/* STATUS MACRO.SAS June 2000 SAS command file to be used with cor713m to assign various mappings using 1970-basis occupation, industry and class of worker. Users should carefully read the documentation included in cor713m.sas before proceeding. This file provides a method to easily feed the information required for mapping to cor713m. All editing takes place in this file (status macro.sas). There is no need to edit cor713m. In order to use this file, you must do the following: 1. Edit the libname statement to refer to the directory containing your data. 2. Edit the filename statement to refer to the complete path and filename for cor713m. 3. Edit the %let statements so that they refer to the names of the input and output datasets. 4. Add one macro call for each desired mapping. The calls should be placed as indicated below. There are 8 macro variables. In order to create a new mapping, three variables must be specified: occ, measure, and varout. Each macro call starts with '%mapping' - the name of the macro. Then, in parentheses, the information for mapping is provided to the macro. occ= the name of the 1970 census OCCUPATION variable. ind= the name of the 1970 census INDUSTRY variable, if any. the default is missing variable (-9). cow= the name of the 1970 census CLASS OF WORKER variable, if any. the default is missing variable (-9). measure= the mapping desired. Options are: MAJIND70 major industry MAJOCC70 major occupation DUNCAN70 Duncan SEI SEIGEL70 Seigel Prestige MSEI270 MSEI2 TSEI270 TSEI2 OCCED Occupational Education Score OCCINC Occupational Income Score varout= the name of the new variable containing the mapping. unless varout or varoutsl is specified, no new variable is included in the output dataset. varoutsl= for OCCED & OCCINC measures only. the name of the new variable containing the started logit of the requested score. unless varout or varoutsl is specified, no new variable is included in the output dataset. wave1= 0 or 1. 1 provides WLS wave 1 style missing data codes. 0 provides WLS wave 2 & 3 style missing data codes. the default is 0. census= 0 or 1. 1 treats census allocation codes as imputations for missing data. 0 treats allocation codes as used in the WLS. See cor713m for details. the default is 0. macro call examples: * %mapping (occ=ochh57u,ind=inhh57u,cow=cwhh57u,measure=duncan70,varout=padunc); * %mapping (occ=ochh57u,ind=inhh57u,cow=cwhh57u,measure=siegel70,varout=pasieg); * %mapping (occ=OCASSK, measure=msei270,varout=ocasmsei); ; */ libname wls 'c:\wls'; filename cor713m "c:\wls\cor713m.sas"; %let oldfile=wls.wls_in ; %let newfile=wls.wls_out ; *DO NOT EDIT BETWEEN THIS LINE; data work.status; set &oldfile; novarout=.; nosl=.; run; %macro mapping (occ,measure,varout=novarout,varoutsl=nosl, ind=-9,cow=-9,wave1=0,census=0); data work.status; set work.status; %include cor713m; run; %mend; *AND THIS LINE; *INSERT MACRO CALLS HERE; *DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE; run; data &newfile (drop=novarout nosl); set work.status; run;