WLS Codebooks

Note: Codebooks contain frequency data from the private data release. For some variables, these differ from the frequencies in the public release. Variables that differ between the public and private versions include "(not available on public release)" as part of the variable description, or a note indicating the difference between the public and private versions.

Grad Spouse IQ


Spouse IQ data were collected for all spouses where we had a valid high school
name, maiden name, and either DOB or year graduated.

Information about Spouse IQ was collected in the following way:

-In 2003-2004 we began speaking to graduate and sibling spouses.  While
interviewing spouses we ascertained their maiden name, whether or not they
attended high school in Wisconsin, if so what high school they attended, and
finally their date of birth.

-With the above information collected we were able to use spouses date of birth
and high school information to calculate estimations of the year in which
spouses were in particular grade levels and in what school.  We then used these
estimations combined with their maiden name to search through the Wisconsin
Cooperative Testing Program books for Spouses Henmon-Nelson scores (books with
scores exist for WI schools from 1930-1980).

-Each case was checked three times; 1.)The first check was done quickly on the
estimated year. 2.) For cases that did not yield a score on the first check we
looked at plus and minus three years from the estimated year.  In addition, if
the reported high school was in a big city we checked all other high schools in
that city. 3.) After the first two checks, if a case did not have 2 scores we
checked all high school years without a score in the same manner as check 2.

-Finally, once Hemnon-Nelson scores were located for spouses we followed an
already established formula (see Cor652, Memo124) to convert raw Henmon-Nelson
scores for grades 9-12 taken in any year into the metric of  Wisconsin IQ
scores jor Juniors in 1957.  In this way (for example), a score from a spouse
who took the test as a 9th grader in 1938 could be compared to a graduate who
took the test as a Junior in 1956.


NOTE:  "Best measure" (bm) represents spouse's junior year score, if no junior
score exists then we used the converted senior year score, if no senior then
sophomore, if no sophomore then freshman.

   spwiiq_bm                Best measure of spouse IQ mapped from converted 
                            Henmon-Nelson score.

   sphnrs_bm                Best measure of spouse Henmon-Nelson raw score.  
   spwicr_bm                Best measure of spouse WI centile rank based on 
                            converted Henmon-Nelson score.

   spncr_bm                 Best measure of spouse National centile rank based
                            on converted Henmon-Nelson score.

   spbook_flag_bm           Best measure of years difference between estimated 
                            graduation and WI book found in.

   iqsource                 The grade level in which raw Henmom-Nelson scores 
                            were converted into best measure IQ score.

   spwiiq_f                 Spouse WI IQ based on the conversion of freshman 
                            raw Henmon-Nelson score

   sphnrs_f                 Spouse converted freshman Henmon-Nelson score

   spwicr_f                 Spouse WI centile rank based on converted freshman 
                            Henmon-Nelson score
   spncr_f                  Measure of spouse National centile rank based 
                            on converted Henmon-Nelson score.
   spwiiq_p                 Spouse WI IQ based on the conversion of sophomore 
                            raw Henmon-Nelson score 
   sphnrs_p                 Spouse converted sophomore Henmon-Nelson score 
   spwicr_p                 Spouse WI centile rank based on converted sophomore

                            Henmon-Nelson score 
   spncr_p                  Spouse National centile rank based on converted 
                            sophomore Henmon-Nelson score 

   spwiiq_j                 Spouse WI IQ based on the conversion of junior 
                            Henmon-Nelson score 

   sphnrs_j                 Spouse converted junior Henmon-Nelson score 

   spwicr_j                 Spouse WI centile rank based on converted junior 
                            Henmon-Nelson score 

   spncr_j                  Spouse National centile rank based on converted 
                            junior Henmon-Nelson score 

   spwiiq_s                 Spouse WI IQ based on the conversion of senior 
                            Henmon-Nelson score 

   sphnrs_s                 Spouse converted senior Henmon-Nelson score 

   spwicr_s                 Spouse WI centile rank based on converted senior 
                            Henmon-Nelson score 

   spncr_s                  Spouse National centile rank based on converted 
                            senior Henmon-Nelson score 

   fbook_flag               Difference in years between estimated graduation 
                            and WI book score was found in for freshman 

   pbook_flag               Difference in years between estimated graduation 
                            and WI book score was found in for sophomores 

   jbook_flag               Difference in years between estimated graduation 
                            and WI book score was found in for juniors 

   sbook_flag               Difference in years between estimated graduation 
                            and WI book score was found in for seniors 

**Note: For variable creation details please refer to COR652

spwiiq_bm: Best measure of spouse IQ mapped from converted Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 516 720 1236
61 - 88 307 232 539
89 - 98 288 313 601
99 - 107 277 343 620
109 - 118 264 293 557
120 - 139 156 181 337

sphnrs_bm: Best measure of spouse Henmon-Nelson raw score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
4 - 47 313 232 545
48 - 55 287 313 600
56 - 62 277 343 620
63 - 70 263 292 555
71 - 91 159 183 342
Note: iqsource = ; f = freshman, p = sophomore, j = junior, s = senior

spwicr_bm: Best measure of spouse WI centile rank based on converted Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 516 720 1236
0 - 21 307 232 539
23 - 45 288 313 601
48 - 68 277 343 620
71 - 88 264 293 557
90 - 99 156 181 337

spncr_bm: Best measure of spouse National centile rank based on converted Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
0 - 33 313 232 545
36 - 56 287 313 600
59 - 75 277 343 620
78 - 91 263 293 556
92 - 98 159 182 341

spbook_flag_bm: Best measure of years difference between estimated graduation and WI book found in

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 899 1024 1923
-3 REFUSED 0 2 2
-1 DON'T KNOW 14 15 29
0 857 934 1791
1 35 102 137
2 2 0 2
3 1 1 2

iqsource: The grade level in which raw Henmom-Nelson scores were converted into best measure IQ score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
System missing - NR 3627 4019 7646
"f" 146 97 243
"j" 1189 1108 2297
"p" 17 67 84
"s" 12 35 47

spwiiq_f: Spouse WI IQ based on the conversion of freshman raw Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 520 725 1245
-2 827 508 1335
67 - 86 136 150 286
87 - 94 101 170 271
97 - 103 85 178 263
104 - 113 78 187 265
115 - 139 61 164 225

sphnrs_f: Spouse converted freshman Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 827 507 1334
6 - 44 131 136 267
45 - 52 117 190 307
54 - 60 101 222 323
61 - 70 84 215 299
71 - 87 39 93 132

spwicr_f: Spouse WI centile rank based on converted freshman Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 520 725 1245
-2 827 508 1335
1 - 17 136 150 286
19 - 35 101 170 271
41 - 58 85 178 263
61 - 81 78 187 265
84 - 99 61 164 225

spncr_f: Spouse National centile rank based on converted freshman Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 827 507 1334
0 - 25 131 136 267
28 - 47 117 190 307
53 - 70 101 222 323
73 - 91 84 215 299
92 - 99 39 93 132

spwiiq_p: Spouse WI IQ based on the conversion of sophomore raw Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 1187 1344 2531
61 - 87 20 8 28
88 - 98 28 3 31
99 - 106 24 4 28
107 - 120 27 2 29
121 - 129 13 2 15

sphnrs_p: Spouse converted sophomore Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 1187 1344 2531
14 - 46 20 8 28
47 - 55 28 3 31
56 - 61 24 4 28
62 - 71 27 2 29
72 - 77 13 2 15

spwicr_p: Spouse WI centile rank based on converted sophomore Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 1187 1344 2531
0 - 19 20 8 28
21 - 45 28 3 31
48 - 65 24 4 28
68 - 90 27 2 29
91 - 97 13 2 15

spncr_p: Spouse National centile rank based on converted sophomore Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 1187 1344 2531
0 - 30 20 8 28
33 - 56 28 3 31
59 - 73 24 4 28
75 - 92 27 2 29
93 - 95 13 2 15

spwiiq_j: Spouse WI IQ based on the conversion of junior Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 398 326 724
61 - 89 225 186 411
91 - 98 184 217 401
99 - 106 161 231 392
107 - 115 186 221 407
117 - 139 145 182 327

sphnrs_j: Spouse converted junior Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 393 325 718
4 - 48 225 186 411
49 - 55 184 217 401
56 - 61 161 231 392
62 - 68 186 221 407
69 - 84 150 183 333

spwicr_j: Spouse WI centile rank based on converted junior Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 398 326 724
0 - 23 225 186 411
26 - 45 184 217 401
48 - 65 161 231 392
68 - 84 186 221 407
86 - 99 145 182 327

spncr_j: Spouse National centile rank based on converted junior Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 393 325 718
0 - 36 225 186 411
38 - 56 184 217 401
59 - 73 161 231 392
75 - 88 186 221 407
90 - 98 150 183 333

spwiiq_s: Spouse WI IQ based on the conversion of senior Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 1269 1349 2618
61 - 79 5 3 8
81 - 94 5 3 8
98 - 101 6 2 8
102 - 109 7 1 8
111 - 133 7 5 12

sphnrs_s: Spouse converted senior Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 1268 1348 2616
16 - 41 6 3 9
44 - 55 6 4 10
56 - 61 9 2 11
63 - 70 7 2 9
71 - 91 3 4 7

spwicr_s: Spouse WI centile rank based on converted senior Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 1269 1349 2618
0 - 8 5 3 8
10 - 35 5 3 8
45 - 51 6 2 8
55 - 71 7 1 8
76 - 98 7 5 12

spncr_s: Spouse National centile rank based on converted senior Henmon-Nelson score

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 509 719 1228
-2 1268 1349 2617
1 - 19 6 3 9
25 - 56 6 4 10
59 - 73 9 2 11
78 - 91 7 2 9
92 - 98 3 3 6

fbook_flag: Difference in years between estimated graduation and WI book score was found in for freshman

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1334 1208 2542
-14 0 1 1
-3 REFUSED 0 2 2
-2 1 2 3
-1 DON'T KNOW 10 7 17
0 69 66 135
1 388 791 1179
2 2 2 4
3 3 1 4
7 0 1 1
11 1 0 1
12 0 1 1

pbook_flag: Difference in years between estimated graduation and WI book score was found in for sophomores

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1693 2012 3705
-1 DON'T KNOW 1 1 2
0 109 42 151
1 3 27 30
2 1 0 1

jbook_flag: Difference in years between estimated graduation and WI book score was found in for juniors

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 898 1021 1919
-3 REFUSED 0 2 2
-2 1 3 4
-1 DON'T KNOW 14 15 29
0 857 934 1791
1 35 102 137
2 2 0 2
3 1 1 2

sbook_flag: Difference in years between estimated graduation and WI book score was found in for seniors

Data source: Graduate Spouse Respondent      Collected in: 1957      Mode: Not Applicable
Source variables: none

Value Label Male Female Total
. System missing - NR 1774 2041 3815
0 31 26 57
1 3 14 17
2 0 1 1
