COR #498 To: WLS, WLS Coding Staff From: S C Noah Uhrig ***************************** PROBLEM: Some organizations and job descriptions at which a respondent is employed can not be classified by the 1970 U.S. Census occupation and industry classification system. These tasks and firms are generally determined to have developed recently and therefore have cannot be captured by the 1970 classification system. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau has changed their classification system for both the 1980 and 1990 censuses. For example, Video Cassette Records (VCR) rental stores simply did not exist in 1970. These stores could not, therefore, be classified by the 1970 codes. A second example, the bundle of tasks performed by a "paralegal" are not uniformly codable by the 1970 classification system -- several codes capture these tasks. Whereas, the 1990 system has single specific code for the bundle of tasks considered "paralegal". SOLUTION: Follow these steps when you suspect the 1970 coding system does not extend to the tasks or industry you are attempting to code. 1) Search for a code through the 1990 U.S. Census occupation and industry classification system. 2) Perform both of the following tasks: a) Look for possibly related titles in the 1990 Classified Index of Occupation and Industry codes. b) Ascertain the Classified Title for the occupation or industry (example the title on pages XI to XXIII of the 1990 Alphabetic Index). 3) Use the results of step two for the following tasks: a) Search the 1970 Alphabetic Index using the related titles found in the 1990 Classified Index. b) Use the 1990 Classified Title to identify the same or a similar classified title in the 1970 Classified Title list. 4) Once a series of codes has been identified via steps 2) and 3), determine which is the closest the tasks or organization described by the respondent. Allocate as necessary.