SVOL Volunteer Module For more information on the Volunteer Module see Appendix G. OVERVIEW The Volunteer Module contains questions about sibling respondents' volunteer, blood donation, and caregiving activities. - Questions about volunteer and blood donation activities are new to the 2005 telephone instrument. Only respondents in the 79% random sub-sample were asked the questions about volunteering and blood donation. Variable cu001re is a flag from the Alcohol Module which equals 1 if respondents were in the sub-sample and 0 if they were not. - Questions about caregiving were introduced in 1994 and asked again in 2005. In 1994, questions about caregiving activities were contained in an independent Caregiving Module. Questions pertained to both care received by the respondent and care given by the respondent to a family member or friend. For the 2005 wave, respondents were only asked about care given to a family member or friend, and the questions are located within the Volunteer Module. Although some caregiving questions appeared in both waves, many of the questions used in 1994 were not repeated in 2005. Only the following variables, listed here as 1994 variable name/2003-05 variable name, appeared in both waves: sv016re-sv022re/cv016re-cv022re. Only respondents in the 79% random sub-sample were asked the questions about caregiving. Variable cu001re is a flag from the Alcohol Module which equals 1 if respondents were in the sub-sample and 0 if they were not. BRIEF VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS Volunteering Questions cv101re Volunteer activity during last 10 years cv102re Frequency of volunteer activity during last 10 years cv103re Volunteer activity during last 12 months cv104re-cv108re, cv110re Types of volunteer activities during last 12 months cv109re Number of volunteer activities during last 12 months cv111re-cv112rea Time spent volunteering: in a typical month, per season, or in the last 12 months cv114re Volunteer satisfaction Blood Donation cv115re Blood donation for own use (ever) cv116re Blood donation for use by others (ever) cv117re How many times donated blood (for others) during lifetime cv118re Donated blood in last 12 months (y/n) Caregiving cv001re Ever given care for 1+months to family member or friend cv060re R's relationship to care recipient cv016re In last 12 months, given care to family member or friend cv017re R's relationship to care recipient cv018re-cv022re Specifics of care given: why care was needed, when care giving began, whether care as ongoing or ended, if ended why, and whether caregiver and recipient lived together during period of care. CODING See cor607 for the construction of Century Months used in variable cv019re. Coding the Cause for Caregiving For variable cv018re, the reasons provided by respondents for why caregiving was needed by a family member or friend were coded using the ICD-9 and ICF. The ICD-9 combined with ICF provides a standardized means of coding the illnesses and conditions affecting the people who required and received care. Variable cv020re provides information as to whether caregiving ended due to the death of the recipient. More detailed explanations for ICD-9 and ICF coding are available in cor867. Coding Volunteer Activities Every effort was made to match the types of activities named by respondents in the open response ‘what other types of volunteering did you do’ variable (cv110re) to the closed categories provided for variables cv104re - cv108re. When respondents named an activity that falls outside the definition of volunteering being used here, a code for informal volunteering was given for variable cv010re. Coding for the Respondents Relationship to Care Recipient When coding the open-ended responses for the variables asking respondents to name ‘the person to whom you gave the most care ‘(variables cv060re and cv017re) the same relationship categories were used in 2003-05 as in 1993. See cor483p for the Relationship Codes used in coding cv060re and cv017re. PROBLEMS Cleaning Caregiving Variables gv060re and gv017re Variables gv060re and gv019re ask respondents to identify their relationship to the person to whom they reported giving the most care during a period of time, excluding their spouse. There were two main problems for these variables: interviewer error and response error. - First, interviewer error led to the inclusion of many cases where the respondent named their spouse. For these cases, variables gv060re, gv017re and all related variables were recoded as not applicable. - In the case of respondent error, respondents either could not or would not identify a single person who received the most care for either variable. Using the audio files from the interviews, if it was clear than one of the people named received more care than the others, the case was recoded for this single person. PEOPLE Joe Savard - coded open ended responses, checked notes, made corrections to the raw data, wrote the cor, and wrote the command file to create the analysis variables. Rachel Malec - coded cause of death variables. REFERENCES "International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision Clinical Modification: ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes" (Volumes 1 & 2). Washington, D.C.: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 1998.