Medicare Part D SAQ - 2007 OVERVIEW In early 2007, graduates received the respondent report and the Medicare Part D questionnaire. This went out to all living graduates regardless of their 2004 participation - provided we knew where the graduate lived. Perhaps because of insufficient testing of the questionnaire there were about 300 graduates who only completed the first page and the last page, the fourth page. Questions on pages two and three were therefore coded not ascertained. BRIEF VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS IS001REM-IS002REM: Graduate's prescription drug usage IS003REM: Graduate's understanding of new Medicare plan IS004REM: Graduate enrolled in new Medicare plan? IS005REM-IS010REM: Graduate's new enrollment details IS011REM-IS017REM: Reasons Graduate didn't enroll in Medicare IS018REM-IS019REM: Who's responsible for Grad not enrolling IS020REM-IS037REM: Were various resources used for enrollment decision IS038REM-IS046REM: Seek advice from particular person about enrolling? IS047REM: Graduate change prescription coverage late 2006? IS048REM-IS049REM: Old coverage details IS050REM-IS055REM: Reason Graduate changed perscription coverage IS056REM: Graduate's message to Washington IS057REM: Grad leave comment? CODING IS004REM, IS005REM Categories for 'Are you enrolled in the new Medicare prescription drug benefit?' were 'Yes, in a stand-alone Medicare plan', 'Yes, through a Medicare Advantage or medicare HMO plan', and 'No.' 116 Graduates left this blank and answered the follow-up questions. After reviewing their follow-up responses I coded them yes for IS004REM and don't know for IS005REM. IS011REM-IS017REM Graduates was only permitted to mark one reason as the main reason. If two or more reasons were marked as the main reason then all reasons were recoded as important reasons. IS019REM This code set is an extention of the standard WLS relationship codes used for the 2004-2007 data. The 500 codes were customized for this variable and likely won't be used elsewhere. Also, there were 48 people who didn't answer IS018REM but answered this follow-up question. I recoded them don't know for IS018REM. PROBLEMS No problems other than what is mentioned in the overview. PEOPLE Conrad Warnke - Writing code to create analysis variables; making corrections to raw data, and writing the COR. REFERENCES None.