12/20/05 GSIB - Sibling Module cor844.txt OVERVIEW Information about the Graduate Respondent's siblings was collected in the following manner: - In 1975, Graduate Respondents were asked about siblings including those who were born alive but were no longer living. Information ascertained included: number of sisters, number of older sisters, number of brothers, number of older brothers. The Graduate Respondents were asked details about living siblings: name, sex, relationship, age, and level of education. Relationship of this sibling was not specified. Information on a twin was ascertained if appropriate. One of the currently living siblings was randomly chosen as a selected sibling and additional questions were asked about this sibling. A random sample of these selected siblings were interviewed in 1977. In 1993-94, many of these siblings were interviewed again. The sample included: those who were eligible for interview in 1977, and all others for whom the corresponding graduate was interviewed in 1992-93. In 2003-05, the selected siblings who were interviewed in 1977 or 1993-94 were once again fielded. - In the 1992-93 survey, if the graduate was not interviewed in 1975, the questions which were asked of the 1975 graduates about siblings were asked of the graduate respondent. Differences between 1975 and 1992-93 sibling roster collection: 1992-93 graduate respondents were specifically instructed to include biological, adopted and step livings siblings; 1975 respondents were asked to list "your living brothers and sisters". Details about siblings from 1992-93 interview were "filled into" the 1975 sibling variables. Graduates who responded in both 1975 and 1992-93, were only questions about the sibling who was randomly selected in 1975. For 1975 nonrespondents, one of the currently living siblings was randomly chosen as the selected sibling in 1992-93. - From July 2003 to August 2004, the Graduate Respondents were asked to list any siblings they grew up with who were no longer living. The intent was to learn year of death, age at death and cause of death for all siblings. Many graduates did not report information about siblings who died in childhood because they did not grow up with them. On August 19, 2004, the question was changed to "Do you have any full or half siblings who are no longer living?" THESE ITEMS WERE NOT ASKED FOR EACH KNOWN SIBLING BUT WERE POSED AS A GENERAL QUESTION. As a result, previously unknown siblings may have been enumerated. If previously enumerated siblings were still living, no additional information was ascertained about them in 2003-05. Any siblings enumerated in previous surveys were considered to be alive if not listed as deceased during this interview. For cases where total number of siblings enumerated during this survey and previous surveys is less than report of siblings ever born, the selected sibling is asked the question "Do you have any full or half siblings who are no longer living?" during the 2004-06 selected sibling interview. That information will be used to "fill in" gaps in the graduate respondent report if possible. Details about selected sibling's current occupation, and contact, closeness, comparison, between grad and selected sibling were also obtained in 2003-05 graduate interview. BRIEF VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS gk067ss Total number of siblings ever born. gk068sc Number of living siblings at time of 2004 interview. gk069s-gk070s Graduate respondent grew up with any brothers or sisters who had a disability or mental illness; or who are no longer living? gk071re-gk073re Sibling roster information: graduate respondent position, selected sibling position, and number of siblings in sibling roster. Roster Entries, one for each of up to 13 siblings. Last two digit/ digits indicate the roster number. Only the prefix is listed below. gk029 Gender of sibling. gk130 Year of sibling's birth. gk131 Year sibling added to sib roster. gk132, gk133 Roster ID and entity number of sibling. gk001-gk008 Mortality status; year, age and cause of death of sibling. gk082 Education of sibling at time of 1975 or 1993 interview. gk083 Year education in gk082 was ascertained. Information About the Randomly Selected Sibling. One sibling was randomly selected in 1975 or 1993 (for 1975 nonrespondents). A random 1/3 sample of 1975 selected siblings were eligible for interview in 1977; and siblings selected in 1975 were eligible for interview in 1994. Thus the selected sibling who is reported about in this graduate sibling module is the same as the sibling respondent in the 1977 and 1994 sibling surveys. gk001ss-gk008ssc Mortality status, year of death, age at time of death, state of residence and cause of death for selected sibling. gk009ssc-gk027ssc For deceased selected siblings: details about work sib usually did including COW, 1990 census codes, major occupation and industry codes, Nakoa-Treas Prestige Rating, 1990 occupational education and occupational income scores, and year sib stopped working at this job. gk029ssd Selected sibling's gender, year of birth and relationship to graduate respondent. gk034ssd,gk036ssd Selected sibling's marital status and current work status. gk074ss-gk275ss Selected sibling live with graduate respondent? Selected sibling state of residence. Correction to preloaded address? gk057ssd-gk060ssg Frequency of contact respondent has with selected sibling, or date respondent last saw selected sibling. gk061ssd-gk062ssd Similarity of respondent and selected sibling on general outlook and closeness of respondent and selected sibling. gk063ssd-gk065ssd Comparison of respondent and selected sibling in terms of education, work, and finances. CODING See cor867 for cause of death coding. PROBLEMS Problems occurred in the coding of the Cases instrument and during the interviewing process. Problems with the instrument that affected codes for analysis variables are included as notes with the affected variables in the codebook. Details regarding the problems with individual cases which occurred during the interviewing process are listed in cor844a.xls. PEOPLE Brendan Day - Coding of Sibling module for Cases instrument. Megan Andrew - Checking of notes, making corrections, coding/supervising coding of open-ended responses, and writing the COR. Linda Jordan - Writing code to create analysis variables, making corrections to raw data, and writing the COR. REFERENCES Cause of death - gd008 is coded to ICD9 codes using "International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision Clinical Modification: ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes" (Volumes 1 & 2). Washington, D.C.: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 1998. 1990 Census Detailed Occupation and Industry codes - gk019sse and gk020sse: "1990 Census of Population and Housing Classified Index of Industries and Occupations." 1990 CPH-R-4, 1992. 1990 Occ Ed and Occ Inc scores - gk024sse, gk025sse: Hauser, Robert M. and John Robert Warren. 1997. "Socioeconomic Indexes for Occupations: A Review, Update, and Critique." Pp. 177-298 in _Sociological Methodology_, edited by Adrian Raftery. Cambridge: Blackwell. 1989 Nakao-Treas Prestige Rating - gk023sse: Nakao, Keiko and Judith Treas. 1994. "Updating Occupational Prestige and Socioeconomic Scores: How the New Measures Measure Up." Pp. 1-72 in _Sociological Methodology, 1994_, edited by Peter Marsden. Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.