10/10/06 HRELI - Graduate Spouse Religion Module cor909.txt OVERVIEW The religion section for the 2004 - 2006 interview of spouses of the WLS graduates asks only one question. This question asks about frequency of attendance at religious services in the last year. Answers are accepted at the unit of day, week, month or year and converted into the total number of times per year. Religious preference of the spouses is not measured here because it was collected in the 2003 - 2005 graduate instrument. BRIEF VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS al101re - Indicates if GSR is in 80% religion sample al002rec - Raw numeric component for frequency of GSR's religious attendance in past year al003red - Units to go with numeric component for frequency of GSR's religious attendance al004rec - Frequency of GSR's religious attendance converted from raw numeric component and units to total times in the past year PROBLEMS When reporting frequency of service attendance, some respondents noted that they participated in other types of groups outside of church services such as bible study or choir. Other respondents stated that they do not regularly attend services, but have gone to weddings and funerals during the year. PEOPLE Justin Resnick - Checking of notes, coding and correction of raw data, writing of the COR. Luke Piefer - Compilation of variable list, creation of analysis variables, checking of notes, coding and correction of data. Matt Mulvahill - Coding and correction of data, creation of analysis variables. NOTES See handbook for additional notes.