05/16/06 HRECALL - Graduate Spouse Module cor900.txt OVERVIEW The 2004 - 2006 round of data collection is the first time that the spouses of the graduates have completed the word recall cognitive task. The purpose of this task is to help provide a measure for the cognitive ability of the respondent. The task consists of two parts. For the first part, the interviewer reads the following instructions to the respondent: "Part of this study is concerned with people's memory. I'll read a set of 10 words and ask you to recall as many as you can. Please listen carefully as I read the set of words. I'm not allowed to repeat any of the words, so it's important that you can hear me very well. When I finish, I will ask you to recall aloud as many of the words as you can, in any order. Is this clear? Ok. The list is...". The interviewer then reads one of two lists of ten words, which appear one at a time on the interviewer's computer screen. Once the interviewer finishes, the respondent repeats back as many words as he or she can remember and the interviewer records the repeated words. The second task occurs eight minutes later on average. For the second task, the respondent is told: "A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now." The respondent then recalls as many words as he or she can remember from the original list. The purpose of these two tasks is to test the respondent's memory immediately after hearing something and then a short time later for comparison. BRIEF VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS ai401re Indicates if GSR is in word recall 80% sample. ai402re Creates 50% random sample to select word list 1 or 2 for GSR. ai403re - ai412re Dichotomous variables for whether or not GSR remembered each word on the list in immediate. ai413re Number of correct words that GSR repeated in immediate. ai414re Number of incorrect words that GSR said in immediate. ai416re Amount of elapsed time between immediate and delayed. ai417re Number of words GSR did recall in delayed and did not recall in immediate. ai418re Number of words GSR forgot from immediate to delayed. ai419re Flag for review of immediate recall module. ai420re Result of review of immediate recall module. ai421re - ai435re Order of words that GSR recalled in immediate. ai447re - ai456re Dichotomous variables for whether or not GSR remembered each word on the list in delayed. ai457re Number of correct words that GSR repeated in delayed. ai458re Number of incorrect words that GSR said in delayed. ai459re Flag for review of delayed recall module. ai460re Result of review of delayed recall module. ai461re - ai475re Order of words that GSR recalled in delayed. CODING ai416re - ai418re & ai447re - ai475re Some respondents took a break in the interview after the immediate recall section, but before the delayed section. These respondents, therefore, could not complete the delayed recall module, and so, received the code "MULTIPLE SESSIONS" (-15). ai421re - ai435re & ai461re - ai475re These variables receive a "DON'T KNOW/TASK COMPLETE" (-1) response as soon as respondent stops recalling words. Hence, -1s grow cumulatively throughout section until every respondent has finished. PROBLEMS Some respondents had problems during the word recall task that interviewers noted for review. In addition, the word recall reviewers selected certain cases for review based upon score, problem codes, or other strange occurrences. For detailed information on selected cases and review procedures, see cor900a. PEOPLE Justin Resnick - Compilation of variable list, checking of notes, correction of raw data, supervision of case review, creation of analysis variables, and writing of the COR. Lindsay Erickson - review and correction of cases, coding and correction of raw data. Jeremy Freese - Selection of strange cases for review, writing of code for creation of analysis variables, and oversight/supervision of the module. NOTES Some respondents who refused the immediate recall task did not complete the delayed recall task due to partial interviews or multiple sessions. Therefore, the refusals for immediate are not all the same as the refusals for delayed. While the maximum number of answers a respondent is allowed to provide in the word recall tasks is twenty-six, all respondents completed the task in fifteen. For this reason, only fifteen iterations are included rather than all twenty-six. During case review, coders noticed and corrected some instances in which the interviewer entered words in the wrong order. Because coders cannot catch all instances of this error, users who are interested in word order might consider grouping the order variables into pairs to ensure maximum accuracy. Spoiled cases from review are likely to be biased toward high and low scores because most of the cases were reviewed due to strange scores.