6/12/07 SPAR - Parent Module cor973.txt OVERVIEW Information about the Sibling Respondent's parent(s) was collected in the following manner: -Mortality status of the respondent's mother was requested. If the respondent's mother was deceased,information about the date, place and cause of death was ascertained. If the respondent's mother was living, information about her health, living situation, and frequency of contact with the respondent was ascertained. For a random 50 percent sample of respondents with living mothers, information about closeness and similarity in outlook was ascertained as well. If data on the respondent's mother's date of birth or name was missing from existing records, that information was ascertained as well regardless of the mortality status of the respondent's mother. All respondents were asked the nationality of their mother regardless of her mortality status. -Mortality status of the respondent's father was requested. If the respondent's father was deceased,information about the date, place and cause of death was ascertained. If the respondent's father was living, information about his health, whether he was currently married to and living with the respondent's mother if both were reported as living, his living situation if the respondent's father was not currently living with the respondent's living mother, and frequency of contact with the respondent was ascertained. For a random 50 percent sample of respondents with living fathers, information about closeness and similarity in outlook was ascertained as well. If data on the respondent's father's date of birth, name, or nationality was missing from existing records, that information was ascertained as well regardless of the mortality status of the respondent's father. -Comparison questions concerning work, finances, and family were asked of a random 50 percent of respondents whose same-sex parent lived to at least age 60. A random 10 percent of respondents whose same sex parent lived to at least age 60 were also asked to a comparison question concerning education. -Mortality status of the respondent's father and mother-in-law were ascertained if the respondent was currently married according to information collected in the interview in the marriage module. BRIEF VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS CE050MA-CE061MAB: Variables for Mother of Respondent: Year of Birth, Year of Death, Cause of Death, Nationality, Health, Residence, Contact with R, Similar Outlook to R, Closeness with R. CE062FA-CE073FAB: Variables for Father of Respondent: Year of Birth,Year of Death, Cause of Death, Nationality, Health, Residence, Contact with R, Similar Outlook to R, Closeness with R. CE074PAB-CE075PAC: Variables for Parents of Respondent: Married to Each Other, Same Residence. CE076PAC-CE079PAD: Variables for Same Sex Parent of Respondent: Lived to Age 60, Similarity to R in Education, Similarity to R in Work,Similarity to R Financially. CE080MI: Mortality Status of Mother-in-Law if the Respondent was Currently Married. CE085FI: Mortality Status of Father-in-Law if the Respondent was Currently Married. OPEN-ENDED CODING DECISIONS Within the parent module for the sibling survey, the items >Eu142g< and >Eu142i< ascertain the living situation of the respondents' living mothers and fathers. In coding open-ended responses for these items, certain responses were recorded in the following manner: 1) "retirement home" was coded as "senior citizen housing"; 2) "retirement center" was coded as "senior citizen housing"; and 3) "retirement community" was coded as "community-based care". Items >E470b<, >E470bb<, >E476f<, and >E476ff< ascertain the degree of closeness and similarity in outlook the respondent has with each living parent. In some instances, the respondent indicated s/he could not answer the question appropriately because the living parent in question was mentally incapacitated. In these instances, the above items were coded as "Significant other mentally incapacitated." For respondents who were unable to choose a single answer for these scaled items, the first response they gave was coded. Items >E412s< and >E148mm< ascertain how far from the respondent a parent lives. For respondents who provided the location of their parents but no estimated distance, we coded rough estimates from state to state. For respondents who indicated they lived with their parent for only part of the year, 'other living situation' was coded. Items >E158f< and >E162f< ascertain the mortality status of in-laws for currently married respondents. In some instances, respondents provided the mortality status of in-laws from a previous marriage; only the mortality status of current in-laws was coded. Priority was also given to biological parents of current spouses over stepparents in regard to these items. When cause of death of the mother or father was attained, many open ended responses were given. These were coded by Rachel Malec, and all decisions and rules can be found in cor867.txt PROBLEMS The only problem regarding the instrument were a handful of cases that, although they were flagged to be asked the comparison questions, were not because the ages of the same sex parent was equal to the respondents at the time of the interview. Other minor path error's occured when the wrong date of birth or death was recalled by the respondent. For example they would know the date of death, and how old they were at the time of death, but when they did the math, gave an incorrect year of birth. Mistakes like these would then lead to the instrument skipping the questions they were flagged to answer becasue of a age miscalculation. While these problems were minor, they are worth mentioning. PEOPLE Rachel Malec - Writing code to create analysis variables, making corrections to raw data, checking of notes, making corrections, coding/supervising coding of open-ended responses, and writing the COR. (Mainly modified from Megan Andrew's graduate cor873.txt) Caitlin Gilbert - Making corrections to raw data, coding of open-ended responses REFERENCES Cause of death - gd008 is coded to ICD9 codes using "International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision Clinical Modification: ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes" (Volumes 1 & 2). Washington, D.C.: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 1998.