Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: 1975 Company Characteristics Data This data file contains company characteristics for current or last job that the original sample member held in the five years preceeding and including 1975. This file only contains records for those who responded to the 1975 survey and who had a job sometime up to and including five years before the 1975 survey. n= 7801 Complete details for construction of these variables can be found in APPENDIX JJ - CORS 307 and 335. The descriptions of variables in this document end with an item in parenthesis. This item is a key to the location of the original data in Cor 335. If the item begins with "C", then the original can be found on page 2 of Cor335 in the columns indicated by the number following "C". If the item begins with "R", the original data is documented on pages 24-42 of Cor335. The number after "R" indicates the record number and the number after "C" indicates the beginning column in that record. Column Variable Variable Description Frequencies Name Men Women Value Label 1-6 IDPUB Respondent's identification number. Public data release (replacing IDUSER for merging company data with various waves of WLS public data). 001001-434003 Cols. 31-33, random number assigned 4321 3480 to each high school. Cols. 34-36, random number assigned to each student within each school. Users are NOT provided with a key to identify high schools or students. 7-12 CPCODE Company code number. The first two digits of the company code number range from 01(A) to 26 (Z) and represent the first letter of the company name. (C2401-C2406) 010006-260023 Company code 4303 3418 777777 Refusal 18 62 Note: Not available on the public data file. 13-15 CPSTATE State in which company is located. (C2478-C2480) 1 AL 6 2 2 AK 1 1 3 AZ 31 23 4 AR 3 1 5 CA 161 123 6 CO 35 35 7 CT 5 7 8 DE 4 2 9 DC 19 7 10 FL 37 46 11 GA 13 7 13 ID 5 4 14 IL 228 157 15 IN 26 15 16 IA 48 20 17 KS 4 4 18 KY 8 3 19 LA 9 0 20 ME 3 1 21 MD 12 8 22 MA 11 13 23 MI 64 36 24 MN 247 146 25 MS 3 3 26 MO 23 18 27 MT 3 3 28 NB 9 3 29 NV 5 3 30 NH 3 1 31 NJ 16 11 32 NM 14 8 33 NY 42 21 34 NC 13 5 35 ND 3 5 36 OH 30 15 37 OK 7 6 38 OR 24 13 39 PA 18 15 40 RI 0 1 41 SC 2 2 42 SD 5 1 43 TN 6 5 44 TX 38 29 45 UT 3 1 46 VT 2 1 47 VA 18 14 48 WA 39 15 49 WV 3 0 50 WI 2782 2382 51 WY 1 5 55 BELGIUM 0 1 59 CANADA 2 0 66 GERANY 1 0 106 INDIA 0 1 995 Self Employed 208 170 999 Don't Know 17 61 16 SUBSID Is the company a subsidiary (owned by another company)? (C2493) 0 No 1530 911 1 Yes 636 403 2 Franchise 57 30 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2098 2136 Note: Not available on the public data file. 17 SUBSOURC Source code for subdiary information. (C2494) 1 Moody's Industrial 1078 470 2 Moody's OTC 63 41 3 Moody's Transportation 99 15 4 Moody's Public Utility 100 35 5 Moody's Bank and Finance 108 93 6 AHA Hospitals 54 273 7 Dept. Industry, Labor, and Human 6 0 Relations Employment Data 8 Economic Information Service (EIS) 353 135 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2098 2136 A Wisconsin Business Directory 6 3 C Dun and Bradstreet 211 114 F Baird 2 0 G Dun and Bradstreet Credit Ratings 6 6 J State Rest Home data 6 71 K Classified Directory of Manufacturing 87 52 P Directory of Intercorporate Ownership 20 13 R Best's Insurance Manual 5 9 T Directory of Corporate Affiliates 19 14 Note: Not available on the public data file. 18-20 DOMSUB Number of domestic subsidiaries. (C2495-C2497) 000-810 Zero to 810 domestic susidaries 1931 1201 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2390 2279 Note: Not available on the public data file. 21 DSUBSOUR Source code for number of domestic subsidiary information. (C2498) 1 Moody's Industrial 1139 485 2 Moody's OTC 66 43 3 Moody's Transportation 97 15 4 Moody's Public Utility 108 38 5 Moody's Bank and Finance 95 86 6 AHA Hospitals 54 273 8 Economic Information Service (EIS) 268 116 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2390 2279 A Wisconsin Business Directory 23 23 C Dun and Bradstreet 1 0 F Baird 2 1 J State Rest Home data 6 71 K Classified Directory of Manufacturing 17 2 P Directory of Intercorporate Ownership 16 10 R Best's Insurance Manual 19 17 T Directory of Corporate Affiliates 20 21 Note: Not available on the public data file. 22-24 FORSUB Number of foreign subsidiaries. (C2499-C2501) 000-239 Zero to 239 foreign subsidiaries 1636 822 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2685 2658 Note: Not available on the public data file. 25 FSUBSOUR Source code for number of foreign subsidiary information. (C2502) 1 Moody's Industrial 1136 485 2 Moody's OTC 68 42 3 Moody's Transportation 97 15 4 Moody's Public Utility 108 38 5 Moody's Bank and Finance 93 85 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2685 2658 A Wisconsin Business Directory 26 20 F Baird 2 1 J State Rest Home data 6 71 K Classified Directory of Manufacturing 40 16 P Directory of Intercorporate Ownership 19 10 R Best's Insurance Manual 22 17 T Directory of Corporate Affiliates 19 22 Note: Not available on the public data file. 26 OUT Does the company operate plants outside of one home area? (C2503) 0 No 988 1016 1 Yes 1804 881 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1529 1583 Note: Not available on the public data file. 27 OUTSOURC Source of information on plants outside of area. (C2504) 1 Moody's Industrial 1122 476 2 Moody's OTC 67 37 3 Moody's Transportation 97 15 4 Moody's Public Utility 106 38 5 Moody's Bank and Finance 94 85 6 AHA Hospitals 54 273 7 Dept. Industry, Labor, and Human 221 303 Relations Employment Data 8 Economic Information Service (EIS) 274 109 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1529 1583 A Wisconsin Business Directory 8 3 C Dun and Bradstreet 32 25 F Baird 2 0 G Dun and Bradstreet Credit Ratings 638 432 J State Rest Home data 6 49 K Classified Directory of Manufacturing 41 27 P Directory of Intercorporate Ownership 11 6 R Best's Insurance Manual 6 7 T Directory of Corporate Affiliates 13 12 Note: Not available on the public data file. 28-33 EMPLOY The number of people employed by the company. (C2505-C2510) 000001-999795 One to 999795 people employed by the 2580 1723 company 999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1741 1757 34 EMPSOURC Source of information for the number of people employed by the company. (C2511) 1 Moody's Industrial 1120 485 2 Moody's OTC 67 46 3 Moody's Transportation 97 16 4 Moody's Public Utility 110 38 5 Moody's Bank and Finance 81 66 6 AHA Hospitals 54 267 7 Dept. Industry, Labor, and Human 449 471 Relations Employment Data 8 Economic Information Service (EIS) 220 86 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1741 1757 A Wisconsin Business Directory 27 11 C Dun and Bradstreet 235 132 F Baird 4 1 J State Rest Home data 6 38 K Classified Directory of Manufacturing 100 51 T Directory of Corporate Affiliate 10 15 35-42 SALES Net sales of the company (in thousands of dollars). (C2512-C2519) 77-45821124 $77,000 to $45,821,124,000 in net 2065 1222 sales for the company 99999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2256 2258 Note: Not available on the public data file. 43 SALESOUR Source of net sales information. (C2520) 1 Moody's Industrial 1155 501 2 Moody's OTC 69 47 3 Moody's Transportation 98 18 4 Moody's Public Utility 110 38 5 Moody's Bank and Finance 86 69 6 AHA Hospitals 48 264 8 Economic Information Service (EIS) 292 121 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2256 2258 A Wisconsin Business Directory 13 15 C Dun and Bradstreet 181 85 F Baird 2 0 J State Rest Home data 2 60 R Best's Insurance Manual 6 1 T Directory of Corporate Affiliates 3 3 Note: Not available on the public data file. 44-50 NINCOME The net income or profit in thousands of dollars of the company. (C2521-C2527) -177340-4691928 Negative $177,340,000 to positive 1567 727 $4,691,928,000 in net income. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2754 2753 Note: Not available on the public data file. 51 NINCSOUR Source of net income information. (C2528) 1 Moody's Industrial 1155 502 2 Moody's OTC 69 47 3 Moody's Transportation 97 17 4 Moody's Public Utility 110 38 5 Moody's Bank and Finance 99 90 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2754 2753 A Wisconsin Business Directory 13 15 F Baird 2 1 R Best's Insurance Manual 22 17 Note: Not available on the public data file. 52-59 ASSETS Total assets in thousands of dollars. (C2529-C2536) 580-74047288 From $580,000 to $74,047,288,000 in 1637 1019 total assets for the company. 99999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2684 2461 60 ASOURC Source of information on assets. (C2537) 1 Moody's Industrial 1155 503 2 Moody's OTC 69 47 3 Moody's Transportation 97 17 4 Moody's Public Utility 110 38 5 Moody's Bank and Finance 99 90 6 AHA Hospitals 55 272 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2684 2461 A Wisconsin Business Directory 22 20 F Baird 2 1 R Best's Insurance Manual 22 17 X McFadden Bank Book 6 14 61-68 NWORTH Net worth of company in thousands of dollars. (C2538-C2545) -28637-32591647 From negative $28,637,000 to 2165 1048 $32,591,647,000 in net worth of company. 99999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2156 2432 Note: Not available on the public data file. 69 NWORSOUR Source of information on net worth. (C2546) 1 Moody's Industrial 1156 501 2 Moody's OTC 69 47 3 Moody's Transportation 97 17 4 Moody's Public Utility 110 38 5 Moody's Bank and Finance 99 90 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2156 2432 A Wisconsin Business Directory 22 20 F Baird 0 1 G Dun and Bradstreet Credit Ratings 539 293 K Classified Directory of Manufacturing 53 24 R Best's Insurance Manual 20 17 Note: Not available on the public data file. 70 FORTUNE Is the company on the list of FORTUNE magazine's 1,000 largest U.S. companies? (C2547) 0 Not on list 2428 2389 1 FORTUNE's 500 largest industrial 834 234 2 FORTUNE's second 500 largest indust- 176 64 rial 3 FORTUNE's top 50 largest firms in 218 187 the catagories of: banking, insurance, finance, retail, transportation, and utilities 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 665 606 Note: Not available on the public data file. Note: The source code for variables INDCODE - EST_CMP1 is the 1967 ENTERPRISE STATISTICS. 71-73 INDCODE 1970 Census industry code. (R1C1) 017-937 1970 Census industry code 4320 3477 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 74-75 QODC1 Quality of data code for variables EMP_CMP - EST_CMP1. (R1C40) 0 Clean 2167 1291 1 Split 534 412 2 Missing 1619 1774 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 76-85 EMP_COMP Employees/company (R1C42) 0.5793-1162.5842 Employees/company 2701 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1620 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 86-95 EMP_EST Employees/Establishment (R1C52) 0.5752-746.7822 Employees/establishment 2701 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1620 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 96-105 SR_COMP1 Sales & Receipts/company ($100,000) (R1C62) 0.0872-320.1853 Sales & receipts/company ($100,000) 2701 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1620 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 106-115 SR_EST Sales & receipts/establishment ($100,000) (R1C72) 0.0865-192.0566 Sales & Receipts/establishment 2701 1703 ($100,000) 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained,Inapp. 1620 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 116-125 EST_CMP1 Establishments/company (R1C82) 1.0-5.8405 Establishments/company 2701 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1620 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. Note: The source for variables NUMCOMP - EST_CMP2 is the 1972 ENTER- PRISE STATISTICS 126-133 NUMCOMP Number of companies. (R2C8) 177-642828 Number of companies 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 134-141 NUMEMP Number of employees. (R2C24) 22074-2639331 Number of employees 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 142-143 QODC4 Quality of data code for variables EECR_4 - PAY_EST. (R4C32) 0 Clean 2254 1366 1 Split 452 337 2 Missing 1614 1774 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 Note: The 4, 8, 20, and 50 firm equivalent concentration ratios for employment, sales, and assets were calculated in the following way: sum the employment (or sales or assets) in the top size categories until the figures for enough companies had been added, interpolate within the last added size category if necessary, and divide this sum by the total industry employment (or sales or assets). 144-151 EECR_4 4 firm equivalent employment concentration ratio. (R4C34) 0.4-80.872 4 firm equivalent employment 2706 1703 concentration ratio. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 152-159 EECR_8 8 firm equivalent employment concentration ratio. (R4C42) 0.665-91.376 8 firm equivalent employment 2706 1703 concentration ratio 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 160-167 EECR_20 20 firm equivalent employment concentration ratio. (R4C50) 1.139-95.869 20 firm equivalent employment 2706 1703 concentration ratio. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 168-175 EECR_50 50 firm equivalent employment concentration ratio. (R4C58) 1.984-99.087 50 firm equivalent employment 2706 1703 concentration ratio 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 176-183 ESRC_4 4 firm equivalent sales and receipts concentration ratio. (R4C66) 0.499-80.706 4 firm equivalent sales and receipts 2706 1703 concentration ratio. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 184-191 ESRC_8 8 firm equivalent sales and receipts concentration ratio. (R4C74) 0.976-93.134 8 firm equivalent sales and receipts 2706 1703 concentration ratio. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 192-199 ESRC_20 20 firm equivalent sales and receipts concentration ratio. (R4C82) 1.474-98.079 20 firm equivalent sales and receipts 2706 1703 concentration ratio. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 200-207 ESRC_50 50 firm equivalent sales and receipts concentration ratio. (R4C90) 2.716-99.672 50 firm equivalent sales and receipts 2706 1703 concentration ratio. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. Note: The 4, 8, 20, and 50 firm equivalent concentration ratios for employment, sales, and assets were calcul- ated in the following way. We summed the employment (or sales or assets) in the top size categories until the figures for enough companies had been added, interpolating within the last added size category if necessary, and divided this sum by the total industry employment (or sales or assets). 208-217 GE100 Percentage of companies with greater than or equal to 100 employees. (R4C98) 0.003-54.1237 % of companies with greater than 2706 1703 or equal to 100 employees 9999999 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 218-227 GE500 Percentage of companies with greater than or equal to 500 employees. (R4C108) 0.0-21.2629 % of companies with greater than 2706 1703 or equal to 500 employees 9999999 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 228-237 GE10000 Percentage of companies with greater than or equal to 10000 employees. (R4C118) 0.0-5.8824 % of companies with greater than 2706 1703 or equal to 10000 employees 9999999 9 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 238-247 EMPIN100 Percentage of employees in companies with greater than or equal to 100 employees. (R4C128) 1.3011-99.3602 % of employees in companies with 2706 1703 greater than or equal to 100 employees 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 248-257 EMPIN500 Percentage of employees in companies with greater than or equal to 500 employees. (R4C138) 0.0-96.8145 % of employees in companies with 2706 1703 greater than or equal to 500 employees 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 258-267 EMP10000 Percentage of employees in companies with greater than or equal to 10000 employees. (R4C148) 0.0-86.9413 % of employees in companies with 2706 1703 greater than or equal to 10000 employees 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 268-277 GE1MIL Percentage of companies with greater than or equal to $1 million in sales and receipts. (R4C158) 0.0049-82.9897 % of companies with greater than or 2706 1703 equal to $1 million in sales and receipts. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 278-287 GE25MIL Percentage of companies with greater than or equal to $25 million in sales and receipts. (R4C168) 0.0-21.5686 % of companies with greater than or 2706 1703 equal to $25 million in sales and receipts. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 288-297 GE250MIL Percentage of companies with greater than or equal to $250 million in sales and receipts. (R4C178) 0.0-7.451 % of companies with greater than or 2706 1703 equal to $250 million in sales and receipts. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 298-307 SR1MIL Percentage of sales and reciepts in companies with greater than or equal to $1 million sales and receipts. (R4C188) 1.3891-99.8848 % of sales & receipts in companies 2706 1703 with greater than or equal to $1 Million sales & receipts 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 308-317 SR25MIL Percentage of sales and reciepts in companies with greater than or equal to $25 million sales and receipts. (R4C198) 0.0-97.6506 % of sales & receipts in companies 2706 1706 with greater than or equal to $25 Million sales & receipts 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 318-327 SR250MIL Percentage of sales and reciepts in companies with greater than or equal to $250 million sales and receipts. (R4C208) 0.0-92.3580 % of sales & receipts in companies 2706 1703 with greater than or equal to $250 Million sales & receipts 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 328-337 COMPCORP Percentage of companies which are corporations (R4C218) 5.4887-95.6185 % of companies which are corp- 2706 1703 orations 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 338-347 PAY_COMP Payroll/Company ($10 Million) (R4C228) 0.0176-81.109 Payroll/company ($10 million) 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 348-357 PAY_EST Payroll/establishment ($10 Million) (R4C238) 0.0175-61.3627 Payroll/establishment ($10 million) 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 358-367 SR_COMP2 Sales and Receipts/Company ($100,000) (R5C8) 0.0838-573.7246 S & R/Company ($100,000) 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 368-377 SR_EST Sales and Receipts/Establishment ($100,000) (R5C18) 0.0833-217.7233 S & R/Establishment ($100,000) 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 378-387 VA_COMP Value added/Company ($100,000) (R5C28) 0.0-148.7966 Value added/Company ($100,000) 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 388-397 NCE_COMP New capital expenditures/Company ($100,000) (R5C38) 0.0-22.1774 New capital expenditures/Company 2706 1703 ($100,000) 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 398-407 PAY_EMP Payroll/Employee ($100,000) (R5C48) 0.0332-0.1269 Payroll/employee 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 408-417 SR_EMP Sales and Receipts/Employee ($100,000) (R5C58) 0.0683-4.5227 Sales and receipts/employee 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 418-427 COMPCAT Percentage of companies in the same industry category. (R5C68) 68.5484-99.9928 % of companies in same industry 2706 1703 category. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 428-437 EMPCAT Percentage of employees in the same industry category. (R5C78) 30.8492-99.9999 % of employees in same industry 2706 1703 category. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 438-447 SRCAT Percentage of sales & receipts in the same industry category. (R5C88) 22.5585-99.9693 % of sales & receipts in same 2706 1703 industry category. 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 448-457 PAY_SR Payroll/sales and receipts (R5C98) 1.3327-64.2517 Payroll/S & R 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 458-467 EST_CMP2 Establishments/company (R5C108) 1.004-8.9584 Establishments/Company 2706 1703 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1615 1777 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. Note: The source for variables TOTASSET - CC_RET is the Internal Revenue Service, 64 categories. 468-474 TOTASSET Total assets ($ millions)(R6C99) 4023-913880 Total assets in millions 3960 3375 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 475-482 CONSTCAP Constant Capital (repair + depreciation + depletion) (R6C239) 93104-8191100 Constant Capital 3960 3375 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 483-484 QODC6 Quality of data code for variables TOTASSET and CONSTCAP. (R6C247) 0 Clean 532 418 1 Split of aggregated 3428 2957 2 Missing 360 102 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 485-494 FORDIV Dividends from foreign corporation/return ($ hundreds). (R7C8) 0.0083-13258.7539 Dividends from foreign corp./ 3960 3375 return ($ hundreds) 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 495-504 ADV_RET Advertising/return ($ hundreds) (R7C18) 10.8482-13543.3984 Advertising/return ($ hundreds) 3960 3375 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 505-514 PEN_RET Pensions, etc./return ($100,000) (R7C28) 0.003-5.4482 Pensions,etc./return ($100,000) 3960 3375 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 515-524 EMP_RET Employee benefits/return ($100,000) (R7C38) 0.0018-5.7322 Employee Benefits/return ($100,000) 3960 3375 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 525-534 AGE1 Percentage of returns with assets greater than or equal to (GE) $1,000,000. (R7C48) 0.859-90.9323 % of returns with assets GE 3960 3375 $1,000,000 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 535-544 AGE25 Percentage of returns with assets greater than or equal to (GE) $25,000,000. (R7C58) 0.0223-22.4443 % of returns with assets GE 3960 3375 $25,000,000 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 545-554 AGE250 Percentage of returns with assets greater than or equal to (GE) $250,000,000. (R7C68) 0.0-2.9741 % of returns with assets GE 3960 3375 $250,000,000 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 555-564 ACAGE1 Percentage of assets in corporation with assets GE $1,000,000 (0-100). (R7C78) 37.6149-99.9781 % of assets in corp. with assets 3960 3375 GE $1,000,000 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 565-574 ACAGE25 Percentage of assets in corporation with assets GE $25,000,000 (0-100). (R7C88) 3.9804-99.2896 % of assets in corp. with assets 3960 3375 GE $25,000,000 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 575-584 ACAGE250 Percentage of assets in corporation with assets GE $250,000,000 (0-100). (R7C98) 0.0-97.0253 % of assets in corp. with assets 3960 3375 GE $250,000,000 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 585-594 EACR_4 4 firm equivalent assets concentration ratio (0-100) (R7C108) 0.6546-85.5192 4 firm equivalent assets concent- 3960 3375 ration ratio 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 595-604 EACR_8 8 firm equivalent assets concentration ratio (0-100) (R7C118) 1.3093-96.6704 8 firm equivalent assets concent- 3960 3375 ration ratio 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 605-614 EACR_20 20 firm equivalent assets concentration ratio (0-100) (R7C128) 3.2731-98.7484 20 firm equivalent assets concent- 3960 3375 ration ratio 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 615-624 EACR_50 50 firm equivalent assets concentration ratio (0-100) (R7C138) 6.0619-99.4632 50 firm equivalent assets concent- 3960 3375 ration ratio 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 625-634 CC_RET Constant Capital/Return (R7C148) 2.4862-8158.4648 Constant Capital/Return 3960 3375 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 105 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. Note: The source for variables NUMRET - NINC_NW is the Internal Revenue Service, 215 categories. 635-641 NUMRET Number of returns. (R8C8) 102-273182 Number of returns 3897 3365 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 115 642-643 QODC8 Quality of data code for variables NUMRET - NINC_NW. (R8C48) 0 Clean 2261 1205 1 Split of aggregated 1636 2160 2 Missing 423 112 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 644-653 REC_RET Receipts/Return ($ millions) (R8C50) 0.0895-419.3152 Receipts/return ($ million) 3897 3365 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 115 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 654-663 NINC_RET Net Income/Return ($ millions) (R8C60) 0.0042-24.4938 Net Income/return ($ million) 3897 3365 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 115 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 664-673 FTC_RET Foreign Tax Credits/Return ($ millions) (R8C70) 0.0-6462.4219 Foreign Tax Credits/return 3897 3365 ($ million) 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 115 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 674-683 ASST_RET Assets/Return ($ millions) (R8C80) 0.0284-433.3899 Assets/return ($ million) 3897 3365 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 115 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 684-693 NWOR_RET Net Worth/Return ($ millions) (R8C90) 0.0122-261.7385 Net worth/return ($ million) 3897 3365 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 115 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 694-703 NINC_REC Net Income/Receipts (R8C100) 0.011-0.388 Net Income/Receipts 3897 3365 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 115 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 704-713 NINC_ASS Net Income/Assets (R8C110) 0.0034-0.2431 Net Income/Assets 3897 3365 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 115 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 714-723 NINC_NW Net Income/Net Worth (R8C120) 0.021-0.5 Net Income/Net Worth 3897 3365 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 115 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. Note: The source for variables QODC9 - NNP_FTE is the National Income and Product Accounts. 724-725 QODC9 Quality of data code for variables COMP_FTE NNP_FTE. (R9C38) 0 Clean 722 435 1 Split of aggregated 3591 3039 2 Missing 8 3 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 726-735 COMP_FTE Compensation/Full time equivalent employee ($ thousands) (R9C40) 3.9829-16.8964 Compensation/Full time equivalent 4312 3474 employee in thousands 9999999 Refused/Not Asceratined/Inapp. 9 6 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 736-745 WS_FTE Wages and salaries/Full time equivalent employee ($ thousands) (R9C50) 3.9337-15.2789 Wages and salaries/Full time equiv- 4312 3474 alent employee in thousands 9999999 Refused/Not Asceratined/Inapp. 9 6 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 746-755 NNP_FTE Net national product/Full time equivalent employee ($ thousands) (R9C60) -11.792-116.5289 Net national product/Full time 4312 3474 equivalent employee in thousands 9999999 Refused/Not Asceratined/Inapp. 9 6 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. Note: The source for variables VSCR_4 - QODC10 is the CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES. 756-758 VSCR_4 4 firm (weighted average) value of shipments concentration ratio. (R10C20) 12-81 4 firm (weighted ave.) value of 1493 525 shipments concentration ratio 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2828 2955 759-761 VSCR_8 8 firm (weighted average) value of shipments concentration ratio. (R10C23) 17-95 8 firm (weighted ave.) value of 1493 525 shipments concentration ratio 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2828 2955 762-764 VSCR_20 20 firm (weighted average) value of shipments concentration ratio. (R10C26) 27-99 20 firm (weighted ave.) value of 1493 525 shipments concentration ratio 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2828 2955 765-767 VSCR_50 50 firm (weighted average) value of shipments concentration ratio. (R10C29) 40-100 50 firm (weighted ave.) value of 1493 525 shipments concentration ratio 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2828 2955 768-770 ECR_4 4 firm (weighted average) employment concentration ratio. (R10C38) 08-75 4 firm (weighted ave.) employment 1493 525 concentration ratio 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2828 2955 771-773 ECR_8 8 firm (weighted average) employment concentration ratio. (R10C41) 11-90 8 firm (weighted ave.) employment 1493 525 concentration ratio 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2828 2955 774-776 ECR_20 20 firm (weighted average) employment concentration ratio. (R10C44) 14-99 20 firm (weighted ave.) employment 1493 525 concentration ratio 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2828 2955 777-779 ECR_50 50 firm (weighted average) employment concentration ratio. (R10C47) 18-100 50 firm (weighted ave.) employment 1493 525 concentration ratio 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 2828 2955 780-781 QODC10 Quality of data code for variables VSCR_4 - ECR_50. (R10C50) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 4321 3480 NOTE: The source for the variables QODC11 - SLP_TO is the Input- Output. 782-783 QODC11 Quality of data code for variables VA_TO - SLP_TO. (R11C98) 0 Clean 1752 1067 1 Split of aggregated 2145 2301 2 Missing 423 109 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 784-793 VA_TO Value added/total output (0-100) (R11C100) 9.5071-127.4216 Value Added/total output 3897 3368 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 112 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 794-803 GPFCF_TO Gross private fixed capital formation/total output (0-100) (R11C110) 0.0-344.9521 Gross private fixed capital 3897 3368 formation/total output 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 112 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 804-813 NE_TO Net Exports/total output (0-100) (R11C120) 0.0-28.5481 Net exports/total output 3897 3368 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 112 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 814-823 FP_TO Federal Purchases/total output (0-100) (R11C130) -13.4524-77.2546 Federal Purchases/total output 3897 3368 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 112 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 824-833 SLP_TO State and local purchases/total output (0-100) (R11C140) -0.4609-53.7416 State and local purchases/total 3897 3368 output 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 424 112 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. Note: The source for variables TOTEMP - TOT60_50 is the CENSUS OF POPULATION. 834-840 TOTEMP Total number employed. (R12C8) 1349-4195487 Total employed 4320 3477 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 841-842 QODIE Quality of data for industry employment. (R12C131) 0 Clean 2025 1336 1 Split of aggregated 2295 2141 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 843-852 TOT70_60 Number total (of males and females), 1970/ number total (of males and females), 1960. (R12C133) 0.4496-10.0723 # total, 1970/# total, 1960 4329 3477 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 853-862 TOT70_50 Number total (of males and females), 1970/ number total (of males and females), 1950. (R12C143) 0.3733-5.3313 # total, 1970/# total, 1950 4320 3477 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 863-872 TOT60_50 Number total (of males and females), 1960/ number total (of males and females), 1950. (R12C153) 0.5124-2.5677 # total, 1960/# total, 1950 4320 3477 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. Note: The source for the variables QODC13 - QODCAW is Freeman and Medoff, BLS. 873-874 QODC13 Quality of data code for variables OFFGE50 - WORKGE50. (R13C62) 0 Clean 3363 2847 1 Split of aggregated 337 361 2 Missing 620 269 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 875-884 OFFGE50 Percentage of office workers in establishment with agreements covering greater than or equal to (GE) 50 % of workers. (R13C64) 0.0-91.5714 % of office workers in estab. w/ 3690 3206 agreements covering GE 50% of workers 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 631 274 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 885-894 NOFFGE50 Percentage of non-office workers in establish- ment with agreements covering greater than or equal to (GE) 50 % of workers. (R13C74) 0.0-100 % of non-office workers in estab. 3700 3208 w/ agreements covering GE 50% of workers 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 621 272 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 895-904 WORKGE50 Percentage of all workers in establishment with agreements covering greater than or equal to (GE) 50 % of workers. (R13C84) 0.0-97.153 % of all workers in estab. w/ 3700 3208 agreements covering GE 50% of workers 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 621 272 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 905-906 QODCOW Quality of data code for office workers. (R13C94) 0 Clean 3690 3206 2 Missing 630 271 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 907-908 QODCNOW Quality of data code for non-office workers. (R13C96) 0 Clean 3700 3208 2 Missing 620 269 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 909-910 QODCAW Quality of data code for all workers. (R13C98) 0 Clean 3690 3206 2 Missing 620 269 3 Alternative source used in calc- 10 2 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 Note: The source for the variables QODC14 - QODCAW2 is Freeman and Medoff, CPS. 911-912 QODC14 Quality of data code for variables NPWUNION - AWUNION. (R14C84) 0 Clean 3967 3378 2 Missing 353 99 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 913-922 NPWUNION Percentage of nonproduction workers unionized. (R14C86) 0.0-67.4469 % of nonproduction workers unionized 3966 3378 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 355 102 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 923-932 PWUNION Percentage of production workers unionized. (R14C96) 0.0-89.514 % of production workers unionized 3960 3368 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 361 112 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 933-942 AWUNION Percentage of all workers unionized. (R14C106) 0.0-81.3113 % of all workers unionized 3967 3378 9999999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 354 102 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 943-944 QODNPW Quality of data code for nonproduction workers. (R14C116) 0 Clean 3966 3378 2 Missing 354 99 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 945-946 QODCPW Quality of data code for production workers. (R14C118) 0 Clean 3960 3368 2 Missing 360 109 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 947-948 QODCAW2 Quality of data code for all workers. (R14C120) 0 Clean 3959 3368 2 Missing 353 99 3 Alternative source used in calc- 8 10 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 949-958 VA_FIRM Value added/Firm (Source: INPUT-OUTPUT & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C8) 0.0929-282.4214 Value added/firm 3907 3369 99999.0000 Not Ascertained 412 108 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 959-960 QODVF Quality of data code for value added/firm. (Source: INPUT-OUTPUT & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C18) 0 Clean 1203 450 1 Split of aggregated 1381 1142 2 Missing 412 108 3 Alternative source used in calc- 1324 1777 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 961-970 VA_EMP Value added/employee. (Source: INPUT-OUTPUT & ENT. STAT.) (R15C20) 0.0084-0.8216 Value added/employee 4312 3474 99999 Not Ascertained 8 3 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 971-972 QODVE Quality of data code for value added/employee. (Source: INPUT-OUTPUT & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C30) 0 Clean 1203 450 1 Split of aggregated 822 369 2 Missing 8 3 3 Alternative source used in calc- 2287 2655 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 973-982 NE_FIRM Net exports/Firm. (Source: INPUT-OUTPUT & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C32) 0.0-29.0386 Net Exports/Firm 3897 3368 99999.0000 Not Ascertained 423 109 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 983-984 QODNF Quality of data code for net exports/firm. (Source: INPUT-OUTPUT & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C42) 0 Clean 1203 450 1 Split of aggregated 2045 2466 2 Missing 423 109 3 Alternative source used in calc- 649 452 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 985-994 FP_FIRM Federal Purchases/Firm. (Source: INPUT-OUTPUT & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C44) -0.4317-267.4983 Federal Purchases/Firm 3897 3368 99999.0000 Not Ascertained 423 109 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 995-996 QODFF Quality of data code for federal purchases/firm. (Source: INPUT-OUTPUT & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C54) 0 Clean 1203 450 1 Split of aggregated 1468 1241 2 Missing 423 109 3 Alternative source used in calc- 1226 1677 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 997-1006 SLP_FIRM State and Local government purchases/Firm. (Source: INPUT-OUTPUT & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C56) -0.0483-3.8432 State and Local government 3897 3368 purchases/Firm 99999 Not Ascertained 423 109 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1007-1008 QODSF Quality of data code for state and local government purchases/firm. (Source: INPUT- OUTPUT & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C66) 0 Clean 1203 450 1 Split of aggregated 1536 1294 2 Missing 423 109 3 Alternative source used in calc- 1158 1624 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1009-1018 NI_VANI Net Income/(value added - net income) (IRS detail and I & O) (R15C68) 0.0068-61.5 Net Income/(value added - net income) 3872 3340 99999 Not Ascertained 448 137 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1019-1020 QODNVN Quality of data code for Net Income/(value added - net income). (R15C78) 0 Clean 1455 711 1 Split of aggregated 2396 2624 2 Missing 448 137 3 Alternative source used in calc- 21 5 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1021-1030 VNP_VN Value added - net income - payroll/(value added - net income) (IRS detail, 1972 ENT. STAT., and I & O) (R15C80) 0.0017-0.9243 Value added - net income - payroll/ 2360 1467 (value added - net income) 99999 Not Ascertained 1960 2010 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1031-1032 QODVNPVN Quality of data code for value added - net income - payroll/(value added - net income). (R15C90) 0 Clean 475 181 1 Split of aggregated 1535 1098 2 Missing 1960 2010 3 Alternative source used in calc- 350 188 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1033-1042 E72_E67 Number of employees in 1972/Number of employees in 1967 (1972 & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C92) 0.5119-1.8222 Number of employees in 1972/Number 3609 2786 of employees in 1967 99999 Not Ascertained 711 691 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1043-1044 QODEE Quality of data code for Number of employees in 1972/Number of employees in 1967. (R15C102) 0 Clean 2137 1280 1 Split of aggregated 573 424 2 Missing 711 691 3 Alternative source used in calc- 899 1082 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1045-1054 S72_S67 Sales & receipts in 1972/sales & receipts in 1967 (1972 & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C104) 0.526-2.552 Sales & receipts in 1972/sales & 2706 1703 receipts in 1967 99999 Not Ascertained 1614 1774 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1055-1056 QODSS Quality of data code for Sales & receipts in 1972/sales & receipts in 1967. (R15C114) 0 Clean 2137 1280 1 Split of aggregated 569 423 2 Missing 1614 1774 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1057-1066 F72_F67 (Nunber of employees/firm in 1972)/(Number of employees/firm in 1967). (1972 & 1967 ENT. STAT.) (R15C116) 0.5827-1.4014 (Nunber of employees/firm in 1972)/ 2706 1703 (Number of employees/firm in 1967) 99999 Not Ascertained 1614 1774 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1067-1068 QODF7267 Quality of data code for (Nunber of employees/ firm in 1972)/(Number of employees/firm in 1967). (R15C126) 0 Clean 2137 1280 1 Split of aggregated 569 423 2 Missing 1614 1774 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1069-1078 ASST_EMP Assets/employee (IRS detail & 1972 ENT. STAT.) (R15C128) 0.0012-10.5094 Assets/employee 3897 3365 99999 Not Ascertained 423 112 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1079-1080 QODAE Quality of data code for Assets/employee (R15C138) 0 Clean 1674 777 1 Split of aggregated 982 1011 2 Missing 423 112 3 Alternative source used in calc- 1241 1577 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1081-1090 NI_PAY Net income/payroll (IRS detail & 1972 ENT. STAT.) (R15C140) 0.0069-3.6601 Net Income/payroll 3897 3365 99999 Not Ascertained 423 112 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1091-1092 QODNP Quality of data code for Net income/payroll (R15C150) 0 Clean 1669 766 1 Split of aggregated 936 856 2 Missing 423 112 3 Alternative source used in calc- 1292 1743 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1093-1102 PAY_ASST Payroll/Assets (IRS detail & 1972 ENT. STAT.) (R15C152) 0.0094-12.8789 Payroll/Assets 3897 3365 99999 Not Ascertained 423 112 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1103-1104 QODPA Quality of data code for Payroll/Assets (R15C162) 0 Clean 1674 777 1 Split of aggregated 1048 971 2 Missing 423 112 3 Alternative source used in calc- 1175 1617 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1105-1114 EFEE_F Number of full and part-time employees - number of full time equivalent employees/ firm (NIPA & 1972 ENT. STAT.) (R15C164) 0.0-22.792 Number of full and part-time employ- 3960 3375 ees - number of full time equivalent employees/ firm 99999 Not Ascertained 360 102 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1115-1116 QODEF Quality of data code for Number of full and part -time employees - number of full time equivalent employees/ firm (R15C174) 0 Clean 246 71 1 Split of aggregated 2555 1643 2 Missing 360 102 3 Alternative source used in calc- 1159 1661 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1117-1126 COMP_FIR Compensation/firm (NIPA & 1972 Ent.Stat.) (R15C176) 0.1066-223.5042 Compensation/Firm 3960 3375 99999 Not Ascertained 360 102 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1127-1128 QODCF Quality of data code for compensation/ firm (R15C186) 0 Clean 246 71 1 Split of aggregated 2483 1633 2 Missing 360 102 3 Alternative source used in calc- 1231 1671 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1129-1138 WS_FIRM Wages & Salaries/Firm (NIPA $ 1972 Ent. Stat.) (R15C188) 0.0966-193.7037 Wages & Salaries/Firm 3960 3375 99999 Not Ascertained 360 102 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1139-1140 QODWF Quality of data code for Wages & Salaries/firm (R15C198) 0 Clean 246 71 1 Split of aggregated 2483 1633 2 Missing 360 102 3 Alternative source used in calc- 1231 1671 ulation (cross source data only) 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1141-1143 REGDUM Regulation Dummy (Scherer) (R15C200) 0 3845 3219 1 475 258 999 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1144-1145 QODRDUM Quality of data code for regulation dummy (R15C203) 0 Clean 4320 3477 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1146-1155 NI_CCIRS Net income/ (constant capital + compensation) (IRS Detail & aggregate & NIPA) (R15C205) 0.0219-1.2842 Net income/ (constant capital + 3960 3375 compensation) 99999 Not Ascertained 360 102 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1156-1157 QODNC Quality of data code for Net income/ (constant capital + compensation) (R15C215) 0 Clean 244 224 1 Split of aggregated 3716 3151 2 Missing 360 102 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3 1158-1167 CC_CCIRS Constant Capital/ (constant capital + compensation) (IRS detail & aggregate) (R15C217) 0.0068-0.7389 Constant Capital/ (constant capital 3960 3375 + compensation) 99999 Not Ascertained 360 102 9999999 Refused/Inapp. 1 3 Note: There is an explicit decimal point four places to the left. 1168-1169 QODCCCC Quality of data code for Constant capital/ (constant capital + compensation) (R15C227) 0 Clean 420 241 1 Split of aggregated 3540 3134 2 Missing 360 102 99 Refused/Not Ascertained/Inapp. 1 3