WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Mail: Real Stakes

Graduate Mail: Real Stakes Module


The 2011 round of WLS data collection is the first to include items
ascertaining risk aversion and willingness to delay gratification, what is
known as impulse control. Risk aversion is measured using hypothetical
scenarios involving the potential for gaining versus losing money. Each
question asks the participant to indicate which of two possible hypothetical
scenarios - both carrying different probabilities for gaining or
losing/maintaining various amounts of money - they would prefer. Impulse
control is measured using hypothetical scenarios about gaining a particular sum
of money at one point in time versus gaining a larger sum of money later on.
With the duration of the wait and amount of extra money yielded by it varying
across hypothetical scenarios, each question asks the participant to indicate
which of two possibilities they would prefer. 

While the majority of participants did not receive any financial compensation
for completing this section, a computer randomly selected and decided the
outcome of one of the risk aversion questions (jstk02re-jstk22re) for a small
random sub-sample. Members of the sub-sample were financially compensated in a
manner consistent with their response to the randomly selected question. 


    Variable ranges reference dataset/codebook order and are not necessarily 

    JSTK01RE:			  Indicator for Whether Participant Belongs
    				  to the Random Sub-Sample Selected to be
    				  Financially Compensated for Completing
    				  the Real Stakes Module
    JSTK02RE-JSTK22RE:		  Risk Aversion Questions With No 
    				  Possibility of Losing Money
    JSTK23RE:			  Scenario Randomly Selected to Determine 
    				  Financial Compensation for Participants 
    				  in the 'Real Stakes' Sub-Sample
    JSTK24RE:  			  Dollar Amount of Financial Compensation 
    				  Paid to Participants in the 'Real Stakes' 
    JSTK25RE-JSTK45RE:		  Risk Aversion Questions With the 
    				  Possibility of Losing Money
    JSTK46RE-JSTK65RE: 		  Impulse Control Questions

jstk01re: Does the Participant belong to the random sub-sample selected to be financially compensated for completing the Real Stakes Module?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: realstakes

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
1 YES 122 170 292
2 NO 2343 2729 5072
Note: A small sub-sample of participants were randomly selected to be financially compensated for completing the Real Stakes Module. For such participants, one scenario from the risk aversion questions that did not include a possibility of financial loss (JSTK02RE-JSTK22RE) was randomly selected for realistic use. Participants were then compensated based on their answer to the selected question and the probabilities contained therein.
Note: A value of "1" denotes selection for the "real stakes" condition, whereas a value of "0" denotes participation in the purely hypothetical condition.
Note: The risk aversion questions used to determine financial compensation (JSTK02RE-JSTK22RE) were prefaced by the following set of instructions: "The next section presents several scenarios. After you return this completed questionnaire, a computer will randomly choose and determine the outcome of one of the scenarios. You will be mailed a check in the dollar amount corresponding to your choice on that question. If you select Choice A, you would have a 100% chance of getting a certain amount. If you select Choice B, you would have a 50% chance of getting the dollar amount specified and a 50% chance of getting $0. There are no right or wrong choices, since we are simply measuring your personal preferences."

jstk02re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $5 OR a 50% chance of getting $5 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake1_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 452 550 1002
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 6 8
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $5 1794 2100 3894
2 50% CHANCE GET $5, 50% CHANCE GET $0 210 230 440
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk03re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $5 OR a 50% chance of getting $7 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake1_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 493 636 1129
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 6 8
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $5 1702 1956 3658
2 50% CHANCE GET $7, 50% CHANCE GET $0 266 294 560
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk04re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $5 OR a 50% chance of getting $9 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake1_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 495 632 1127
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 6 8
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $5 1529 1793 3322
2 50% CHANCE GET $9, 50% CHANCE GET $0 435 460 895
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk05re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $5 OR a 50% chance of getting $11 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake1_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 494 626 1120
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 6 8
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $5 909 1276 2185
2 50% CHANCE GET $11, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1055 980 2035
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk06re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $5 OR a 50% chance of getting $13 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake1_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 496 630 1126
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 6 8
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $5 690 1090 1780
2 50% CHANCE GET $13, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1272 1165 2437
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk07re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $5 OR a 50% chance of getting $15 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake1_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 491 625 1116
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 6 8
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $5 513 877 1390
2 50% CHANCE GET $15, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1455 1382 2837
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk08re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $5 OR a 50% chance of getting $19 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake1_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 389 565 954
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 2 5 7
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $5 477 813 1290
2 50% CHANCE GET $19, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1591 1500 3091
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk09re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $9 OR a 50% chance of getting $11 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake2_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 480 587 1067
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $9 1756 2008 3764
2 50% CHANCE GET $11, 50% CHANCE GET $0 220 286 506
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk10re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $9 OR a 50% chance of getting $15 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake2_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 512 650 1162
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $9 1602 1828 3430
2 50% CHANCE GET $15, 50% CHANCE GET $0 344 405 749
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk11re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $9 OR a 50% chance of getting $17 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake2_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 516 651 1167
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $9 1391 1619 3010
2 50% CHANCE GET $17, 50% CHANCE GET $0 552 613 1165
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk12re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $9 OR a 50% chance of getting $19 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake2_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 506 646 1152
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $9 820 1146 1966
2 50% CHANCE GET $19, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1131 1092 2223
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk13re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $9 OR a 50% chance of getting $21 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake2_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 502 640 1142
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $9 572 895 1467
2 50% CHANCE GET $21, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1382 1348 2730
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk14re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $9 OR a 50% chance of getting $25 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake2_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 507 636 1143
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $9 449 774 1223
2 50% CHANCE GET $25, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1503 1471 2974
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk15re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $9 OR a 50% chance of getting $29 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake2_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 410 576 986
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $9 431 734 1165
2 50% CHANCE GET $29, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1613 1570 3183
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk16re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $11 OR a 50% chance of getting $15 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake3_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 480 585 1065
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 6 9
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $11 1721 1992 3713
2 50% CHANCE GET $15, 50% CHANCE GET $0 257 303 560
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk17re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $11 OR a 50% chance of getting $19 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake3_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 514 651 1165
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 6 9
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $11 1544 1801 3345
2 50% CHANCE GET $19, 50% CHANCE GET $0 401 432 833
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk18re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $11 OR a 50% chance of getting $21 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake3_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 512 648 1160
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 6 9
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $11 1241 1501 2742
2 50% CHANCE GET $21, 50% CHANCE GET $0 706 734 1440
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk19re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $11 OR a 50% chance of getting $23 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake3_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 509 645 1154
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 6 9
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $11 758 1118 1876
2 50% CHANCE GET $23, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1191 1120 2311
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk20re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $11 OR a 50% chance of getting $25 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake3_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 511 645 1156
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 6 9
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $11 543 881 1424
2 50% CHANCE GET $25, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1405 1356 2761
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk21re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $11 OR a 50% chance of getting $29 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake3_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 514 643 1157
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 6 9
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $11 448 779 1227
2 50% CHANCE GET $29, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1495 1461 2956
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk22re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $11 OR a 50% chance of getting $33 and a 50% chance of getting $0?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake3_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 412 584 996
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 6 8
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 6 9
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $11 431 729 1160
2 50% CHANCE GET $33, 50% CHANCE GET $0 1611 1564 3175
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk23re: Scenario randomly selected to determine financial compensation for Participants in the 'real stakes' sub-sample.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: realstakes, rseligible, rndscen

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 2346 2746 5092
2 - 5 30 28 58
6 - 10 18 36 54
11 - 15 26 40 66
16 - 19 28 29 57
20 - 22 17 20 37
Note: A small sub-sample of participants were randomly selected to be financially compensated for completing the Real Stakes Module. For such participants, one scenario from the risk aversion questions that did not include a possibility of financial loss (JSTK02RE-JSTK22RE) was randomly selected for realistic use. Participants were then compensated based on their answer to the selected question and the probabilities contained therein.
Note: See JSTK01RE for information on the number of participants selected for the "real stakes" versus purely hypothetical conditions of this Module, as well as the exact instructions provided to participants selected for "real stakes" compensation.
Note: This variable indicates which of the risk aversion items that did not include a possibility of financial loss (JSTK02RE-JSTK22RE) was randomly selected to determine compensation for participants belonging to the "real stakes" condition. The values range from 2 to 22 and reference the scenarios that could have been selected. Therefore, a value of "4" would indicate that variable JSTK04RE was selected to determine compensation, while a value of "17" would indicate that variable JSTK17RE was selected.

jstk24re: Dollar amount of financial compensation paid to Participants in the 'real stakes' sub-sample.

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: realstakes, rseligible, chkamnt

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-2 2346 2746 5092
5 29 34 63
9 18 35 53
11 24 29 53
13 0 3 3
15 3 3 6
17 2 2 4
19 2 5 7
21 5 2 7
23 1 0 1
25 2 2 4
29 7 5 12
33 2 4 6
Note: A small sub-sample of participants were randomly selected to be financially compensated for completing the Real Stakes Module. For such participants, one scenario from the risk aversion questions that did not include a possibility of financial loss (JSTK02RE-JSTK22RE) was randomly selected for realistic use. Participants were then compensated based on their answer to the selected question and the probabilities contained therein.
Note: See JSTK01RE for information on the number of participants selected for the "real stakes" versus purely hypothetical conditions of this Module, as well as the exact instructions provided to participants selected for "real stakes" compensation.
Note: This variable indicates the dollar value of the check mailed to participants who were randomly selected for the "real stakes" condition of this Module. If the variable has a value of "$0", no check was mailed to the participant.

jstk25re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $4 and a 50% chance of losing $5?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake4_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 521 661 1182
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 1225 1190 2415
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $4, 50% CHANCE LOSE $5 709 1024 1733
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk26re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $6 and a 50% chance of losing $5?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake4_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 535 681 1216
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 998 997 1995
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $6, 50% CHANCE LOSE $5 922 1202 2124
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk27re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $7 and a 50% chance of losing $5?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake4_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 535 681 1216
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 934 942 1876
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $7, 50% CHANCE LOSE $5 985 1258 2243
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk28re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $9 and a 50% chance of losing $5?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake4_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 532 674 1206
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 766 819 1585
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $9, 50% CHANCE LOSE $5 1158 1388 2546
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk29re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $11 and a 50% chance of losing $5?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake4_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 520 673 1193
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 467 588 1055
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $11, 50% CHANCE LOSE $5 1469 1619 3088
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk30re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $13 and a 50% chance of losing $5?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake4_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 527 674 1201
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 364 506 870
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $13, 50% CHANCE LOSE $5 1565 1704 3269
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk31re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $17 and a 50% chance of losing $5?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake4_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 406 572 978
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 310 439 749
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $17, 50% CHANCE LOSE $5 1738 1868 3606
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk32re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $7 and a 50% chance of losing $9?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake5_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 519 678 1197
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 1347 1380 2727
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $7, 50% CHANCE LOSE $9 590 825 1415
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk33re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $11 and a 50% chance of losing $9?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake5_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 535 693 1228
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 1104 1136 2240
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $11, 50% CHANCE LOSE $9 819 1057 1876
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk34re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $14 and a 50% chance of losing $9?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake5_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 534 693 1227
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 987 1045 2032
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $14, 50% CHANCE LOSE $9 936 1146 2082
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk35re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $17 and a 50% chance of losing $9?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake5_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 529 686 1215
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 796 868 1664
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $17, 50% CHANCE LOSE $9 1131 1330 2461
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk36re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $19 and a 50% chance of losing $9?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake5_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 522 684 1206
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 526 679 1205
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $19, 50% CHANCE LOSE $9 1410 1522 2932
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk37re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $23 and a 50% chance of losing $9?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake5_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 529 686 1215
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 411 569 980
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $23, 50% CHANCE LOSE $9 1517 1631 3148
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk38re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $27 and a 50% chance of losing $9?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake5_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 418 593 1011
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 6 11
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 350 521 871
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $27, 50% CHANCE LOSE $9 1688 1768 3456
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk39re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $9 and a 50% chance of losing $11?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake6_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 517 672 1189
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 1391 1435 2826
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $9, 50% CHANCE LOSE $11 549 778 1327
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk40re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $13 and a 50% chance of losing $11?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake6_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 534 688 1222
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 1143 1196 2339
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $13, 50% CHANCE LOSE $11 781 1002 1783
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk41re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $17 and a 50% chance of losing $11?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake6_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 536 697 1233
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 1013 1094 2107
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $17, 50% CHANCE LOSE $11 909 1094 2003
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk42re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $21 and a 50% chance of losing $11?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake6_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 526 687 1213
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 747 889 1636
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $21, 50% CHANCE LOSE $11 1186 1310 2496
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk43re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $23 and a 50% chance of losing $11?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake6_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 528 683 1211
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 530 740 1270
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $23, 50% CHANCE LOSE $11 1399 1463 2862
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk44re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $27 and a 50% chance of losing $11?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake6_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 528 683 1211
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 434 625 1059
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $27, 50% CHANCE LOSE $11 1496 1579 3075
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk45re: Would you rather have a 100% chance of getting $0 OR a 50% chance of gaining $31 and a 50% chance of losing $11?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake6_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 415 592 1007
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 5 7
-1 DON'T KNOW 4 6 10
1 100% CHANCE OF GETTING $0 369 575 944
2 50% CHANCE GAIN $31, 50% CHANCE LOSE $11 1671 1716 3387
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk46re: Do you prefer to get $10 today OR $12 thirty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake7_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 509 614 1123
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
1 $10 TODAY 939 1119 2058
2 $12 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1007 1152 2159
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk47re: Do you prefer to get $10 today OR $15 thirty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake7_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 516 635 1151
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
1 $10 TODAY 577 691 1268
2 $15 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1364 1561 2925
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk48re: Do you prefer to get $10 today OR $18 thirty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake7_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 519 634 1153
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
1 $10 TODAY 395 479 874
2 $18 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1542 1772 3314
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk49re: Do you prefer to get $10 today OR $21 thirty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake7_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 519 632 1151
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
1 $10 TODAY 212 271 483
2 $21 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1726 1985 3711
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk50re: Do you prefer to get $10 today OR $24 thirty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake7_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 509 624 1133
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
1 $10 TODAY 170 237 407
2 $24 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1778 2024 3802
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk51re: Do you prefer to get $12 today OR $13 thirty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake7_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 518 627 1145
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
1 $12 TODAY 808 1074 1882
2 $13 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1130 1185 2315
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk52re: Do you prefer to get $12 today OR $16 thirty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake7_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 517 630 1147
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
1 $12 TODAY 480 615 1095
2 $16 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1460 1640 3100
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk53re: Do you prefer to get $12 today OR $19 thirty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake7_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 518 632 1150
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
1 $12 TODAY 281 350 631
2 $19 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1658 1906 3564
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk54re: Do you prefer to get $12 today OR $22 thirty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake7_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 516 626 1142
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
1 $12 TODAY 156 217 373
2 $22 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1784 2045 3829
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk55re: Do you prefer to get $12 today OR $25 thirty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake7_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 384 502 886
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 5 5 10
1 $12 TODAY 137 189 326
2 $25 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1933 2196 4129
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk56re: Do you prefer to get $10 thirty days from today OR $12 sixty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake8_1

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 517 627 1144
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 5 8
1 $10 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1094 1349 2443
2 $12 SIXTY DAYS FROM TODAY 848 911 1759
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk57re: Do you prefer to get $10 thirty days from today OR $15 sixty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake8_2

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 523 640 1163
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 5 8
1 $10 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 769 980 1749
2 $15 SIXTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1168 1268 2436
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk58re: Do you prefer to get $10 thirty days from today OR $18 sixty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake8_3

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 522 642 1164
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 5 8
1 $10 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 536 692 1228
2 $18 SIXTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1400 1555 2955
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk59re: Do you prefer to get $10 thirty days from today OR $21 sixty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake8_4

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 523 640 1163
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 5 8
1 $10 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 276 383 659
2 $21 SIXTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1661 1867 3528
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk60re: Do you prefer to get $10 thirty days from today OR $24 sixty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake8_5

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 515 635 1150
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 5 8
1 $10 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 213 300 513
2 $24 SIXTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1732 1951 3683
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk61re: Do you prefer to get $12 thirty days from today OR $13 sixty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake8_6

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 521 636 1157
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 5 8
1 $12 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 907 1185 2092
2 $13 SIXTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1028 1066 2094
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk62re: Do you prefer to get $12 thirty days from today OR $16 sixty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake8_7

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 524 638 1162
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 5 8
1 $12 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 621 845 1466
2 $16 SIXTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1312 1405 2717
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk63re: Do you prefer to get $12 thirty days from today OR $19 sixty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake8_8

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 522 643 1165
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 5 8
1 $12 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 371 514 885
2 $19 SIXTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1566 1733 3299
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk64re: Do you prefer to get $12 thirty days from today OR $22 sixty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake8_9

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 522 641 1163
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 5 8
1 $12 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 196 300 496
2 $22 SIXTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1742 1948 3690
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".

jstk65re: Do you prefer to get $12 thirty days from today OR $25 sixty days from today?

Data source: Graduate Participant or Proxy      Collected in: 2011      Mode: Mail
Source variables: y_stake8_10

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 2513 2413 4926
-29 LEFT BLANK ON SAQ 384 510 894
-27 NOT ASKED OF PROXY 13 14 27
-3 REFUSED 2 4 6
-1 DON'T KNOW 3 5 8
1 $12 THIRTY DAYS FROM TODAY 165 256 421
2 $25 SIXTY DAYS FROM TODAY 1908 2122 4030
Note: Participants completing the Real Stakes Module of the mail survey are asked to answer each hypothetical question by marking one of two possible boxes, each representing a different scenario. If both boxes are marked (or if neither box is marked), the variable corresponding to the question is assigned a value of "-4" and coded as "not ascertained".
