05/07/07 shh - Household Module cor968.txt OVERVIEW Information about the Graduate Respondent's household was collected in the following manner: - Information regarding the respondent, spouse, children, and parents was gathered in separate modules. Information regarding other household members was gathered in the household module. - The respondent was asked if anybody lives in their household other than individuals discussed previously in the interview. - For each additional household member, the respondent was asked for the individual's relationship to the respondent, name, sex, age, and length of time living together. - After information was collected on each additional household member, the respondent was asked if anybody in the household had a physical or mental condition, illness, or disability. If so, details of this condition were gathered. BRIEF VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS General information ------------------- ce001he: Number of household members. Includes the respondent. ce002he: Number of household members with any physical or mental condition, illness, or disability which limits what they are able to do. Includes the respondent. Rostered variables ------------------ The roster allows for up to twelve household members. The last two digits of the variable indicate the table number. For example, CE00501 tells the age of the first household member; CE00502 tells us the age of the second household member. ce003: Section of the questionnaire from which information for 1st household member was obtained. ce004: Relationship of household member to the respondent. ce005: Age of household member. ce006: First most serious physical or mental condition, illness, or disability of household member (Respondent). ce016: First most serious physical or mental condition, illness, or disability of household member, using collapsed ICD-9 codes. ce007: Second most serious physical or mental condition, illness, or disability of household member. ce017: Second most serious physical or mental condition, illness, or disability of household member, using collapsed ICD-9 codes. ce008: Roster ID of the household member. ce009: Number of years Member has lived with R PROBLEMS - Several variables have cases that are not yet coded. These values are currently labeled as "To be coded". These will be completed for the official release. PEOPLE Brendan Day (???) - Coding of Household module for Cases instrument. Conrad Warnke - Writing code to create analysis variables, making corrections to raw data, checking of notes, and writing the COR. REFERENCES Cause of death - ce00601 - ce00612 are coded to ICD9 codes using "International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision Clinical Modification: ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes" (Volumes 1 & 2). Washington, D.C.: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 1998.