with between six and nine being administered in 2005
depending on random sub-sampling. For the 2011 collection wave, only the six
WAIS items asked of all participants in 1994 and 2005 were included in the
Cognition - Similarities Module; as in past waves, the simplest WAIS items were
excluded pursuant to the assumption that the general ability of the WLS sample
is high enough to make substantial variation in responses to simple items
unlikely. The six included WAIS items called for participants to look for
similarities between the things in the following sets: an orange and a banana;
an eye and an ear; an egg and a seed; a table and a chair; a fly and a tree;
and praise and punishment.

If the participant permitted their interviewer to record the CAPI interview,
responses to WAIS items were transcribed verbatim after its completion. If, on
the other hand, the participant refused permission to record, their responses
to WAIS items were manually entered by the interviewer during administration of
the Cognition - Similarities Module. For each item, the participant's
similarity response was assigned a score between zero and two quantifying its
reasonableness, with a "2" being the top score. If the participant indicated
they did not know how two things were alike when asked a WAIS item - or simply
made no specific guess - they were assigned a value of "-1" for that item,
signifying "don't know." If our audio record's quality was not sufficient for
deciphering the participant's response to an item, or if the participant
misheard the question and was not corrected by the interviewer, they were
assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained." A six-item summary of
the participant's performance in the Cognition - Similarities Module was
generated by totaling their scores for each WAIS item, codes of "don't know"
being treated as scores of "0"; items coded as "refused" (-3) or "not
ascertained" (-4) did not contribute at all to the summary measure. 

For more information about the nature of the Cognition - Similarities Module
and our cognition data at prior collection waves, please see Appendix G; CORs
859 and 871, which outline the scoring and open-ended coding procedures used in
2005 (and 2011). Additionally, examples of 2-point, 1-point, and 0-point
answers to each of the WAIS items can be found in cor970. No new documentation
about the Cognition - Similarities Module was added to the appendix for the
2011 collection wave. 


    Variable ranges reference dataset/codebook order and are not necessarily 

    KSIMSTAT-KSIMREL:	    Module-Level Status Variables

    KI101RE:                6-Item Score Summarizing Participant's
    			    Performance on the WAIS Questions Selected
    			    for Inclusion in this Module

    KI111RE:       	    Score for Participant's Response to 'In 
    			    What Way Are an Orange and a Banana Alike?'
    KI113RE:		    Score for Participant's Response to 'In 
    			    What Way Are an Eye and an Ear Alike?'
    KI115RE:		    Score for Participant's Response to 'In 
    			    What Way Are an Egg and a Seed Alike?'
    KI116RE:		    Score for Participant's Response to 'In
    			    What Way Are a Table and a Chair Alike?'
    KI118RE:		    Score for Participant's Response to 'In 
    			    What Way Are a Fly and a Tree Alike?'
    KI119RE:		    Score for Participant's Response to 'In 
    			    What Way Are Praise and Punishment Alike?'

ksimstat: Was the Cognition - Similarities Module completed by Participant alone, with help, or by proxy?

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_simproxy1, y_simhelp0, capiproxy, y_proxy, and y_ivwloc

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 7 12 19
1 R COMPLETED ALONE 1447 1676 3123
Note: For many cases a participant's spouse or other family member was present during the interview. This sometimes resulted in the participant relying on the other person for help in answering some or many of the questions. At the end of each module the interviewer indicated the amount of help the participant received and who provided that help. That assessment is covered by codes 1 through 5. Additionally, a code of 7 indicates that the entire interview was administered to a proxy while a code of 6 indicates that this particular module was answered by a proxy but other modules were answered by the participant.

ksimrel: Relationship of Cognition - Similarities Module helper or proxy to Participant.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: ksimstat, y_simproxy1, y_simhelp0, y_simhelp1, y_simhelp2_hfn, y_simhelp3, y_h1fn to y_h4fn, y_pfn, prxyfnam, y_p1fn to y_p5fn, y_prel, prxyrel, and y_p1rel to y_p5rel

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 7 12 19
-2 1614 1754 3368
0 SPOUSE 8 2 10
Note: If this module was administered via proxy or if the participant received help answering the questions in this module then we record the relationship of the proxy/helper to the participant. Although most participants relied on only one helper or proxy for the interview, some had more than one. Thus the value of the relationship code may vary across the modules.

ki101re: 6-item score summarizing Participant's performance on Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) questions selected for inclusion in the Cognition - Similarities Module.

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: ki111re, ki113re, ki115re, ki116re, ki118re, ki119re

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 7 12 19
1 14 16 30
2 39 48 87
3 109 117 226
4 152 168 320
5 252 267 519
6 237 296 533
7 245 260 505
8 197 234 431
9 166 172 338
10 103 94 197
11 45 36 81
Note: Although the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) is comprised of fourteen items, only six were asked as part of the 2011 CAPI interview; to be asked in 2011, a WAIS item had to have been previously administered to all participants during both the 1994 and 2005 collection waves. The six-item score furnished by this variable replicates CI101RE from the 2005 wave and SI001RE from the 1994 wave, although the latter summarizes performance on ten WAIS items instead of six.
Note: This variable provides the sum of the participant's scores at KI111RE, KI113RE, KI115RE, KI116RE, KI118RE, and KI119RE, all of which correspond to a WAIS item. Codes of "don't know" (-1) at individual items were treated as scores of "0" when calculating this summary score and items coded as "refused" (-3) or "not ascertained" (-4) were excluded prior to summing. If all six items have a code of "refused" or "not ascertained," this variable has been assigned a value of "-4", signifying "not ascertained." For information on how codes and scores were assigned to variables in the Cognition - Similarities Module, please see CORs 859, 871, and 970.

ki111re: Score for Participant's response to 'In what way are an orange and a banana alike?'

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_recordon, y_i13p1s, y_i13p1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 7 12 19
-3 REFUSED 6 1 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 3 8
0 0-POINT ANSWER 9 7 16
1 1-POINT ANSWER 129 109 238
2 2-POINT ANSWER 1443 1604 3047
Note: This variable replicates CI111RE from the 2005 collection wave and SI002RE from the 1994 wave. If the participant indicated they did not know how an orange and a banana are alike - or simply made no specific guess - they were assigned a value of "-1" on this variable, signifying "don't know." If our audio record's quality was not sufficient for deciphering the participant's response to this item, or if the participant misheard the question and was not corrected by the interviewer, they were assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained." For information on how codes and scores were assigned to variables in the Cognition - Similarities Module, please see CORs 859, 871, and 970.

ki113re: Score for Participant's response to 'In what way are an eye and an ear alike?'

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_recordon, y_i13p4s, y_i13p4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 7 12 19
-3 REFUSED 6 1 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 21 7 28
0 0-POINT ANSWER 167 167 334
1 1-POINT ANSWER 782 916 1698
2 2-POINT ANSWER 616 628 1244
Note: This variable replicates CI113RE from the 2005 collection wave and SI004RE from the 1994 wave. If the participant indicated they did not know how an eye and an ear are alike - or simply made no specific guess - they were assigned a value of "-1" on this variable, signifying "don't know." If our audio record's quality was not sufficient for deciphering the participant's response to this item, or if the participant misheard the question and was not corrected by the interviewer, they were assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained." For information on how codes and scores were assigned to variables in the Cognition - Similarities Module, please see CORs 859, 871, and 970.

ki115re: Score for Participant's response to 'In what way are an egg and a seed alike?'

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_recordon, y_i13p6s, y_i13p6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 7 12 19
-3 REFUSED 6 1 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 92 144 236
0 0-POINT ANSWER 281 379 660
1 1-POINT ANSWER 774 858 1632
2 2-POINT ANSWER 433 333 766
Note: This variable replicates CI115RE from the 2005 collection wave and SI006RE from the 1994 wave. If the participant indicated they did not know how an egg and a seed are alike - or simply made no specific guess - they were assigned a value of "-1" on this variable, signifying "don't know." If our audio record's quality was not sufficient for deciphering the participant's response to this item, or if the participant misheard the question and was not corrected by the interviewer, they were assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained." For information on how codes and scores were assigned to variables in the Cognition - Similarities Module, please see CORs 859, 871, and 970.

ki116re: Score for Participant's response to 'In what way are a table and a chair alike?'

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_recordon, y_i13p7s, y_i13p7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 7 12 19
-3 REFUSED 6 3 9
-1 DON'T KNOW 26 15 41
0 0-POINT ANSWER 551 508 1059
1 1-POINT ANSWER 362 371 733
2 2-POINT ANSWER 644 826 1470
Note: This variable replicates CI116RE from the 2005 collection wave and SI007RE from the 1994 wave. If the participant indicated they did not know how a table and a chair are alike - or simply made no specific guess - they were assigned a value of "-1" on this variable, signifying "don't know." If our audio record's quality was not sufficient for deciphering the participant's response to this item, or if the participant misheard the question and was not corrected by the interviewer, they were assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained." For information on how codes and scores were assigned to variables in the Cognition - Similarities Module, please see CORs 859, 871, and 970.

ki118re: Score for Participant's response to 'In what way are a fly and a tree alike?'

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_recordon, y_i13p9s, y_i13p9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 7 12 19
-3 REFUSED 6 3 9
-1 DON'T KNOW 453 374 827
0 0-POINT ANSWER 559 757 1316
1 1-POINT ANSWER 166 230 396
2 2-POINT ANSWER 401 356 757
Note: This variable replicates CI118RE from the 2005 collection wave and SI010RE from the 1994 wave. If the participant indicated they did not know how a fly and a tree are alike - or simply made no specific guess - they were assigned a value of "-1" on this variable, signifying "don't know." If our audio record's quality was not sufficient for deciphering the participant's response to this item, or if the participant misheard the question and was not corrected by the interviewer, they were assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained." For information on how codes and scores were assigned to variables in the Cognition - Similarities Module, please see CORs 859, 871, and 970.

ki119re: Score for Participant's response to 'In what way are praise and punishment alike?'

Data source: Sibling Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: In person & telephone
Source variables: y_recordon, y_i13p10s, y_i13p10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2736 2510 5246
-30 NOT PART OF MOSAQ 72 63 135
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 7 12 19
-3 REFUSED 7 3 10
-1 DON'T KNOW 129 120 249
0 0-POINT ANSWER 809 930 1739
1 1-POINT ANSWER 268 316 584
2 2-POINT ANSWER 370 348 718
Note: This variable replicates CI119RE from the 2005 collection wave and SI011RE from the 1994 wave. If the participant indicated they did not know how praise and punishment are alike - or simply made no specific guess - they were assigned a value of "-1" on this variable, signifying "don't know." If our audio record's quality was not sufficient for deciphering the participant's response to this item, or if the participant misheard the question and was not corrected by the interviewer, they were assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained." For information on how codes and scores were assigned to variables in the Cognition - Similarities Module, please see CORs 859, 871, and 970.
