COR612A SUMMARY: This is a comprehensive list of all job variables created for 1975-77 data. [It does NOT include any reference to 1957, tax, and 1964 variables.] For a review of ALL ind/occ/cw and related variables see MEMO122. INDUSTRY - NOT available for all variables OCCUPATION - IS available for all variables CLASS/WORKER - NOT available for all variables MAJOR INDUSTRY - Calculated the same for all variables - MAJIND COR521C twelve categories (originally created in COR226 then corrected in COR569) MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP II - Requires CW, calculated whenever possible - MAJOCC COR521C seventeen categories - created originally in COR226 and code repeated in COR521C. Called Occupational Categories throughout original codebook! CHANGE ALL 17 CATEGORY MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP CODES TO BE Major Occupational Groups! This will make the variable names consistent with those used for the Wave 2 data. Major Occupational Groups will always refer to the 17 category version of the variable. MAJOR GROUP - Does not require CW, only calculated when GROUP II not possible - COR226 twelve categories called Major Occupational Groups throughout original codebook! CHANGE ALL 12 CATEGORY MAJOR OCCUPATION GROUP CODES TO BE Occupational Groups! Creation of Status (Duncan) Scores: With all data present: use COR521C - DUNC=Status When class of worker is missing: use COR613A When industry is missing: use COR613B which will map directly from occupation lines into male prestige scores and is not dependent upon industry. Creation of Prestige (Siegel/NORC) Scores: With all data present: use COR521C - SIEG=Prestige When class of worker is missing: also use COR521C - SIEG because class of worker is not needed for these scores. When industry is missing: use COR613B which will map directly from occupation lines into male prestige scores and is not dependent upon industry.